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RE: Tarot Tuesday: June 26, 2018 Edition

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I do!

I can either write it out for you, as such:

For 3 STEEM or equivalent (its a special) ...

Or we can talk about it via Skype for an equivalent of $63 per half an hour. I take crypto.

Email me at aleph_tav_heh at protonmail dot com to schedule a session.


I am lost through the ragged hole where I am but dust swirling around and cannot go any further than this

I can potentially help you with that.

Here is a post where the theme was helping people find their current trajectory:

The feedback from the querants are in the comment section.

I can also help you figure out what your purpose is in life and what you are supposed to do here... i.e. what were you Created to do here? Our souls get dropped in mud and then too many people spend their lives fumbling about. Reconnecting with The Force helps one fine alignment. I can catalyze that.

I think you're amazing and I wish you all the luck in the world...

I appreciate that feedback.

I was trying to inform you of my approach; not be pushy.

Reciprocity is Universal law. It might be why one feels stuck. I think you were unknowingly giving them the answer and they took it as pushy :) Perhaps zero-infinity is pushing you to the answer of your dilemma @wales. Just my two cents... Namaste :)

I said that just after I realised you wanted money. I have around $10 a day to survive on and I'm tired of trying to make it last...

A closed fist promotes no flow and there are other ways of reciprocating :) The way to get more money is to keep the flow moving, from my experience. Perhaps you can offer some kind of service to exchange as there are more currencies than just money... I wish you all the best @wales and hope your condition is very short lived <3

It's difficult trying to talk to anyone like this because as much as you put forward something then whatever I say to that sounds argumentative. I've been finding this out for the last ten years, and it gets me nowhere. I did sell my house a while back and went all over the world looking for help, hypnosis, acupuncture, massage, tapping, and many more. When all my money was gone there was no difference, and here I am ten years later still asking

I wish you all the best and hope your business brings you all the happiness and love you need...