LEARN ABOUT CONSTITUTIONAL SAFE ZONES - What Being American is AboutsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit4 years ago (edited)



What Being American is About

By USCF Incident Command

American independence and freedom was declared and secured in the name and on the authority of the good people of the American colonies in 1776 through the Declaration of Independence and by winning the American Revolutionary War that followed, with muskets and canons. These brave acts established the American people as the first branch of government.


The Seed of American Liberty

In 1776, the world was still unfortunately under the grip of the multiracial slave trade that had existed since prehistoric times, but fortunately the ideological seed to uproot slavery was planted in American soil on July 4th 1776, when Thomas Jefferson wrote these immortal and irrefutable words in the Declaration of Independence,

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

It took nearly 200 years of struggle, a civil war and the blood of many patriots and tyrants for that seed to grow into a Tree of Liberty big enough to provide shade for all Americans regardless of who or what they are.


The Supreme Rule of Law

After declaring independence the next move by the Civilian Authority of We the People, was to make good on our declared intent to form a government controlled by We the People,

"That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." (Declaration of Independence)

We did this by delegating power to form a government to secure our rights through the Articles of Confederation and finally through the Constitution of the United States of America and the Bill of Rights, which is the supreme law of the land where the people tell the government what it can and cannot do.


All American Citizens Have Governmental Powers and Duties

Our American system of government uniquely involves US citizens and comes with responsibilities and duties to make sure the Civilian Authority of We the People always maintains a superior position of relative power over the three subordinate branches of government: legislative, executive and judicial. It is a government of, by and for the people, and because no nation before us had ever given sovereign power to its people, it has come to be known as the "American Experiment".

The Bill of Rights outlines the prominent powers of the Civilian Authority of We the People needed to fulfill our critical government role as citizens: Freedom of the press, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, right to petition government (condemn, criticize and complain about it), right to keep and bear arms (to secure freedom), right to grand jury, right to jury trial, protection against unwarranted searches and seizures, right to an attorney, protection against cruel and unusual punishment, right to due process of law, right to not testify against ourselves, right to face our accusers, and so on.

The integrity of our governance model requires We the People to play an active role in the government as: the collective sovereign rulers, voters, government watchdogs, members of the free press, gun owners, militia members, grand jurors, trial jurors, activist petitioners and protestors, and community organizers - all to make sure the US Constitution (the highest law of the land) is followed, and then enforced by We the People (as a force of last resort), when rogue government servants violate it.

The Constitutional Safe Zone

The Constitutional Safe Zone initiative is a platform to facilitate and coordinate US citizens to serve as a check and balance against tyranny (ie. unconstitutional government infringement and erosion of our rights) and terrorism (politically motivated attacks against We the People) by carrying out our inherent special duties to monitor, assess, maintain and enforce government and civilian compliance with our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

The Constitutional Safe Zone initiative is what being an American citizen is all about. It is nothing unusual, radical or extreme. It is the price we must all pay for being Americans in the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Learn the 12 Step Process for Securing Our Rights Against Acts of Tyranny, Terrorism and Natural Disasters...


Ready To Stand Up?

Right now America needs people to do patriot stuff, but patriot has meaning and value only If one is ready to take action, otherwise it is called being a bystander.

If you want to be more than just a bystander by becoming an active patriot, then join us at [email protected] today. Send an email describing yourself, background and interest.

Realize That Alone You Will Be Easily Broken

In the face of today's threats of terrorism and tyranny, everyone's security depends on crowd defense!

Crowd Defense translates into the number of neighbors that you personally know who can rally to your defense in a matter of minutes when your rights, life, liberty and/or property comes under attack by hostile forces (tyrants, terrorists, criminals and natural disasters).

ALONE we are subjected to harm by more powerful hostile forces.

TOGETHER we are the most powerful armed force on Earth with an estimated 100 million gun owners, 400 million guns and 12 trillion rounds of ammo in civilian hands!

On the local level, your personal crowd defense grid is secured with your nearest 500 local neighbors by forming a "Neighborhood CSZ" (Constitutional Safe Zone).


There are two ways to approach this.

  1. Become your neighborhood CSZ leader
  2. Identify a neighbor to be your neighborhood CSZ leader (a US veteran who values the Constitution and Bill of Rights is a good candidate).

In any case, the Neighborhood CSZ leader needs to be in personal contact (by meeting or phone) with all 500 neighbors on a monthly basis (at least a 5 min call). Do not try to organize more than 500 homes. If you have more than 500 homes interested, then just start another Neighborhood CSZ.

Leading a Neighborhood CSZ involves 5 key functions:

  1. Having the proper vision. Seeing and respecting all the American citizens in your community as Americans first; not as blacks, whites, asians or latinos or anything else.
  2. Paying the price for leadership means being impartial and helping to defend everyone equally; racially dividing and discriminating against people is a problem, not a solution.
  3. Communicating with 20 different neighbors a day (if you take Sunday off), which comes to 500 homes every month.
  4. Cultivate these 500 homes to bring them into the inner circle of the CSZ and apply the 12 step CSZ process with them step by step (see chart below).
  5. Inspiring everyone to help when the community needs to come together to "circle the wagons" defensively against all the aforementioned threats.



This is a professional best methods approach for communicating with your nearest 500 neighbors to recruit them into the CSZ.


1.1 Get Supplies: Purchase 1 ream of copy paper 500 sheets letter sized. Five letter size 3 ring binders that can hold 100 sheets each. A 3 ring hole punch. A clip board. A pen. A voice recorder app for your phone. 3 ring letter size tab separators.

1.2 Make your offline database: Drive around and mark the 500 homes nearest to you by writing down each address on a separate sheet of paper. File them in the folder in order by address and separated by street under a tabbed sheet divider. Protect everyone's privacy from potential government intrusion by not creating online databases and spreadsheets.
Pen + Paper. Keep it simple and low tech.

1.3 Conduct neighborhood house-by-house interviews (not a good idea to do this alone or unarmed):

Goal: LISTEN to understand each person's specific needs, interests and concerns about threats from natural disasters, criminals, terrorism and tyranny.

Method: Take notes or record the interviews to note the KEY WORDS they use to define: 1) the problems they are concerned about and 2) the solutions they are looking for. Begin the recording by stating the address of the interview at the beginning of the recording, and then after the interview (before you end the recording) note any obvious demographic info like age, race, religion, political party etc.


2.1 Convert the interview results: Convert the audio recordings to text using the OTTER App (best) or just take really good notes (next best).

2.2 Create Raw Data File: Place all the text you converted from audio or your notes into one file and save it into an offline file (doc, pdf etc).

2.2 Compile Text Results: Read the raw data and note key words used to describe problems (antifa, marxists, blm, radical islam, KKK etc) and solutions (militia, neighborhood watch, protests etc) by writing them down on a piece of paper.

2.3 Tabulate raw data results: Go back and do a "find" to search the document for each key word and note the number of times each word was used collectively.

"Problem identified" (frequency):
"BLM" (425 times)

"Solution Identified" (frequency)
"Neighborhood Watch" (300 times)

2.4 Complete the analysis: Rank in order of frequency, the problems and solutions by key word noting the number of times each was used. Then cross tabulate the results by street name, area, age, race, religion, political party etc if your neighborhood is not demographically homogenous.

2.5 Note the summary responses and demographic info for each home on their database sheet in your binder. Make relevant follow up notes each time you meet or speak to them to refresh your memory next time you meet them.


3.1 Develop a strategic communications plan based on the analysis of the raw data for creating effective messages that speak the language of key demographic groups identified. The CSZHQ will help you develop your strategic communications plan at: http://zello.com/cszhq


4.1 Draft the flyers: As many different flyers as you have unique demographic groups that use different key words. The CSZHQ will help you draft your communications flyers at: http://zello.com/cszhq


5.1 Train any key staff in the distribution of flyers to key groups you already identified in your first interviews. The CSZHQ will help you train your staff at http://zello.com/cszhq


6.1 Go out and pass out flyers matched by demographic group and invite them to join your neighborhood CSZ. Best approach is to get a favorable member from a given demographic group to pass out flyers and invite members of that demographic group, as far as possible.

REMEMBER - the goal here is to secure our rights by coming together and enforcing the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Leave all other political agendas out of this.

Forget about using the CSZ for campaigning for Democrats or Republicans. Neither will secure our rights or enforce the constitution. All branches of local, state and federal government over the past 244 years of our nation have not created any new rights and have only destroyed, eroded and infringed the rights we fought for starting in 1776. The Democrat Assault Weapons Ban and Republican bump stock ban are classic examples of how both parties have been screwing us over for generations.

REMEMBER our rights and freedoms were not acquired by the POTUS, CONGRESS OR SCOTUS - only by We the People armed with muskets. The only way we are going to restore and preserve our rights and freedom is by forming local neighborhood CSZs on the same proven principles America was founded on.


7.1 Communicate with all 500 homes once a month to give brief CSZ updates in person or by phone or email newsletter. Ask permission to follow up with them after a month when you pass out the flyer.


8.1 After 6 months
8.2 After 12 months

Repeat steps 1-7 after 1 year to adjust to changing trends.


You need to bridge ALL 5 GAPS with each of your 500 neighbors in order to achieve the crowd defense ideal of sovereign legitimate power to defend your neighborhood from terrorists and tyrants. (Sovereign simply means that you and your neighbors are the most powerful force in your area by virtue of your number of armed defenders; not that you don't have a driver's license or passport, renounce your citizenship and file bogus liens against city officials like the fringe group who co-opted the term.)

  1. SPACE GAP - This is by far the easiest gap to bridge! All you need to do is go door to door to meet your neighbors to eliminate the space gap. Everyone has 500 homes around them at some distance. These are the people closest to you who need to be able to rally to your aid when needed, and vice versa. You need to reach out to them to listen to them in order to bridge the next 4 gaps. Just walking up to a neighbor's gate and ringing the bell means 20% of the total gap is already crossed!

  2. TIME GAP - This is understanding your 500 neighbors' problems and having the solutions they want when they need it. You have to listen to them to know this. The words they use to describe their problems, solutions and when they need them are most valuable information. Ask them about their concerns and ideas relating to threats of natural disasters, domestic terrorism, tyrannical laws, law enforcement and general crime. When you are able to deliver what they want when they need it, you have crossed this gap!

  3. INFO GAP - You need to know these 500 neighbors, their contact info (address, email, phone); their demographics; age, race, political party, religion, occupation, income level, gun owner, etc. And they need to know about you and your proposed CSZ solutions to be able to build a rapport and trust. By following the above CSZ Neighborhood Action Plan you will automatically bridge this gap!

  4. VALUE GAP - You need to identify all your 500 neighbors perceived costs and benefits of the CSZ 12 step solutions. This is so you can work to reduce or eliminate perceived costs and increase and create real benefits they seek. This will serve to increase perceived value of the CSZ solutions and motivate them to buy in and participate. It is essential to identify the language they use to describe costs and benefits of the solutions.
    Value Formula: Benefits (-) Costs = Value
    If the costs appear greater than the benefits then there is no value in the proposition. For anything to be valuable to someone the benefits must always be greater than the costs. To cross this gap you need to convince yourself and then your neighbors of only one fact: "Freedom to exercise our God given rights is the ultimate benefit that we as Americans must be ready to pay the ultimate cost for with their lives." The same cost-benefit valuation of freedom that Americans faced in 1776, exists today. We are the land of the free because we are the home of the brave.

  5. EXCHANGE GAP - This is the ability of your 500 neighbors to pay the price for freedom and security. Mostly this will come in the form of spending time and money to prepare, gear up with high powered rifles (.308 calibre), scope, 2000+ rounds of ammo and level 3+ ballistic plate armor, dig in, get educated, join field training exercises with your local CSZ Action Team, become proficient with your weapon (practice at shooting range from 20 feet to 800 yards), attend coordination meetings, assume responsibility, carry out routine duties etc.

NOTE: To encourage those exchanges we have USCF Cryptocurrency (called Freedom Coins) leaders can use as an incentive to reward and reimburse CSZ volunteers for their investment of time and resources in the local neighborhood's security. There is a national Freedom Exchange where Freedom Coin account holders can list goods and services to buy and sell.



To succeed with the CSZ mission we launched Veterans Defending America to help We the People adopt the best known and proven crowd defense methods. Veteran members are assigned the following tasks:

1) Take Dispatcher Training

Everyone will be given dispatcher training (to learn how we dispatch tickets). Start by doing the following:
a. Remove any personally identifying info from your online dispatch profile
b. Use your USCF Team patch as your profile pic (ask your team leader).
c. Change your Screen Name to to include your team initials (ask your team leader).
d. Give your skills certifications MOS info in your profile descrip
e.⤵ Download the GPS Tactical App (ask team leader)
f. (If you can) Get a Satellite Phone - $250 AND $39/MON UNLIMITED TEXTS https://www.bluecosmo.com/spot-x-two-way-satellite-messenger.html

2) Recruit 5+ Veterans Each:

More boots online Veterans, civilian security experts and combat medics, EMTs, Paramedics, Doctors (trauma injuries) to respond to calls. Please reach out to your known veterans and invite them here. Every member is asked to recruit at least 5 veterans.

3) Promote VDA Channel:

This is so people know about it and can get help when they need it. Everyone is a member of the CSZ Promotions Team - so please share this channel http://zello.com/vda on FB and social media.

4) CSZ Tactical Ops:

Boots on the ground veterans to organize counter insurgency/terrorism/tyranny operations at the local neighborhood and county level. Every member needs to study and learn the 12 steps of the CSZ Constitutional Safe Zone Initiative initiative at http://cszhq.gq and http://steemit.com/@uscfhq and then report to http://zello.com/cszhq to request a CSZ assignment.

5) Secure Comms:

(Follow all steps in order!) without using personally identifying information:

a. Encrypt your phone's operating system (using a new burner phone ideally that you only use for CSZ ops)
b. Go to phone App Store settings and turn off auto updating of all apps.
c. Download Proton VPN App and start using it now before proceeding (Keep your GPS turned off)
d. Download Tor Browser App from the Tor Project.
e. Download Comodo Internet security App and install
f. Create an encrypted email at protonmail.com using your profile code name to validate your new phone # (step g.)
g. Download TextNow app and create a new phone# to validate Signal App (step h.)
h. Download and register Signal App and validate using Textnow phone# (from step g.) Using your protonmail email send your new Signal Phone # to the Incident Command Center HQ at [email protected]
g. Download and Register the Trello App at trello.com using your protonmail email (step d.)

6) Study Counter Insurgency (COIN):

We need everyone to review/study these Field Manuals:

a. Insurgency Counter Insurgency Field Manual

b. UW FM https://fas.org/irp/doddir/army/fm3-05-130.pdf

c. UW Pocket Guide https://www.soc.mil/ARIS/books/pdf/Unconventional%2520Warfare%2520Pocket%2520Guide_v1%25200_Final_6%2520April%25202016.pdf

NEED HELP? EMAIL [email protected]