in #steemit7 years ago

Yes, well, I'm fine, I know we say subscribers. But Followers, everyone understands, right? We are francophone at this point? Tell me what you think ... Followers or Subscribers?

When we analyze other social networks, what makes people's key success is their subscriber numbers. Not what they report to them, no no no, you will only be judged by the number of people who follow you.

Since then, I wondered But how to win more subscribers on Steemit?

Because, as you will have already noticed, I have fewer followers than most of you. Hmm.

Before anything else: introduce yourself to the community. This is the crucial moment to win the first followers. Must put the package. It's now ... or never (or almost).
First thing, choose a theme for your blog. A theme ? Yes, a theme. The more it will be precise, the more you have a chance to reach and therefore reach your target (followers). For example, for @westmoon, I chose the steemit theme for newcomers. This is very specific and will probably follow me a lot of the new ones, those who still have a little trouble with blockchain technology and those who want to support the development of the steemit community.

When we are bloggers, it's important to know who we are talking to, who our audience is. If we do not know, we write for everyone ... In the end, it does not affect anyone.

So it's not about having hundreds of subscribers who will eventually put you in mute because they're not interested in your favorite topics.

For example, if you are only talking about travel, try to get followers on food blogs and not IT blogs. There is little chance that a techos will be affected by your cookies and cannelloni.

Thirdly, get involved in the community (and this is the finish, the most important but I put it in third place story that you already have a strategy to bait your followers.


Go comment under the topics of articles that interest you, it will allow you to get noticed by your relevant comments, your sympathy, your voting power (Muahahaha -> laughing fat). Be regular, be visible.

Go for a ride on the Chat Steemit (and then especially on Discord too). Papotate with people, make friends-mates, take an interest in them and you'll see ... They'll be interested in you!

Participate in contests, it gives you a lot of visibility.
Participate in all possible activities
Launch a crazy idea to the community.
Fourth, be regular. As with anything you do, regularity is an important factor for your success.
On the one hand, because it allows the creation of a link with your followers (they do not have time to forget you Muahahahha -> psychedelic laughter). That keeps them loyal ... And do not forget that a happy subscriber can bring back his friends!

And on the other hand, by posting regularly, this will potentially attract more people since you will be more visible.
Fifth, (and my favorite) create unique and quality content. People will follow you for what you are saying, to find out what you have to say again, because you are responding to one of their problems, because that answers one of their questions.
Sixth, use the right tags. But what tag, but which tag should I use? In fact, in reality. I can not answer you. In fact, I'm in the same trouble as you. For the moment, let's say we're lucky, under the tag steemit ,. Let's say that in the near future, the question will rest. By then, we are safe and sound. . The goal of the tag is to have visibility.

And finally, be yourself (because as who would say, 'all the others already taken')! People like authentic people, with personality and style of their own! This will make them want to know you, and then you seem human. Not just a copy and paste of I do not know who.

Last but not least: There are a lot of things you can not do to win Followers, but that will be part of a future article .


merci pour l'information

Thumbs up clever @westmoon good job nice post. I upvote you.