Is Steemit going to profit from Youtube's censorship?
Yesterday there was this newsitem on Dutch national radio (you can read it here), where mostlt organisations complain about the censorship of Youtube. In this matter most educational films are being taken of of Youtube for no reason. It seems like if Youtube is taking advantage of their position and turning the rules in their favorite each time.
I do understand that for some countries it isn't desirable or disrespectfull to show video's on certain subjects. In Holland almost anything is alowed. Therefore I think Youtube isn't in the position to take down video's like that. Don't get me wrong, I am totally against offensive, discriminating, disrespectfull content. But when it comes to educate our kid's, or even adults on some subjects, you can't just ignore that and remove the video's wihout any comment...
Is this a oppertunity for @Steemit ?
I think it is but that is does come a bit to early. Like I already discussed in a lot of posts Steemit isn't very broad 'accepted' yet... I'm sure those days are near, but for the moment it is to unfamiliar to the majority of people.
So for now it is up to us to turn that the other way around towards (ex) YouTube users. I am to short to my Holiday period but I will do a blog/video on the major differences between @dtube , @dlive compared to the conservative and strictly regulated Youtube.
What do you think, do we stand a chance against the mighty Youtube?
Have a great sunny day

They are the creators of Steemify, THE notification app for your Steemit account for IOS.

I know some traffic comes here from youtube but it will be quite a while before dtube and other steemit apps become mainstream. It will take an incredible amount of advertisement and people don't like to get on things that are new, they like already big companies. It is the innovators like us who see how amazing decentralization is and why it is so important to not be censored. We have been programmed to believe that censorship is in "peoples best interest" and most people honestly just don't care. Its sad.
But I do believe one day Dapps will take hold and become mainstream, it will just take more time than most of us here want it to :/
I can upload a vid on my phone in secomds to minutes on youtube..and dtube never bloody works. Might take some fine tuning yet.
Yes I hear you, and you are right. They still have some bumbs to take :)
I don't think the sites are "polished" enough yet to gain wide acceptance. There just seems to be a lot of features that are available on Youtube and aren't there on DTube or Dlive to draw in those mass users. Hopefully as the interface grows that will change.
Yes, you are right about that. To immature for the moment...
Ithink YouTube Will Change even more and other platforms Will rose or devellop greater audiences... wish I could See what the future brings especially “Our” steemisphere
Yes i believe so!
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