"Sacrifice for love"steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

God chose to solve the problem of your sins Himself, took the blame for your sins: sacrificed His live for you when dying on a cross.


He’s the first person to ever care about you, and He cares about you more deeply than anyone else ever could.


He’s been waiting for you to acknowledge Him, to turn to Him and to thank Him — for He has been faithfully caring for you throughout your whole life; He alone has sustained you.


Though other people and forces have sought to exploit you, to undermine you and to steal from you because of greed and a lust for power, God has protected you so that you could hear this message about His goodness and great love – so that you can forever escape the weakness, ignorance and selfishness of this world by running into His arms.


He wants to lift you up; up and out of the “lowest common denominator” situation that you may be finding yourself in. Though everyone around you may be devoid of hope, you do not have to “settle”!

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God’s desire for you is abundant life – like a parent’s sincere desire for their child.


Very inspiring, " Though everyone around you may be devoid of hope, you do not have to “settle”! Thank you.

Thank you stonedave76
may God blessed you ..