in #steemit6 years ago


Whats going on Beautiful People!!

How was everyone's weekend?? Ours was so fun, had lots of food, laughs, and more memories! As we celebrated mothers day I thought about my mother and the things she has taught me that has stuck with me to this day. One of the biggest things being Faith, to this day no matter what it is, when I talk to my mom she will always tell me to have faith. Now I know what your thinking, "its easier said then done." Yes, I completely agree, the craziest thing to me is how quick the enemy can begin to play with your mind. Just recently Aaron and I got paid, I only get paid once a month so towards the end of the month it starts to get a little tight. Once we received our pay checks and that money hit, we paid our bills, still had some money left over, we were feeling good and just thanking God for everything. As we started to see it go down we started thinking about the rest of the month. We we're going to be going out of town, we have birthdays, anniversary's and just recently mothers day. All we kept thinking was how are we going to afford everything and we started stressing. Some how this morning I just started thinking about the rest of this month and I thought how quick that from one min you can be sky high and thanking God for everything and just instantly the doubt and the stress can kick in. Why is it? that in that moment when we started thinking about everything else, giving into the doubt. We didn't stop and say God has us. Seen him do it over and over again. Faith may not change your situation, but it gives you the strength to keep going. What are you doing that you are feeding the doubts, or into fear? Notice I did not say your doubts or your fear, because they are not from you. God did not give us the spirit of fear, but of power... 2 Timothy 1:7 Are you feeding your faith or your doubts?

Man says show me and I'll trust you. God says trust me and I'll show you. Psalms 126:6



I love this!!! Faith over EVERYTHING