A destructive Steemit user we need to stand against...steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

There is a user going by the name of @berniesanders who is using his voting power as political capital. Much like the real Bernie Sanders, he uses a populist approach in order to convince people they are being victimized. He provides no material support, aside from a screenshot here and there demonstrating that someone has withdrawn some STEEM to an exchange, and this is his reason for attacking them.

It is his expectation that he should have control over the behavior and resources of others, and he uses flagging against people who even comment on the posts of his "political" opponents. He's even doing this to people who are only just getting started and have simply responded to someone for teaching them something useful.

It serves as a reminder that there will always be weak, toxic people everywhere we go and that sometimes these people can gain power if we accept the story that we are victims.

Are you a victim?

Once you've done the work to climb within Steemit, build a following, and develop into a creative rhythm... would you like to be treated as though you're the bad guy at that time? At that time, should it not be your choice as to how to contribute to the development of the Steemit community, or would you like your hand to be forced by someone who represents the people who have come here for a free lunch?

I suggest flagging @berniesanders in return and aligning yourselves with the creative, productive members of the community. That's what this is about, not the bitter agenda of one hollow man.

@haejin seems to be the primary focus of the attacks, along with anyone who associates with him. I haven't been here a week yet, but I already have to pick a side.

Do your own due diligence, and decide where you come down... but if you believe in STEEM and a decentralized, free market economy, I think I know where you'll land.

Take care.


There are various people here with a lot of power. Some use it to enrich themselves and friends. Others try to counter that so there's more to go around for the smaller players. I don't approve of all that 'Bernie' does, but he does some good work. I'm sure he used to have more SP. I think he has moved it to other accounts, so it doesn't matter too much if this one flags you.

@steevc What good work has he ever done ?

He's flagged some posts that were getting more than the deserve.

What posts and how do you know they were getting more than they deserve ?
Are you and Bernie the arbiters of how much every one deserves on Steemit now?
Thats odd I thought we could vote how we wanted to and what provided value to our lives.
Gosh I wish someone had told me that we are here to serve and obey sooner

It's all a personal choice. The flagging popup says it's to be used if you disagree with the rewards. I don't think spam deserves anything, and yes that is based on my own judgement of what is spam. I mostly reward people for doing good stuff.

Completely agree, I think anyone who's making several short posts a day does not deserve tens of thousands of dollars per day for doing so - I don't understand where this support for someone who's clearly using the system is coming from.

It's not like he even has a real following, people just know that ranchorelaxo is gonna give him a $400 upvote, so if they upvote first, they can make a handsome curation.

The rest of his following are minnows who see him as an idol of success, and something to aspire to be.

Look at @berniesanders comments and you'll see how he uses 13 bots to keep rewarding all of his own comments, over and over again, thus scamming every Steemian out there.

@berniesanders' MO is to piss off people, insult them... and then upvote his own insults. What a moron.

The proof of bernie's scam is here: https://steemit.com/@berniesanders/comments

Look at @berniesanders comments and you'll see how he uses 13 bots to keep rewarding all of his own comments, over and over again, thus scamming every Steemian out there.

@berniesanders' MO is to piss off people, insult them... and then upvote his own insults. What a moron.

The proof of bernie's scam is here: https://steemit.com/@berniesanders/comments

He's making $100k a week. I guess if it keeps going like that this platform is toast.

Same can be said about little bernie.

Look at @berniesanders comments and you'll see how he uses 13 bots to keep rewarding all of his own comments, over and over again, thus scamming every Steemian out there.

@berniesanders' MO is to piss off people, insult them... and then upvote his own insults. What a moron.

The proof of bernie's scam is here: https://steemit.com/@berniesanders/comments

Here you can see Bernie Sanders hurling out sexually abusive insults at victims like "Incestual scumbag." directed towards @noganoo who was abused early in his life.
2017-05-17 06_46_18-Noganoo - Hero_ Victim_ Menace_ And what about you_ — Steemit.png

it this you again @noganoo with yet another account!

Do you have any idea what's going on? Have you seen the account @noganoo ? He has used him and his friends to bring the reputation down to -10 from 68. He sexually torments people daily and attacks christians and truthers and the family of anyone who he doesn't like. @arisa

I try to stay out of such fights. I disagree with a lot of people here, but I just avoid them. I don't have enough SP to take them on. It's up to whales to deal with what they consider abuse.

So you'll let them walk all over you without complaint?

You have to pick the right fights

Surely this is a good one.

hey @backstreet
@noganoo is a con man and rip off artist
there is a long history with hundreds of accounts. In fact right now i am thinking that you are probably the infamous @nog himself

Well written post and I agree with you 100%. Post upvoted. I got hit by bernie and his bros on a trevon post and was like, "What is going on."

Agreed, 100%. It's a sad state of affairs. The steemit community could be amazing... the crap that @berniesanders is peddling is old and hateful. I'm here to be part of a global, creative movement. Great post. Following, resteemed, upvoted!

Thank you. Entitled have-nots never get far, but they can sure be a pain. If only his disciples knew their suffering is ultimately the source of their creativity. It is the mechanism by which we adapt. It is only the tyrant that would relieve people of accountability for their own struggle. It is precisely how to make people willfully subordinate, to fool them into delegating their voting power to a "hero" by demonizing successful people, and to limit their growth so they cannot effectively challenge authority.

Old and hateful is right. These are the barbarians at the gates as old as time. They exist in all domains. Maybe I'm off the philosophical deep end, but that element of humanity is pernicious and everpresent. It is the living expression of entropic disorder; a bastion for fools.

Us newbies around here may not yet comprehend the workings of this machine called steemit. It sure seems that there is a limited reward pool and @hejin is grabbing a disproportionate part of it. Personally, I have no use for his posts, but I also can’t blame him for taking advantage of the environment as it is now. Politics aside, @berniesanders makes some good points. I don’t buy the “fair share” socialist angle.
I have been here about a month. I don’t know enough to pick sides. I know this much though: the system is being gamed, upvotes can and are bought, the big players are early adopters and are highly compensated. There is a lot of useless posting with no content, no merit and no value. And I sure would love to see a DOWNVOTE button.

@hejin is no different than a child in a candy shop who has Carte Blanche. He can do what he wants because he can. That is THE ANSWER about him and those like him. There are no rules and even if there were he would find away around them. That his intent and his purpose to make $$$. He is not here for content or to make friends or earn a few bucks. If he gets stopped someone else will take his place..Sadly.

gosh it sounds like someone has tapped into some of your pain and anger and directed it toward @hejin
Yea it would be great if we could all get rewards like that but that is not how life is. First we need to connect with people who see the value of our contribution

yes...we need to connect with those we find of value and those who find us of value. My point was not about my pain and anger, let's not make assumptions. I was merely pointing out that you can chase these guys around till the cows come home. They are doing what they are doing because they can. It is that simple. There are no Steemit rules so why do we think the whole world has ethics. I was merely replying to all of the hundreds with their angst about him. Look closely there are many. Because they can be. Which was my point.

What is he doing that is unethical ?
accepting up votes ? come on that is why most people are here including you and I, right?

I chose a side the second I saw his bot flagging people who had no idea that commenting on informative posts was a bad idea. He's a digital tyrant, regardless if he's right sometimes or not. Much of the point of Steemit is to get away from authoritarian structures.

I'm not bothered if someone makes tons of money and cashes in. That is their right, and it is our right to decide to no longer support that person if their actions bother us. We're not here to get bullied into seeing things the @berniesanders way, or to end up as cannon fodder in a fight that has nothing to do with us.

@berniesanders is to be openly and consistently opposed until he quits with the bully act, IMHO.

I see your argument here with "innocent" people getting flagged, but from what I understand, they got flagged on haejins posts. Haejins posts aren't informative. It's playing darts with crypto. The bully act doesn't bode well, but I can also guarantee that any other approach would go mostly unnoticed.

Also, haejin and followers are flagging innocent people as well. At least that's how it seems. Also they flag people who disagree with haejin.

Another user being destroyed by Kim Jong-un, I mean berniesanders:

He called bernie a cancer to this platform. I see him doing a lot, regardless of his demeanor. I'm sorry but if bernie is a cancer then haejin is the cause of cancer. or worse seeing as to how he is still making 10 garbage TA posts a day and self voting himself to oblivion (of course I know he's still getting flagged)

Have you even gone into any of the discord channels and see what goes on in there? He's got quite the backing. It's not because his backers are stupid.

He is a cancer. Here's another victim: https://steemit.com/@trincowski
Every single post and comment of that user was targeted by bern... and why...? No reason. That's how bern works.

And look at how bern keeps leeching the system, by using bots to reward all of his comments.

You try that with 500 SP, you get accused of scam by him... but he does it himself, without consequences.

What's the word for that? Oh, yeah: Hypocrisy.

That's a shit post if I ever saw one for the amount of revenue it's racked up. You've failed to provide anything useful here that says bernie is a bad boy

hey @bitfiend his posts may not be informative for you (or me for that matter) but I can assure you that quite a few people find his posts extremely informative and many of his posts are made because people have requested he look at certain coins.
Also I have been looking at the associated accounts, they are flagging people that have been flagging them.

And in reality not many things are exactly what seem on the outside

No of course things aren't what they seem. Just like haejin and ranchorelaxo are probably the same person.

Also, while I understand that some people might find his posts informative, the reason they find his posts informative is because they are uneducated on the crypto topic and probably don't understand blockchain.

Just like someone asked me about Bitconnect back in October.

I said NO!

If someone asked me "Hey @bitfiend, can you do a market analysis on Octocoin?"

First of all, I wouldn't respond with "Octacoin" I'd spell it right (although my grammar isn't perfect) I would at least do quality control on the spelling of the coin I'm reviewing.

Second, I wouldn't review a shit coin.

I think those that like haejin, want to have an account like his so they can upvote themselves 10 grand a day also.

Steemit is the most awesome free bitcoin faucet on the planet right now if this is the case. If it holds value that is... but many are noticing the problem and waiting on better crypto backed social media

@berniesanders can you explain your downvote on this? I'm stating what haejin says is bs and you've flagged me. Perhaps you've misunderstood my point here....or you're just on a rampage. Whatever dude. I guess talking against haejin isn't even worth it. Bernie's got this whole shit on lock, so figure it out bernie. I'm going back to my rock posts, since you seem to have this rewards pool rape that haejin is doing under control. I mean, you must have solved the problem that you're flag spamming me with 1%.

Go solve real crime, officer.

I continue to have my posts flagged into oblivion just hours before I would receive the rewards for them. There are some people protecting me from this, though... which is nice, but I don't know why that's happening either. And they can only do so much.

Look at my blog, man. Quality, non-political content being flagged by bernie and his army of bots. Since day 2 of opening this account.

It makes no sense. He is not here for the right reasons. I won't give up, but its frustrating AF.

Well no offense but the other day you said some real crackheaded shit stating that there are no free lunches around here, while your hero haejin gives himself thousands of free lunches a day. Not saying your quality content deserves to be downvoted but perhaps thats why? Maybe stop defending the false prophet?

I mean this whole situation still sucks, and it's evident that @berniesanders has the whole haejin and his followers situation on lock to the point that I can't even voice my opinion.

For what it's worth, I dont want you getting flag spam. There's more important abuse going on that gets mostly ignored.

''Just like haejin and ranchorelaxo are probably the same person. '' lol much

people were trying to pump that idea right at the start but the rancho account looks more like a bernie account going by its behavior

are you saying that rancho is bernie and bernie is fighting himself? That sounds ridiculous

No I should have said the historic account behavior of rancho has more in common with some Bernie's accounts.
Haejin is very stingy. The rancho account can go dormant for 2 to 3 days at a time.
Haegin would not waste the vote power he is way to stingy.
Bernie on the other hand does not feel the need to squeeze every last drop out of every account

Check out this post:

Request For Declaration Of Intent From @haejin & @ranchorelaxo!

I am curious what your response is.

hey @appone
thanks for the link man.
I am curious what your response to that was?

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Is really bad

Can you elaborate?

good posting thn'x :)