Welcome to the first in the ongoing #SteemitBloggersSupport Series
A few days ago I was tagged in the comments section of someone’s rant post about Steemit and how you will never make it here if you have not done so already etc. etc. (in fact there were so many complaints about the platform, I failed to understand why she was bothering to even express it to all of us, and ON the platform that she so very clearly has such a distaste for in the first place) - but alas there she was - claiming to "not want the earnings", yet simultaneously moaning about the lack of such... "expecting" genuine engagement, yet at the same time refusing to open her mind to anything other than her own sphere of negative opinion - and this after being on Steemit for just on two months... (my mind boggles...)
Anyway, I was tagged as an example of someone who has worked their way up the platform through sheer consistency and persistence and when I went to go and see what the context of the post was all about and left my feedback, I was met with as much venom as the post itself oozed… if not more.
I said what I wanted to say, but when I realised that I was essentially talking to a brick wall of bitterness, I walked away – I have better things to do with my time than to get wrapped up in a conversation with a “poor me, the world hates me and nothing goes right for me, EVER!” Individual - as nine times out of ten, it is fruitless.
Life is WAY too short to get consumed in such negativity
Then, today, I came across a “support minnows” post by @yoo1900 which had been resteemed by @snowpea. Apart from the fact that I think that is a fantastic initiative, it got me reflecting on yesterday’s “rant” incident…
Now, as much as the “derogatory, expectant, self-righteous, entitled and pessimistic attitude of this woman towards me, Steemit, people and life in general irritated me to no end, it did get me thinking… I know how discouraged one can get when you first walk into this space – I was there! (not very long ago either) Like I mentioned to her, I have not invested ANY money into this platform – well nothing worth mentioning anyway and from the time I was even remotely established, I made a decision that I wanted to assist those around me to grow – which as many of you will know, is why I founded the @steemitbloggers discord server in 2017.
We have gone from having our doors open and seeing sometimes 50+ people walk through our discord doors a day towards the end of 2017, but controlling the levels of spam and plagiarism became almost impossible. So at the beginning of this year, I closed our doors and concentrated on weeding all of that out and building a close knit community of quality bloggers which is what my intention was all along. We have now VERY successfully achieved that and I have every intention of keeping it that way. I have received copious amounts of “hate mail” over the months from people that have been kicked from our community for “whatever” reason, and I know that many “scowl” at me, but to be quite frank – I don’t care! They didn’t follow the very simple rules, so were kicked - Simple as that. My objective was ALWAYS for quality over quantity, which is what we have now, and new members are allowed into our AMAZEBALLS family by invitation only.

Why am I telling you all of this?
Well, the incident yesterday and seeing that post today, made me think about how not just me, but my community and I can collectively support quality content that is repeatedly going unnoticed… and so this is what I am going to start doing…
I am going to start an ONGOING series, (starting with this one) - featuring 3 QUALITY posts from the Steemit feed published by authors with a ranking of 50 and below which I think deserve some attention. I will upvote these posts
(vote value at my discretion) and then I will share them with my @steemitbloggers community for additional support.
I am not going to insist on their support, but my family knows good quality content when they see it, and are such a fantabulous group of people I have no doubt that 90% of them would jump on board - BUT - I would like the selections to appeal to them… if they do, then I will leave the rest up to them as individuals as to whether they show some upvote and comment support on any or all of the posts showcased.
Steemit needs a lot more of this kind of positive action, to afford newcomers a little “light” at the end of the minnow tunnel so to speak… (and to potentially diminish those horridly negative rants we so often see). As a community the #steemitbloggers are fantastically supportive of one another, and I think this is a fantastic way for us to not only HIGHLIGHT specific individuals that are drowning in the ocean, but also to give back to the Steemit community as a whole.
Before I get to today’s three selections, I would like to make mention of two important things… If you would like to me to take a look at your content, then please do so by one of the two following methods:
A - Use the tag #steemitbloggerssupport
B - Pop your post link into the comments of one of these regular posts
Yes, I have given nothing short of blood, sweat and tears here on Steemit since I joined in June last year, BUT (and it’s a BIG but) - I have also had countless people support me along the way… and it is never a bad time to find a way to give back even MORE to such an awesome platform! – and I KNOW that my AMAZING #steemitbloggers family will share my sentiment on this.
So, now that I am done rambling – let’s get to it shall we ;)
Welcome to the first in the ongoing
#SteemitBloggersPayitForward Series
"Our World as a Spider's"
By: @mepatriot
Have you ever stopped to consider the amazing enormity of what spiders accomplish when spinning their webs? Have you ever wondered what that experience would be like for the onlooker, it the spiders were the same size as we humans? Well, here is your first chance to imagine with your mind's eye what that might be like, TO SCALE.
My experiences in doing digital art and what I have learned so far.
By: @sirwayneweezy
I have been doing this for weeks now and I'm trying to get myself the hang of it although I only use my aunt's ipad and a pen that is covered in a tinfoil since I'm still saving money for a wacom tablet, It was rough and it still is, I wasn't comfortable with it, I'm having a hard time adjusting since I can't hang my palms on the screen or else I would mess up my drawings and yeah for the most part I was struggling to find the right applications and the brush settings in doing my first digital art I took me approximately five hours or more and my neck hurts a lot it was really hard for me but I try to adapt week after week and try to lay my most comfortable position and learn also keeping myself motivated.
Macrophotography flowers
By: @lifestylebyjob
Macrophotography is not easy.
My hands shake 😁, the flowers move in the wind.
I am a firm believer that every little bit helps which is one of the primary things that has driven me forward on Steemit and in life as a whole... so I genuinely hope that this minor offering, makes a difference to the whole...
And THIS is how I deal with negative rant-ers on Steemit ;)
Onward and upward to each and every one of us here
who retains a positive attitude no matter what...
and last but not least...
a BIG thank you to @intothewild
for not only acknowledging my efforts here on Steemit,
but for highlighting the fact that perseverance truly does pay off!
If more people directed a HALF of the energy they expend on WHINGING
towards being positive, productive and constructive -
they might actually get somewhere...
no matter WHAT their ultimate objective may be...
Until next time...
Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx


Follow our AMAZING community of QUALITY bloggers @steemitbloggers
If you are a PASSIONATE foodie then why not take part
in my ongoing cooking challenge...
This challenge is open to EVERYONE
(Boys and girls, Young and old)
whether you consider yourself a professional,
novice or complete disaster in the kitchen!
You can scout for one of my latest announcements
by searching the "new" feed for the below tag
Do you write positive, motivational or inspiring content?
Want it given a little more attention?
Then why not support...
@theluvbug is all about spreading the STEEMIT LOVE
with upvotes and resteems of
Use #theluvbug to get my attention :)
Uffda! I just got to read your replies. I absolutely didn't mean to get you into that @jaynie! But I think you handled it well. Negativity is such a drain on us, why not be positive and lift people up instead of nag about what's not going right for me!?
I love this initiative that your rolling out! Your work on @steemitbloggers is awesome at helping minnows and this new pay it forward plan I think will catapult #steemitbloggers to bigger and better heights, which is good news for everyone.
#truestory #positivevibes #steemon
Keep being you and making this place better for all of us! Much love!
In the spirit of the Ninja Turtles and as my son likes to say.... "BOOYAKASHAAA!!!" ;)
Negativity can be found everywhere. If Lucifer will develop negative ideas towards his master, then who are we humans?
What an awesome initiative! I am a part of several groups who help minnows on steemit (like @newbieresteemday, @greetersguild, and @asapers), and the latest one is as a judge in on ongoing "Pay it Forward Curation Contest" started by thedarkhorse (in it's 6th week now) where people submit a curation post highlighting three deserving steemians under reputation 50 (sounding familiar yet? :). As a judge, I of course look at the entry and then visit the three showcased bloggers as well. Last week we had 30 entries; it has been growing weekly! I also just wrote a post highlighting 4 steemians who have written blogs in support of Brian and I, in the hopes of more people visiting their personal pages.
I am all about helping and out newbies (not those negative Nellie's like you talked about here haha), but those who genuinely want to learn and succeed here. Also, the whole idea of paying it forward is something I've prescribed to in my real life as well! This @jaynie, is just another reason why I'm so proud to be a member of our amazing family! Thank you ;)
And it is people like YOU hon, that make the world go round!!! and agreed.... BOOOO to negative nancies lol ;)
Aww thank you!!
haha negative nancies...good one :)
To get anywhere in life you have to work hard.Nothing gets handed to you on a plate these days( unless your born into royalty that is- lol). When i joined steemit it has only been just over 3months.My first post was viewed by 2 individuals.lol.It has slowly improved not where i want it to be but i will get there.You have to be on here for the long haul.It is not a get quick rich scheme far from it.
It must really do your nut in @jaynie when you get that abuse.There is no need.Just bitter individuals moaning and not being proactive.If your content is good at some point it will be aknowledged.You just have to have faith and also motivated to upvote and comment on others post.
Loving your new incentive great way to showcase hidden talent.Only recently discovered the new termonology as one of my posts was a (Truffle).Well i will defo be partaking in it.Thanks for the opportunity @jaynie.
If its any consilation i think your fabulous darling.👍💛🤗
Thank you hon!!! I really do appreciate both the positive feedback as well as your AWESOME positive attitude!!! Keep on, keeping on ;)
Here you were following me but I didn't even know lol! I fixed that and am following you now!
People really need to be grateful for what they have. I started blogging in Sept with nothing as well, and have now been able to buy my kids school supplies, afford to join a homeschool legal defense group, get sandals for my kids this summer, and buy a small delegation. All because of the wonderful people here who appreciate what I do. Sometimes it's hard not to see the negative, but people like @yoo1900 supporting minnows, @canadian-coconut and @markwhittam supporting important causes, @arunava supporting undervalued posts, @dwinblood giving voice to a variety of news and perspectives, @thealliance for supporting each other, and you, highlighting undervalued posts. I could go on and on, (this is just in my circle lol) and people will still choose to see what they want...
So true @snowpea... as they say... "You can take a horse to water, but..."
Appreciate the support!! And hope everything is going well with your "littles" :)
I swear, sometimes it just feels like we're living in the "Age of Entitlement." People feel like they are entitled to money for nothing, and to get the same benefits as hard workers for sitting on the sofa eating bon-bons. And then they get all butthurt because the people who work really hard seem to "miraculously" have more than they do.
The whole thing drives me nuts!
We're pretty blessed that we live in this "gift economy" on Steemit where we can bring the philosophy of "Pay it Forward" to life! Which is not to say that Steemit doesn't have its problems... but seriously? We have a very fine thing here, and you've done an amazing job turning the Steemit Bloggers initiative into "something!"
And don't let anyone rain on THAT parade! Over and out...
hahahaha!!!! fiesty! - LOVE IT @denmarguy ;) And yes agreed! Very well said!!!
And there you have it. This is why I delegate all my Steem Power to others and this is why I launched the @asapers project. To improve the overall experience on Steemit. For everyone.
The @asapers is a manual curation team that shares the rewards from each issue with the featured authors. In an attempt to help newcomers to get more exposure and visibility we resteem and upvote the featured articles and share the rewards with the authors too. This is pay-it-forward in a nutshell. I love it.
Thanks for sharing!
AWESOME!!! Always a pleasure to meet other "proactive" people on Steemit! I am on my way to go check out @asapers. Thank you too - for your wonderfully positive input on this - it is much appreciated!!!
We all need to do our little bit :)
Lovely to "meet" you @hitmeasap :)
I have no words, except to say that you are awesome and this is a fabulous idea. I clearly missed the other post in which you were tagged, but that doesn't matter. I agree 100000000% with your sentiments. The #steemitbloggers community is equally awesome and I would not have acheived what I have, as a very part time Steemian were it not for you and the @steemitbloggers family. So actually that was quite a lot of words! LOL
Thank you @fionasfavourites - That means a lot to me! MWAH!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Awesome way to turn a negative experience into a positive for many more people! Steemit is awesome, people spent in some cases 3-5-8, even 10 years building their audience on facebook, then they come here and for some reason think they don't have to work as hard to build it again. I'm so grateful to have found Steemit when I did, and to have come across some helpful hints ( like comment, comment , comment at first!). Looking forward to seeing where Steemit goes!
That is SOOOOOO true!!!! people are so full of sh!t! lol :)
So many of my creative friends end up as one post wonders on here... They make a few posts, they "only" make a few cents (when did facebook even pay you a few cents?) , they don't engage other people's content, then they hear about it again a month or 2 later and decide to give it another shot, but - they lost their password and they're upset they can't create a new account with the same phone # and then they tell people Steemit is crap... Argh lol
Frustrating I know, but best ignored... let them walk away, let them rant, bitch and moan... you focus on moving forward and then smile and wave ;) lol
That was my little rant lol Hopefully someone new will read it and the light will go on for them like it did for me = "Comments!"
Like you I started out with nothing some good days and a lot of bad days. But I never complained and took everything positively. Negativity will not take you anywhere but down. Nine months after still barely a minnow but I keep on going as I love what I am doing. I am still new with the family love the support and I believe in what you are doing . Thank you. Still can't believe all those hate mails that you got. Which only means you are a celeb lol.
You have PRECISELY the right attitude @watersnake101 and everything you said is spot on! Keep on, keeping on! All good things come to those who...... keep on working their arses off ;) hahahaha
Ohhh yesss and I will be keeping on and staying for a very loooong time. 😁 so you'd better get used of seeing me around lol.
Glad to hear that :)