[Help Needed] Desperately need descent vehicle so I can work!

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)


Hello and thank you for taking the time to read this. I am a 45 year old single male with no kids. In my Teens and Twenties I had numerous accidents that virtually destroyed my spine and knees. In fact, I was told by numerous doctors on different occasions that I would never walk again. I fought through the injuries and pain and continued to work (hard) until about 2 months ago.

Even through the injuries and illnesses (which I will list below) I managed to serve my country in the United States Navy during Desert Storm (they never found out) and I have driven an 18 wheeler for the last 14 years. However, I am no longer able to work like I have my entire life (been on my own since I was 14). I have spent my life helping others when ever I could and now I am in need of some help.

My Health Issues:

* I am missing 7 vertebrae in my spine (some to injury some to the bones rotting away) - as of last time I had spine scanned a few years ago

* I have 5 herniated disks - as of last time I had spine scanned a few years ago

* I have no ligament to speak of in either knee

* I have Degenerative Disk Disease and Rheumatoid Arthritis

* I have Neuropathy - likely caused by all the injuries and nerve damage I have suffered

* I have some form of neurological disorder that makes it virtually impossible to sleep or even breathe normally - oxygen doesn't make it into blood like it should or my brain doesn't know it is one - haven't been able to see enough doctors to figure it out completely

* I have had multiple heart attacks - fortunately I have a naturally enlarged heart that prevented any permanent damage

* In my twenties a "black mass" was found behind my right eye (in the front of my brain) which I have since learned was likely the onset of Multiple Sclerosis - I am almost certain it has gotten worse as the headaches are non-stop now and other symptoms of MS come and go with varying severity

As you can tell from my health issues there is not a whole lot I am physically able to do. For this reason I have taken to writing and photography as they are low-stress and I am earning (barely) enough to survive. I have been living in my old 1996 Ford E150 Conversion van until a week ago when someone on Steemit donated enough money for me to Rent a Room for a month here in Layton, UT. Sadly my van is on it's last legs so I am unable to drive it and do any photography.


My Van's Issues:

* The front end is completely worn out

* The power steering leaks

* The air conditioning doesn't work

* The brakes are complete garbage (rarely work more than about 10-20%

* The transmission leaks

* The rear end leaks

* Four mismatched tires

* All four rims leak air

* The only door that works properly is the Driver's Side Front Door

* It is too old to use for work!

I am hoping that someone can help me get a descent vehicle so that I can go back to work. I hate to ask for help and I refuse (at least as long as I have any options) to get on Government Assistance Programs like Welfare, Food Stamps or Medicaid. I want to drive for Uber/Lyft and support myself, as I always have but I need a little help to do it.

I am not asking for a FREEBIE or HANDOUT, just a HAND UP!

All I really need is a 2002 or newer (for Uber) Four Door vehicle in good to excellent condition. To maximize my work potential, a vehicle that is All Wheel Drive and has a luggage/ski rack on the roof would be amazing. I will also need a little help to Switch My Driver License to Utah (currently have Alabama License) and to get Full Coverage Insurance.

As I said before I am not asking for a FREEBIE or HANDOUT, just a HAND UP!

I will go to work as soon as I can and REPAY whatever I owe for the HELP at 50% of my weekly earnings (after fuel) until all of what is owed is re-payed. I will work 10-15 hours a day 7 days a week until I get you repaid for your kindness and help.

How I can pay 50% of earnings:

* My rent is only $350 a month

* My cellphone is $100 a month

* My storage units (one here, one in Alabama) are $130 a month

That is $580 a month in bills, or about $135 a week. Add in Food, Cigarettes and Gas and I only need about $200 a week to live on (barely). I make that now from my Writing/Photography so all monies earned from Uber/Lyft are extra income to help me get back on my feet, but not needed to Survive.

In fact the only reason I am asking for help is because I don't make enough from Writing/Photography for anything other than to just barely survive. There is no extra money to save and get a descent vehicle myself.

If you want to know more about me, you can read my blog at https://steemit.com/@venuspcs or find me on Steemit.Chat.

Update #1

Landlord was off work today and loaned me $100 (until Monday) and then took me to get my Utah Driver License and too me to lunch at Simply Sushi (Salt Lake City, UT) - Man I love Sushi, especially all you can eat sushi! Now I just need a car and full coverage insurance and I can get back to work.


Coming Soon! Steem Market online store for Steemians to sell their Merchandise, Photographs and Digital Goods!


[Crowdfunding] Steemit Homeless Ambassador RV
needs your help, donations have been slow coming so everyone please Upvote/Resteem/Share this post. If you can donate via Steemit or GoFundMe please check the post for more information.

Click to Donate Now!


If you are a traveler, homeless, vagabonding, couchsurfing or just have the spirit of a Nomad then join us over at #teemnomad on PAL Discord here: https://discord.gg/SgJfQkH

"Freedom is living, living isn't freedom!" - by Richard Colbert (aka @venuspcs)




I am a proud supporter of minnowsupportproject (aka minnowsupport), if you haven't already joined check them out over on their Discord Channel by clicking below:



Keep fighting the fight brother!!

upvoted ...lets hope nice people are around. Need some nice people upvoting on mine too. All money will go to my daughters account. She will get it in 18 years ... lets hope 18 years collecting money this way will make her a little happy ;)

Blessings and best of luck to you from Spain.

Upvoted, resteemed, and a whole lotta well wishes to you, sir!

These people love you :) You just keep up the good work...I am not worth much but will upvote whatever you post til you get on your feet! <3


Thanks a million!

Yup...Im on It Like A Hobo On A Ham Sandwich...!!

This post has received a 7.69 % upvote from @buildawhale thanks to: @buildawhale.

Upvoted and resteeemed venus. Hope you can make it.

Good luck!