Introducing to my tech company

in #steemit9 years ago (edited)

Introducing steemit to my colleagues

TLDR; I wrote a blogpost for work:

So I have introducedmyself through this post but now that lifestyle is currently on a hold.

I'm working for Norways best consultancy company: according to the Norwegian students - We were only beaten by Microsoft and Google which are not consultancy companies.

We have a blog for the employees which we can share our thoughts with the IT community of Norway, and others who are interested, and it is here I was encouraged to write up a post, because I had been talking so much about it. So after this I hope to see a lot of more technology enthusiasts on this platform, and of course a lot more Norwegians!

Picture of the blog

This is the post itself:

It introduces blockhain, goes into my story here on steemit and some thoughts around this platform. It had to be pretty basic because most of my colleagues are not familiar with blockchain, and definitely not steemit! Until now that is!

Hope you like it!

Follow me on twitter: @VonGohren

Or here on steemit:


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