#SteemitAfrica! Updates In Lagos,Nigeria!

in #steemitafrica8 years ago

It's been three days since I arrived at Nigeria and I have just been trying to adjust to the place and trust me when I say it's nice. Nigeria is a Big country it has it's ups and down's but I kinda like it. Me and my team mates are having fun. *winks though @adolphnlyson had to arrive on Monday because he booked his ticket late.
We are also on the move for the massive Steemit Seminar in Nigeria to help create awareness about what Steemit can do for them, how it can help them and how they can become part of the community.
Our Steemit Flyers and customise pens have not yet arrived in Nigeria therefore we can not host the seminar yet but Our printers in Canada assured us of it's delivery by Monday Next week. So we are hopeful for the Nigerian Steemit Seminar to Take place Next week I will soon update with the Venue So You can follow me for updates. We also need to get Steemit ready for the New Registers from Africa and we are working on that too we will lunch our idea next week also. So while we are waiting it's not a crime to have fun and tour a bit round the Country. For the past few days I have had fun especially their Food I like it.
They have "SUYA" a Kinda Roasted fried Beef meat With lots of pepper.
Its not a new thing for me eating a roasted Beef meet but their has this kind of different taste.
And they have this Food its prepared with Cassava it's common Its called "GARRI" and it's eaten with A specially made soup for it. I learnt that All tribes have their different ways of preparing The Soup for The Garri. I learnt many more and even how to say Goodmorining in their Three major local Languages in IBO,YOURUBA and HAUSA. Lol.
I had to pay a visit to their National Art theater In Lagos.
My next stop now is Enugu State In Nigeria the Eastern part Of the Country Major Tribe there are the IBO'S.
And also i would love to say thank you to my Steemit friends for their support I appreciate so guys get ready because a flood of new Immigrants to Steemit is upcoming...
@adolphnlyson @louiscpt @richysagie
@stephenkendal @roelandp @benjojo @charles-d @churdtzu @adnanrahic @adolphnlyson @always1success
@aqeelmalik @bitrus2yk @businesswri @cambocleve @capper2016 @carlobelgado @chessmasterhex @cryptoriddler @cryptowallet @deus @dimidrolshina @doitvoluntarily @dunia @fem-of-war @fitexercise @followseveryone @gefa @gktown @gowldie @hebro @imagediet @infinitor @jackmiller @amesanderson @jamesbennett @joanaltres @lastminuteman @lautenglye @lordoftruth @luming @lykendream @manycoolthings @martin.the.chef @mckenzie259
@mrpliven @musahixson @noblesilence @ogoowinner @pashelleclarke @pilgrimtraveler @pqlenator @sasagood @shehryar @shockr @sidwrites @sk828man @soundlegion
@aaagent @aadyashakti @aarauz @aarkay @abcdoctor @abid2017 @ace3do @achim86
@acwood @adamflegg @adamt
@ades @adilmehraj @adrian808 @adrianmada321 @adrianobalan @adsun @stephenkendal
@afrog @ah85 @aileyan
@akkadia @alexross @alfredegrate
@alfredotime @alol @always1success
@amri @anadeleonartista @ancapwarren
@andrianna @annhoyblog @annlucca83
@anothervoice @anubhav @aqeelmalik
@argekunst @arjunmartavela @artmoney
@artpoet @artwatch @askari
@avvah @babyboybob @bakat @balajis
@barcodekiller @beng05 @besold @biggi
@bigram13 @birrulibmc @bitcoinandcoffee @bitcoinsig @blackvapor @bosmed
@brandi @brijesh.mota @brokentoyland
@bryguy @budimir @bymma @carface
@carland @carlobelgado @catchinglife
@ceyhun @chelseaside @chinadaily
@chrissymchavez @chrystaldawn
@clayford08 @condra
@coreyp @crackdown @creativeusername @crepa @crististurgill @cryptonewsblog
@cryptoriddler @cryptowallet
@dadotheshark @deepti
@deliverance @difuel @digital-entrep
@dimidrolshina @dimitrya123 @dirtdiver
@djsonic @dlina-v-metrah @doitvoluntarily @dr-boo @dreamiely @dyandayang @eazyh
@ecuadorianin @edgarsart
@edtorrez @emaa @engraqin @ericgordon @errymil @eternoinfinito
@experimental @exploretraveler
@eyeofthestorm @fannyamor
@floyd25 @followseveryone
@gabriel4589 @gabrielvlad
@gbenga @gerdadutoit @globalfoodbook @god-is-love @granit @grildrig @grottbags
@harleymechanix @healthiswealth
@hebro @hentikage @hiroyamagishi
@homesteader @iamjammartinez
@iheartyou @ilonalt @imagediet @indepthstory @ingam
@inkedandsexy @instructor2121 @ira.russia @jailbot @jakfast
@jduarte @jeanelleybee
@joanaltres @jocelin-falcon
@jonathanxvi @jonny-clearwater @jraysteem @jrhughes @julia-alexis22 @julietavives
@junglist @justtryme90
@kamus @kanedizzle85 @karenmckersie @kikiyai @kveryhappy @larutanton
@lautenglye @leanvix @leehongmun
@leopotato @lepton @lexikon082
@lightsplasher @lk666 @longnshort
@louiscpt @lukekelley @lukinsawyer
@lykencrypto @lykencypto @lykendream
@mackrc @mariandavp @marieta88
@marillaanne @markcampbell
@markwayy @martinramallo
@martyalan @marvindean @mathworksheets @matthogan @maxphill @mckenzie259 @mericanhomestead @mikey94
@mk40 @mobbs @moonpunk
@muspaytren @nakamura
@natevegas @nathanhollis
@nayzer @nezaigor @nicnas
@nitinchugh @numpypython
@oblong @omrusman @orionschariot
@orrslaw @otitrader @outerground @peak-au @pes7md @peterveton @philmesnier @pluginbinnie @pocketechange
@positivesteem @pqlenator
@prabhatchugh @predator-geoff
@quantumspirit @reconnectnature
@retired20usaf @ricardohd
@richard.pir @riostarr
@rogeer @rokasltu
@roxanad18 @roy2016
@sacred-agent @saifulbahri
@sandram @sarahber @sarahjay
@satoshikiddo @scrooger @secter @selfmadeboss @senthilm03 @sgtdestruction
@sgtechservices @sighmanjestah
@simpatoloop @sirknight
@skinnythames @smartdickhead
@snubbermike @solarguy
@south-paw @southernliving
@southerntygers @spacehoppa
@sportsncoffee @ssekulji
@starsteem @steem-mag
@steemisbeautiful @steemmaster @steemriser21
@steven.spearman @stevenmaiso
@stevethenaive @stfsteemship
@styloics @sumdumphok
@tamaralovelace @tamsguitar
@tamy @teotwawkiman @tgjamieerin @the01crow @theblindsquirl @thecrazygm
@thedailyroto @thefactfactory
@theleonfeed @thelivingpoet
@thelordsfinest @tiamaria
@timmo3663 @timsaid @tinoe @tonypat
@toru @turk @twogirls1planet
@ullsgpir @vaibhavshah
@velimir @vichetuc @vincenttedaldi @voidmu @wakeupsheeps @walcot @wallstscalper @walterz
@whoib @winkle @wizarc
@wolfpack @yakuhi @ylgv @yoganarchista
@yourmateoli @zeroshiki @zexna @zijiplasma


Yea it sure is.

ótima postagem parabéns

Nothing wrong with having a bit of fun ;) Enjoy the seminar in the North the South is waiting patiently :)

Sure.. Lol