Am sorry for taking a tad bit of your time, kindly read:

in #steemit6 years ago

Are women who dress provocatively responsible for unwanted attention, or should men learn to control themselves?
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A lot of girls today complain that guys leave them basically in light of the fact that they refused engaging in sexual relations with them!! Some have even gone out of their way to give their virginity on a platter just to keep the guy in place.

Allow me to be blunt here...

...Taking a gander at it basically, you'll understand that 'dipping the wick' may not be the genuine motivation behind why folks leave you as a lady. It may not be your physical bends or shapes either.

You need to create attraction in other ways than with your body and how great your 'licks' is to him, give your man something else that no other woman can offer him and he will never turn away from you

For instance... According to the Gospel of Matthew 25:1-13

...The story of the ten virgins made us to comprehend that both the shrewd and the stupid were all virgins... The other five were not permitted to see the bridegroom not on the grounds that they were Virgins or in light of the fact that they lost their virginity... No!! But because they were foolish and were called foolish because they had no EXTRA OIL.

For this situation!!! The EXTRA OIL is your character or those things you can offer in a relationship leaving 'dipping the wick" and physical excellence... in the cooler. Most young ladies don't have that EXTRA OIL to sustain them in any relationship while others boast about virginity and beauty since that's all they can offer.

To my ladies!!!... the question is;

Aside from 'dipping the wick' and romance, what else can you offer a man?

Can you support him spiritually, mentally, financially, physically, logically and emotionally? Can you give him your time and full attention?

All you do is demanding money for all your physical needs.

How many times have you sat down to plan his future with him? Inspire or motivate him?
How many times do you correct him nor advice him? Do you even see yourself having a future with him in the first place?

Think about it.
Build your man.
Be his foundation.


By: Amb.I.O.Emmanuel 'venikande'