WTF 34 votes 0 dollars? Steemit flaw? Hack?

in #steemit9 years ago (edited)

I just posted an item about Twitter #Steemit stats here:

I got 34 votes already, but no steem Dollars. I thought that was strange so i dived into the votes. 95% of the wallets has the same amount?? Just some examples, check them at for yourself:



If the people upvoting you don't have enough STEEM POWER, you wont get anything. and you have to wait until payout to receive anything, also.

Very True
Go 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 to da moon

hmm, not even one cent?

Stop complaining
I seen worst , by hundred only get $25
To do with maths & algorithm

Keep trying, you turn will come 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀

Yes, I'm not sure exactly "How Much" STEEM POWER you need to have a weight of $0.01, but it also depends on how much the post is already worth.

If I upvote a post worth $0.00 it goes up to $0.01. If i upvote a post worth $150.00 it goes up ~$0.05-0.10.

I'm not exactly sure what the percentages are but its definitely not static. Just keep your head up, keep posting GOOD stuff, and your time with come as well as everyone else's.

Edit: as @theoretical stated, new accounts now only get 3 SP. That is NOT ENOUGH to have any weight on voting power. If you want more money from people, you have to invest in the platform as well.

3.0 STEEM is currently the minimum SP of a new account.

lol, now on this item happends the same thing

There are 30 something bots that automatically upvote any post tagged with steemit.

That's probably what people get for joining the platform. It would also explain why their votes didn't amount to any actual money.

Lol! Quit crying!

i'm not crying. I think something is not correct

Just newbies. They've just joined steemit.

Exactly. It makes sense. You get about 10 dollars for joining. It has miniscule voting power.

it's a bot