Overcome Panic Attacks| Gain back control.
The best way to stay in control of panic attacks is to accept and learn how to control your breathing . Belly breathing is a techinique that takes time to learn. In your spare time learn this technique and also train yourself calming methods to bring your breathing back to normal.This helps to slow down the offset of a panic attack.
• Accepting and realising that an attack is about to occur. When you acknowledge then you gain power to control your breathing. This means you are prepared, resulting in you not struggling to deal with an attack.
•Stay away from caffeine. Gittery feeling worsens especially when there is caffeine is present in your system. Evidence claims that the effect of caffeine stimulates fight or flight in your body's natural response system.
Keep calm panic attacks plays with your mind and your ability to make decisions. Staying calm makes you gain back control.
•Sing. l know it sounds ridiculous but singing opens up your lungs and you are able to breath. Additionally singing takes your mind off the symptoms. So hum to your favourite tune!
•Learn to breath in and out in small controlled belly breathing. This is deep breathing. Learn to do this as it is a great way to overcome panic attacks!
Be good to your soul!
Eat healthy, join Yoga classes, exercise more , drink less caffeine, cut down on alcohol and substitute normal tea with herbal teas.
I hope this helps . I have experienced panic attacks in the past. I used these methods to further help me overcome my experiences of panic attacks.
Today l am glad to say l am panic attack free!
Thanks for stopping by. For more follow me @wendysapphire
Great Post, I agree on everything you just said and self care is so important.

Nice images here!
Amazing post really interesting and informative! Coffee is a no go for me
Thank you @daisysamuel
Well-timed advice, given what's happening to Bitcoin and other cryptos.
Yes lt's guese its free fall!
Well its also a good time to buy. Winter sales are upon us.
I'd better start singing about it. ;)