
Please try and go back and delete this image --- you may have to insert a . or something in the space, to replace it, thanks a lot.

Good job. Removing flags now. Thanks for being good about this.

We asked you in the post to not drop links, and I support Omar, as people know - but can you please remove these links?


okay sure thing! my appologies

did i do it right?

The image is still there, but my steempower has it hidden, but I will remove my flag for you, because you tried and have been respectful.

I would hope you don't spam posts, and are more mindful of this stuff in the future, on this platform.

Thank you, I love this platform. I wouldn't want to do anything to jeopardize it. This is really a great video I worked hard on to put together. I guess i was just searching for too much exposure too fast. Im a huge fan of Omar, I didn't mean any disrespect:)

I have donated many times to Omar and shared a lot of his work and tried to help his exposure too, I understand and it is good you understand the issues, here. I appreciate what you mean here. I get it.

Thank you again 🙏☺️kindly :)

You are very welcome, you handled this well.

I get spammed a lot, and there are 250 000 accts here now, some days, you just have enough.

Good job by you, handling this nicely.

No problem ^_^ I totally understand!

Flagged at full strength for not respecting the rules written in the post and this affects your reputation. I will remove the flag on this if you remove the post as requested. Don't drop links on posts that ASK you upfront not to drop links. Disrespectful, you likely never read my post anyways and don't care.

hi my apologies, I will remove it immediatly! I did not mean any harm, sorry again

hi sorry im not too sure how i remove it?