RE: Goodbye Steemit! 🤙 Thank You Minnows
This is my comment from a community discussion thread..
The comment itself is a number of ideas / discussion points for how to fix curation rewards. It was nothing spectacular. I probably put 5-10 minutes of thought into some ideas and posted them on a community forum post. I was hoping to spark some good discussion on the topic of what was wrong with SteemIt's curation and why the reward pool wasn't functioning well for new users.
This post received an upvote. One $40 upvote that was worth more than the entirety of all upvotes I have received on the SteemIt platform during my first two weeks. I had spent 10+ hours writing posts, most of which paid me pennies, or a couple of bucks. I had spent significant amounts of time commenting and interacting with the community. One single whale vote for a comment that took 5-10 minutes of my time was deemed to be more valuable than countless hours of my time.
I'm not sad about getting a payout, and I'm glad that one of my ideas got some recognition (and the fact that some whales recognize that payouts are unfair is a good sign for the future of the community). But the irony of a low-effort post making up more than half of my SteemIt income is not lost on me in any way. The system is broken.
Either you can stick around, discuss it with the whales and the community, and try to encourage positive change in the SteemIt community, or you can run away because the system is broken. Neither approach is necessarily good or bad. It's nobody's job to fix this thing, and I can't fault you for leaving, but I think that we need people to really start pushing for the changes they want to see and trying to influence the whales who might have more power over this sort of thing.
I've been trying to promote community discussion on the topic of changing the system for a while. It's an uphill battle, but there's growing unrest among new users who can't get a foothold on the platform. This bodes poorly for the future growth of SteemIt if it doesn't eventually get addressed.
Some ideas I posted on related topics last week (Older than 7 days, please bring the discussions onto this thread if they're worth having, as no one is going to see those posts):
I think you are my new Best Friend. Damn. Bravo Sir, I couldn’t have said it better myself.
I will give leaving some thought because of this comment right here. ☝️ Holy shit. This is solid gold, can I get a “whale to upvote this comment please” ... oh damn.. I begged a whale. I’m a hypocrite! Lol 😏😉🤙🍻
#Damn Good Comment!
Glad to be of help! =P
For every person who's trying to exploit SteemIt for profit, there's another who's working hard to fix it so that it can have a future.
I'm a big fan of SteemCleaners (Patrice/Cheetah), GrumpyCat, BernieSanders and others. Sure there's been some lapses in judgment and errors made in how they're trying to resolve the issues, but overall I feel that a lot of witnesses and whales are looking out for the long-term value of their coins, rather than only worrying about short-term profits. Many appear to have good intentions and are trying their best to fix the platform based on the problems and threats that they perceive.
Well said sir, I applaud your comment as this is the first step toward fixing the issue. Sadly, It will take many of us to be heard by the powers that be, as it’s a more democratic approach, and would reduce the power they have, in optimistic that change can & will happen, it’s just a matter of when... Thanks again for your high quality comment. Cheers 🍻