When @yoda1917 is finally a WHALE - Here is what I endevour to do for you
Here is what I see as a future post.........
Hi everyone, I present to you @yoda1917 the whale....

I am @yoda1917. I am a steemit whale. I have been through the thick and thin with fellow steemians who grew together with me and we are all sharing a plankton cocktail. We made it... Through hard work, persistence, investment, and a lot of cooperation in contribution we are here today...

What the hell is this loopy Jedi doing now you may ask hahahahahaha...
Well after writing my very latest posts:
STEEMIT IS COMING TO AN END!!! - Say good bye, or let's do something about it
WHALE FIGHT!!! - The good actually square off with the bad
I got a lot of great responses in support for that cause. And I also learned a lot of stuff in those conversations. As I learned some TANGIBLE AND USEFUL FACTS I would like to share. I value the conversation more than the posts themselves. Some good conversations were supportive, and even better ones started with disagreements. I will be featuring some of these conversation in this post. But the one thing that these heartfelt responses did for me is that it has made me more determined to be grateful of every experience I have had so far on steemit, and welcome the upcoming experiences.
Thank you to everyone who took the time to comment and share. I am going to invite these friends directly to this post as to my knowledge they had no objection last time I asked them and they are great people that support the same cause I support. If you do not want for me to invite you directly ask me to not do that in the comments section and I will respectfully refrain and remove you.
@ura-soul, @lennstar, @gabriellasam, @the-ego-is-you, @scalextrix, @foxkoit, @supergal, @myroadtours, @hamzat, @extramoney, @teodora, @floridagypsy, @hatemmkh, @danishmmir, @hagbardceline, @whatawombat, @anneke, @gabriellasam, @blapone420, @hamzat, @xaero1, @myroadtours, @bigbear, @crazybgadventure, @masoyamcha, @richq11, @quintomudigo, @gilbertgoon, @j-a-x, @bitgenio, @kondrat, @thelifeofbrian, @whapner, @kintar0, @builderofcastles, @petruska13, @soeysauce, @wavemaster, @haqnawaz, @justsailey, @drakos, @screenname, @mammasitta, @pinkhyppo, @manycoolthings, @love4forex, @avva, @royschuh, @thinkagain, @soulra1ser, @rtdcs, @newprepper, @crystalpacheco, @skririm, @mountzsamuel, @yvonnebraaf, @mountzsamuel, @coincravings, @thedamus, @jagged, @yacov, @makecents,
@jiva34, @blakemiles84, @birjudanak, @onealfa, @foodisfree, @royschuh, @surfyogi, @onealfa, @loulew123, @gokulnk, @the01crow, @vertigo, @meliodas, @o-soul, @thecoach, @weetreebonsai, @scooter77, @hamzaoui, @vipin, @patricksanlin, @kingxerxesdex, @mohammedfelahi, @robertchr, @shahzadnisar, @lanadancer, @anonimnotoriu,

Most people are busy DOING and DOING something, in order to HAVE something, so that eventually they can BE a certain way. Now I have been guilty of this 20 years ago, but I learned that IT DOES NOT WORK. I am always doing and doing because I do not have and I feel bad. And in the end that is what I put out to the Universe and the what does it bring back to me? More of feeling bad and doing more and not having. Yes I am talking about the law of attraction...

If we must SEE SOMETHING before we BELIEVE IT. Then we often never see it. Here is the model that the successful people of the world use. They BE what they set out to be and live it, breathe it, and believe it and their subconscious cannot tell the difference. Once their belief systems change they actions naturally gravitate towards who they are. And the will then DO things that are not done by someone just waiting for that some day which is a train that leads to nowhere. And naturally they will then HAVE the fruits of their labour. Are you following?

Let's listen to this pretty lady explain this verbally for a moment ;)
I will not wait until I am a whale someday before I will be GENEROUS NOW, I will not not wait until that day and then be passionate my PASSION IS HERE NOW, I will not function as though I have huge stakes then as I will GIVE MY BEST TO TAKE CARE OF THIS COMMUNITY NOW... There only now.

The late Dr Wayne Dyer, one of my inspirations for 20 years.
I am going to refer to some of the conversations I had in these threads, and I will share how I stand firmly by my cause against the abuse of the reward pool based on greed. Yet I will give a perspective from my future fellow whales :) And if I get any of it wrong. I invite you to correct me and correct me quickly.
@scooter77 brought up some wonderful questions on this thread. And here is what he asked..
And here was my response:
You bring a great question to the table. I believe that there are many good whales that have invested an abundance of time and money into steemit. And many do great work here that is to the benefit of others. And they damn well deserve to earn and be rewarded. I too endeavour to put in the time and effort and later on be in a position where I can free up my time to spend on here assisting others and providing a good life for myself and my family. It will have to be a balanced approach as though I have invested into a company and I am now responsible for the benefits of all stakeholders. I will expect a return as it is an investment and a job. But I must look after the company as though it is all mine. If I was to be like a greedy whale, I would go into a company for the short term and buy up the power to do as I please. I will consume as much profit as I can before I sell my shares and leave the company in the shit.

Such individuals care very little about other people. They will destroy their immediate environment and their business practices destroy others around them in the name of profit.
Here are 2 examples:

Unfortunately there are individuals with this mentality. It is hard to avoid. Even a human body have good and bad bacteria.
As far as solutions go... So many good people here discuss and contemplate possible scenarios through conversations like this. Some are enforcement based, some are self regulation based, and I believe that the best and most challenging are the education based solutions. I hope readers with good ideas step forward and share.
I am less keen for the enforcement type strategies, yet they are easiest to implement achieve the quickest results. But I really don't like them as it creates a state of fear. We do now want that here...

And I really do love @timcliff's idea of partial self upvotes. WHAT IF... A self upvote gave some of the upvote to the author of the thread which cannot be themselves. That may not solve all the despicable practices, but it would add a lot of value and encouragement to many of the writers who put in a lot of blood, sweat, and soul. It would be more towards a win/win situation.

Thank you again for your response.
I look forward to talking with you again :)
Another great conversation I had with @nedspeaks in this thread started of with a disagreement. But I respect all comments and all views are objective, yet most have some common ground:
And I responded respectfully with my perspective...
Thank you for your response, you bring a valid perspective to the table :)
As I have said to many I agree that whales to earn as they deserve to. Profit is the main juice to an investor. And as you know, people who buy into companies and become major shareholders gain a lot of power. There are those who look after the whole enterprise as their own and nurture the operations, the shareholders, stakeholders, and the employees. That makes a company thrive. Then there are those who go in to drain the company and all affected by the companies (like residents in villages that get evicted for building say... a resort) and take as much as they can and destroy their environment as a short term investment.
Oh and I personally very rarely speak the work FAIR. I gave that up when I was a small child. But I do believe in doing my best in good practice in all of what I do.

Thank you for your response I value these conversations as this where I learn a lot and new ideas are born.
Come and have a look @yoda1917 and see if we can carry on our conversation.
Look forward to seeing you again :)
The conversation ended up being very nice :)

And then a very informative response from @steeleminer:
And my response:
You are right... There is nothing wrong with using self upvotes in strategic and balanced ways. And there is nothing hidden here so people will be caught out very quickly.
Like these guys:

I believe in a balanced approach, I believe whales should earn as they deserve to. But also take care of the ecosystem.
Or steemit will end up like this in the name of profit for the minority..

Thank you for your response as the conversations are more important that the posts themselves. This is where the magic and the new ideas happen :)
Come and check out @yoda1917 and see if my other materials support your cause and follow if you like what you see.
May I ask for a resteem so I can get this out to more people before it sink into the dark.
Thanks a million, it is much appreciated
I hope I have given a different perspective to this steemwide discussion, not argument.
If anyone have any comments or questions please chime in and join in with these conversations. I look forward to seeing you there. And I am not shy to politely ask that if you h=found value in this I would really appreciate a follow and an upvote. ANd most of all please resteem this so the conversation can be abundant.
I am Proud member and supporter of the minnow support project - brought to you by @aggroed, @ausbitbank, @teamsteem, and @canadian-coconut
Stay safe and live with passion.
Whale you are, upvote me you will.
And 2c you get from this future whale ;)
May I get you to resteem this for me so it lives a bit longer?
Greatly appreciated :)
im confused...so you made it to whale?
Lol... no I am just visualising and having a bit of fun. It's about mindset and trying for us minnows to understand their mindset :)
Something I wanted to ask to everyone here and that may read this because after reading this article I'm now a little concerned that I've been doing this and not realising it. When I've created posts on my computer it there may be a possibility it's automatically been pre-selecting to auto vote on my post. So if thats the problem I will try and remember to untick the box in future. I had no idea that this was even happening, let alone such a huge problem.
Or I could be way off base.
Nah.. I think it is no concern :) Us minnows could not even rort the system even if we tried. And I am pretty sure you are not exactly spending hours a day upvoting your own comments.
Hey can I get you to resteem this before it falls? That would be awesome
Well that's somewhat of a relief. I'd have hated thinking that I was doing something that may have been upsetting anyone. But if I'm having that little influence at this stage then that's not so concerning.
Yeah I'd be happy to resteem this.
@yoda1917: Exactly what we needed to have more insight into steemit and the practices to carry out and some not to. Thanks for sharing.
Most welcome :)
Congrats on being a whale with the right mindset! 👍 This is a real nice post, which I have added to my bookmarks because I'm just awake and my brain is not yet ready for some parts of it (the theoretical parts), which I gonna read later on today! I'm glad to be one of your followers (already being one before this post!). You're an example of people who will make this community great! Keep up the good work!
Thank you for the heartfelt compliment :)
May I get you to resteem this after you rea it if it of good value. That will be greatly appreciated :)
@yoda1917 well said!!
Thank you :) wow you read fast.
Sorry to say but I read only content I hope u don't mind!!
Not sure what you mean there
do these tags whalepower and minnow support help your post ? i like the argument that the whales self voting are taking all they can and leaving us with the shit . i now follow you and i see we are around the same influence number -so lets grow together and hit the big time -D
Thank you and lets do that. That is the mission. And minnowsupport is important in this as we minnows are ambitious and large in numbers :)
Hey can you help me out by resteeming this before it sinks like a minnow lol
Can you please stop referencing me directly in your posts?
Not a problem :) Won't happen again :)
Thanks :)
I love this music video hahahahaha
Can I ask for a favour and get a resteem? I'd like more people to see this.
Come check some of my funny threads at @yoda1917 and follow if you laugh :)
hey yoda1917 congrats on making it @biggy345 check out my stuff
Lol... you know I'm not really a whale yet right? Hahaha it is a philosophical post. I'll go check it out. Can I get a resteem from you and get more exposure?
Thanks in advance