RewardPool RapeDay: A Realistic Plan To Manage RewardPool Rape (English & Español)

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)


Just like in the movie The Purge, I think we need to compartmentalize the rape of the reward pool to a day of the week, say Friday, so as to make it less conspicuous.

It can become a cathartic, periodical bonding experience for the whole community, a sort of carnival where everyone lets their darkest rewardpool rape fantasies emerge.

On RewardPool RapeDay, everything would be allowed:

Wanna post a period and self vote it to $550???? No problem

Wanna vote the shitposts of the 10 illiterate fucks you brought to the platform (so its not so evident that you are selfvoting) to $120 each? No problem

Wanna plagiarize? No problem

Phishing campaign? Go ahead

Wanna put a BitConnect Ad at the top of trending? Pfffff, no biggie

Wanna use Minnowbooster to put 3 stupid lines to $55?? Excellent.

During that day of the week anything would be allowed and cleaning services wont be available. (Did you want to leave the cleaners out of the party?)


This way we can all have fun raping the shit out of the reward pool together in one big weekly party, in an organized, civilized manner, and maintain some resemblance of order during the rest of the week.



Similarmente a la pelicula The Purge, pienso que necesitamos compartimentalizar la violacion de la picina de recompensas en un dia de la semana, digamos Viernes, para que sea menos conspicua.

Puede convertirse en una experiencia catartica periodica y vinculante para la comunidad entera, una especie de carnaval donde todos dejan sus fantasias de violacion de la picina de recompensas emerger.

En el dia de violacion de la picina de recompensas todo seria permitido:

Queres postear un punto y votarlo a $550??? Ningun problema.

Queres votar los posts de mierda de los 10 analfabetos que trajiste a la plataforma (para que no sea tan evidente que te estas votando a vos mismo) a $120?? Todo bien.

Queres plagiar?? No hay problema.

Campaña de phishing? Adelante

Queres poner una promocion de BitConnect en el numero 1 de Trending??
Pffff, no pasa nada.

Queres usar MinnowBooster para ponerle $55 a tres lineas estupidas? Excelente.

Durante ese dia de la semana todo seria permitido y los servicios de limpieza no estaran disponibles (O querias dejar a los cleaners afuera de la fiesta?)


De esta forma nos podemos divertir todos juntos violando la picina de recompensas en una gran fiesta semanal, de una manera organizada y civilizada, manteniendo algo parecido a un orden durante el resto de la semana.




Only a quarter? Here have another $1.75

Maybe Tuesday is a better day, have my 22 cents...

you got a freakin quarter just for an "lol"

Bravo, bravo

It would be great, but if I did a week yes and another no; that is, a Friday if and the one that follows does not.

This post has received a 100% upvote just for.... why the fuck not. Merry Christmas @walden - cheers!!

So you want to pack all 7-day activities of the week all into one day...

sure... why not... the daily chore of spamming shitposts and circlejerking our whalbuddies while paying for votes has been getting too much for the farmers anyways... I'd hate to see all the bots need a therapist to cope with burnout syndrome or something...

... sounds like a splendid idea!

Didn't we already have that and it was for about half a year? 2016

yes man i upvoted your post and @walden post so that we can bring humor to the idea of flagging the trending page

But reemmber no one cares what was on trending in a year from now

Reddit users don't care whats on the last years trending page

we must get TALENt from Youtube and instagram and reddit to start posting on steem


Your one character comment meets the spirit of the celebration that RewardPool RapeDay embodies, have my 22 cents...



Write up the proposal, let's bring it to the witnesses!! I'm sure the community will agree and adhere to this one day a week rule lol!

For now it's any day with a Y in it. Haejin has been advised he could do less posts, but he just posts them again if they get flagged. He didn't get it. I know there are others being more sneaky. I just can't bring myself to do these things

There is a new battle plan being discussed by the whales to address that. Gist is the strikes will be more surgical in nature vs spread over all his active posts but there will be a compromise we are hoping would appeal to him.

We have a draft ready to fire once plan is approved from @flagawhale. I went all out on this one. Gifs, new ranks and new strategy.

By the way @steevc, thanks for having integrity brother. I know I have the technical skills to "rape" the reward pool but some things are more valuable than profit to me. People are one of them.

Good to hear it. I've always said that steemit is the wild west and we need vigilantes to police it


One day instead of seven?
Nope never gonna fly.