History of Earth [an unusual perspective]steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit2 years ago


There is a lot we know (fact) about the History of Earth and a lot we don't know (theory). First let me quickly go over a few facts.

  • The Earth was formed roughly 4.5 Billion Years Ago (BYA)
  • There have been 5 Ice Ages known to have happened in Earth's History with one currently underway now
  • There are a plethora of historical anomalies that are constantly being discovered that do not fit the FACTS OF HISTORY as we are taught

That last fact is the whole reason for this article. History as we are taught is based exclusively on Human History. By that I mean it discards any evidence that doesn't fit the narrative or isn't related to the history of Homo Sapiens. There have been at least 9 major periods of evolution in Earth's history so the premise that Human Beings are the only sentient life to ever inhabit this planet seems completely ludicrous to me and should to any open-minded human. Let me explain:

  • Evolution Period #1: Earth formed 4.5 Billion years ago and cooled and began forming life, then 2.4 Billion years ago the first Ice Age began and ended around 2.1 Billion years ago
  • Evolution Period #2: Ice Age #1 ended around 2.1 Billion years ago and Ice Age #2 began around 850 Million years ago
  • Evolution Period #3: Ice Age #2 began around 850 Million years ago and ended around 635 Million years ago
  • Evolution Period #4: Ice Age #2 ended around 635 Million years ago and Ice Age #3 began around 460 Million years ago
  • Evolution Period #5: Ice Age #3 began around 460 Million years ago and ended around 430 Million years ago
  • Evolution Period #6: Ice Age #3 ended around 430 Million years ago and Ice Age #4 began around 360 Million years ago
  • Evolution Period #7: Ice Age #4 began around 360 Million years ago and ended around 260 Million years ago
  • Evolution Period #8: Ice Age #4 ended around 260 Million years ago and Ice Age #5 began around 2.6 Million years ago
  • Evolution Period #9: Ice Age #5 began around 2.6 Million years ago and is still happening today

The first Ice Age lasted roughly 300 million years. The second Ice Age lasted around 215 million years. The third Ice Age lasted around 175 million years. The fourth Ice Age lasted around 100 million years. So our current Ice Age should last between 35 and 80 million years. We are only 2.6 million years into this Evolution Cycle since this Ice Age started.

Okay so what? Well if our planet evolved, we came into existence and achieved all we have achieved in 2.6 million years it raises some interesting questions:

  • What will we (human beings) achieve during the remainder of this evolution period/ice age (32+ million years)
  • What other sentient life evolved on this planet during the first 4 ice ages?
  • What sentient life may have evolved on this planet between Ice Ages?
  • Would we even be able to find proof of extremely ancient sentient life on Earth that existed millions of years ago?

The last one is the problem and why Scientist, Historians, Archeologists, etc. discard any evidence that doesn't fit the narrative of Humanity or Human History. Think of about this:

If humanity ceased to exist, our:

  • Cities would be nothing but dust in the ground (or under water) in 10,000 years.
  • Our bones, graves, etc. would be nothing identifiable in 100,000 years.
  • Our technology (all of it) would be un-identifiable in 1 million years.....even nuclear waste, carbon fiber, etc.

The only exceptions to the above three statements would be if somehow something got encased in something that preserved it. Like Prehistoric Amber that captured and preserved Ancient bugs. Limestone or other rocks formed around it before it was destroyed. Surely some trace of prior sentient civilizations would survive, right? Well some traces have survived! OOPART (Out Of Place Artifacts) are constantly discovered on Earth and largely ignored or forgotten as they don't make sense in the History of Humanity. It is my belief that PROVE other sentient beings existed millions (possibly billions) of years before Human Beings.

  • In 1972 A 1.8 billion year old Nuclear Reactor was discovered in Oklo, Gabon, Africa - nothing but Uranium was left but the uranium found had already been "burned" as in used in a Nuclear Fusion Reactor similar to what powers half our planet today!
  • In 1513 a Turkish Admiral made a map of Earth that is incredibly accurate and depicts the content under the ice of Antarctica perfectly - it is believed he had discovered prehistoric documents and made the map from them. Documents that predated the current Ice Age meaning they would have been more than 2.1 million years old!
  • In 1852 a drill bit was found in Scotland that was encapsulated in 22 inches of coal. The coal was formed millions of years ago and there were no signs of Entry Holes where it could have been drilled into the coal and broken off in modern times.
  • 2.8 Billion Year old spheres found in Mines in South Africa that were not natural and have perfect lines carved around them, similar objects of similar ages have been found in Southern Utah in the United States as well.
  • The Iron Pillar of Delhi India appeared 1500 years ago, 400 years before the first foundry large enough to produce something of its size was built by Humans. But more astounding that that is it is IRON but does not rust. No one who has examined it or tested it can say for certain how old it is or why it is the only IRON known to exist on Earth that does not rust. It is comprised of 99.72 percent iron but the remainder we can't identify.
  • A 100 million year old hammer was found encased in Limestone in London, Texas USA in 1934. The wooden handle has turned to coal it is so old and the metal is almost entirely unknown composition.
  • In 1820 in Aix-en-Provence, France a set of wooden tools were found 50 feet underground encased in limestone. The tools were so old the wood had turned to Agate.
  • Indian (the country) legend states that a King Rama built a bridge from what is now India to Sri Lanka over a million years ago. Satellite imagery has now confirmed that such a bridge was built and is now mostly underwater. Could the Ancient Indian people have found records from some other civilization that predates humans? Or possibly interacting with another Non-Human civilization in the distant past of Humanity?
  • In 1962 in California USA a spark plug like device was found encased in 500,000 year old Geode!

None of the aforementioned items could possibly have been created by Human Beings. Even if you put Modern Humans at an age of more like 300,000 thousand years instead of the more commonly accepted 30,000 years old. But there is countless other evidence that some Non-Human sentient life has interacted with Modern Humans. From the Ancient Indian written history to Ancient Egyptian history, the Ancient Mesopotamia, Assyrians, etc. all recorded contact with Non-Human beings. Did they evolve on Earth long before Humanity and co-exist for some period of time with Human? Did they evolve and leave Earth long before Humanity existed and come back from time to time using space ships to interact with humans?

I believe that at least 7 other Sentient Forms of Life evolved on Earth prior to our current Ice Age and so should you. Just during the last 2.1 million years there have been over a dozen different "sentient life forms" evolve on Earth from Cave Men, Homo Florensis, Homo Erectus, to Homo Sapiens. We Homo Sapiens are the only ones (we know of) to have survived to modern time but if in this one ice age more than a dozen different bi-pedal sentient lifeforms evolved how can you not believe that others evolved during the aforementioned other 8 evolution periods on Earth? In all seriousness there could have been hundreds of Sentient Species on this planet before Humans. Our current Ice Age history would tend to imply that, and would indicate that if we got to where we are in 300,000 years and each prior Evolution Period on Earth lasted for Millions and Millions of years then other life could have became sentient and surpassed us technologically by so much we couldn't even comprehend it. It is entirely possible at least a few other Sentient Life forms evolved far enough that they left this planet millions of years ago and are out there in the stars living on other worlds to this day!