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RE: How to use Steemit to make your website more visible on search engines

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Wow, on Alexa, washingtontimes is lower than steemit :) nice! So if I understand this right...If we would put our links of steemit posts on twitter, facebook, other bloggs and websites (I don't mean like spamming, but like anything that's referring to the title) ... steem would rank higher? I think Alexa has pretty big impact and role. Specially when people look where to write about their business. And thank you @crypto.piotr for sharing good content. Re-steem!


Hi @worldfinances,
Thank you for your comment and the resteem. I think you got that right. I believe that Alexa uses parameters like number of visits, visit duration and number of inbound links to rank a website. So yes, the more links refer to articles on steemit, the better it will be for its Alexa ranking.