Bad Behavior: Bribing for Upvotes

In addition to these disapproved behaviors:
- f4f: I follow you, please follow me
- begging for upvote: I upvoted your post, please upvote mine
- upvoting at 100% your own "nice post" comment
I just have been witness to another bad behavior:
Bribing for Upvote

Somebody sent me 0.001 SP with this memo:
- Bussines proposal: Hi vcelier If you upvote this post with 100% of your voting power I will return to you 50% of the steem dollars from that vote as soon as I get paid: (followed by a link to his post)
I absolutely dislike this kind of attitude.
About bribing,it has some effect and I think it is inevitable.So we just live with it.real quality articles still will stick out eventually
I never felt that way. Rape, theft and murder are also inevitable, but I would never say - "we just have to live with it." It sounds too much as resignation :) Corruption is wrong and like all other crimes it has to be addressed and fought. In my opinion corruption is only second to war in destroying human communities.
As for quality - Steemit is one of many experiments on the internet trying to make a systemic way of promoting quality, but I am definitely not sure it works perfect in its current form...
That's pretty much my feeling too. Still, it's the first time I read about this behavior. It's nice that someone bribes you in a public memo.
Also anyone could just post 10 comments or post and upvote them all and would get 100% not 50% of their votes.
I agree, the more time you spend here the more evident it becomes that quality tends to win out over this type of behavior.
I feel sad now. Nobody offers to bribe me.
You want me to bribe you? ;-)
ha ha
I have said for years that I take bribes. Hasn't worked yet.
Bribe me . but in a legal way haha
Totally agree with you, i'm new to this and I've never done that
That's ridiculous. and as part of community, we should continue to share and report this type of behavior so we can keep the community clean. Thanks for doing this.
Yes all those things I hate on here, luckily I am a very small Minnow so not seeing to much of it on my posts but I hope somehow this sort of behavior is curtailed somehow it takes away from all the good on this site
Finally, someone has said it. Thanks for this heads up.
Thats when you know you've made it. When people are sending you steem to think about upvoting their posts. They just ask me in the comments and dont even upvote my post.
I've seen these things. I thought it was part of the local culture.
C'est souvent l'attitude des nouveaux arrivant. Moi même j'ai commencé en faisant des erreurs puit j'ai apprit à devenir meilleur. Je pense qu'il faut les laisser expérimenter et qu'ils se rendent compte que cela ne mène pas loin. Après vous êtes riches, c'est normal que vous soyez beaucoup sollicité car vos votes ont beaucoup de valeur et il ne faut pas se voiler la face, la plupart des gens viennent sur Steemit pour l'argent.
People really stop need to do this kind of thing, I understand because you can earn money with that..and of course I want to earn money too, but we have to treat this platform also like another social media platform, respect and create good content , things will come. I hate F4F too.