Get Rich Slow With Steemit

in #steemit7 years ago

If the last month has proven anything, it is that Steemit's value has a lot of room to grow and you can get rich by being active. That doesn't mean that this or any crypto is a get rich quick scheme, but think of it more as an opportunity to get rich slow.


The Internet has allowed us some great advancements, connectivity and the ability to teach ourselves whatever we want to lear... except for brain surgery, you still need to go to school for that. One think that the instant access of the Internet has destroyed for a lot of people is a thing called patience.

Everyone is looking for that get rich quick scheme, that lose 50 pounds in a week plan. We complain about how slow Amazon's two day shipping is and when we want to watch a movie, we watch it. We don't have to wait to rent it at Blockbuster... remember Blockbuster?

If you combine the two, the lack of patience and the desire for immediate gratification, you will find that most people just are not willing to put in the work to get rich anymore. It isn't easy. If you start a business, you have to market, build a client base and have a product or service that is needed and valued by the marketplace. It takes work.

Steemit is no different, but you can get rich. It will just take time and patience.

You see, if you put in work on Steemit by engaging with others, leaving valuable replies and posting interesting content, you will see success. That success is measured in two cryptocurrencies; Steem and SBD. Up until a month ago, the prices of Steem and SBD were decent and payouts were good, but now the price has gone up over 400%. Now the payouts are more, and all the work you did in the past buy accumulating your Steem Power is also worth more. 

Now if you stay active and continue to put up great content and interact with people, your account will continue to grow, but in a year it could go up another 500%. What if it does that for a couple of years. You could honestly get rich slow here. Accumulating Steem power and building up SBD one one of the only blockchain projects that is actually functioning and has it's own user base.

There is no reason to think that Steem will run out of steam anytime soon. So if you are on Steemit right now, it doesn't matter if your account is worth $25 or $25,000,000 you have a chance to really make some money over the next couple of years.

In order to get rich using Steemit you need patience and you need to put the money aspect out of your mind. Focus on the valuable content and replies you post. Focus on upvoting the best content and helping new minnows get started. Sure pay attention to the price of SBD and Steem so you know when to buy more Steem with your SBD and when to put it in some other coin, waiting for a good day to convert back to Steem.

It is very possible to get rich on Steemit, but you're not going to do it fast. It is a get rich slow plan and you'll need patience and the willingness to engage with the community and put in the time.

What do you think? Do you think you can get rich slow with Steemit?

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.


Consistency pays off! Slow and steady wins the race. These old sayings didn't just get made up one day, they came about because of experience and truth. It's truly hard to watch so many people lose it all on get rich quick schemes.

Get rich quick is the mantra of the modern world. It's why lotteries are so popular. Who doesn't want to win $400 million and become rich overnight. Sadly most people lose a lot of money playing the lottery.

You points regarding getting rich slowly are valid. It does take time; effort; and some luck.

Good luck to all in this new year!

I think you’re onto something! It’s my plan in 2018 to slowly plug away investing in my steemit account, to get more vests and maybe take some sbd out here and there, but really just power up my account!! I think it will pay off in the long run.

And for the sake of manifesting in the universe, here’s my intention thanks!!

Thank you very much and I read your post. You are an ambitious person, and I know you can reach your goals. Good luck and cheers to a profitable 2018 by doing what we love.
Thanks again.

Thank you! Same to you. Best wishes and much abundance!! <3

As stated there is no such thing as get rich quick . I like the gif, exactly what was needed.

You're right! I just hope to get rich slow. lol, thanks for the reply and you got a new follower. Nice to meet you.

you ae totaly right love you for this

Thank you so much! You got a new follower. I appreciate you taking the time to read.

you have got a follower too ...huh

off course you have written that so attractive and special the title i just coudent control my self ..

Started with a hundred bucks a about 200 days ago. Now my account's worth over 2K (after the recent dip).

Efforts definite pays off here.

I'm about in the same boat. It is crazy to think that just blogging and interacting on this great site could make money, but it does and it is awesome. We just have to keep going!

This is great advice for those just getting into the platform like myself. Anything worth doing will take time and effort :)

damn right. Thanks for reading and welcome to Steemit. You got a new follower on your Steemit journey.

I always say that the fastest way to get poor quickly is to try and get rich quickly!

Great advice @walkingkeys!

I love that saying. That is awesome. I appreciate you taking the time to read and reply.

Thanks for getting me on here. Now I need to find my way around.

My pleasure, buddy. I'm glad you're here, you'll figure it out... you're a smart dude.

Yup, slow burn and keep plugging at the content and interactions... Keep telling my friends about Steemit and the potential... A few have joined. Some look at me with the "ya, riiiight" look. Their loss. Keep at it.