Who or what determines where you first loose weight?

in #steemit6 years ago

Who or what determines where you first loose weight?

Hello fit friends,

who determines where u loosse weight.jpg

"The biggest benefit in life is doing what people say you can not do."
-Walter Bagehot

Where we burn fat first, is born of our parents in the cradle.
Two factors matter:

  • Your gender and
  • Your genetics.

Let's take a close look at both aspects one after the other.

Women vs. Men - where you first lose fat
Wife vs. Man women have a higher body fat percentage than men. The difference is around 10%.

While women tend to store excess energy in the subcutaneous fatty tissue of the butt and legs, men tend to store it as visceral fat on the abdomen.

The male fat distribution is more similar to an apple (Android fat distribution), the female of a pear (gynoid fat distribution).


Even when losing weight, the male body changes differently than the female:

Men burn more belly fat, while women lose more thigh fat.

The underlying mechanisms why men break down fat differently than women are not fully understood yet.
Are your parents to blame if the belly fat refuses to burn?
Of course, we were given not only the hair color of our parents, but also our ideal body.

Does that mean the genes are to blame for your physique? Partially already. BUT…

By the way you have treated your body in the past months and years, YOU have made it what it is today

The genes seem most likely to influence where you first decrease (or gain weight) - but not if.

You can train your muscles differently than body fat.

For example, suppose you think your hips may be narrower. You can barely change your bone structure, right?

But you could train your latissimus by increasing the training volume with exercises for the broad back muscle.

If you want a rounder, firmer butt, then the exercises in your training plan may reflect that as well: deadlifting, lunges or pelvic lifting ("hip thrusts") are a good idea.

So I'm not saying that you are now performing only isolation exercises for the appropriate muscles. The "Big Six" should always be the foundation on which you build.

Muscles make you look slimmer.

Yes, ladies, that's also true for you: do not be afraid of heavy weights and thick muscle!

As long as you choose the right nutritional strategy, everything is fine. :)

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My next article will be about: "Everything you should know about protein"

Thank you for paying attention!
Please follow me @up2you and resteem if you don't want to miss out great workouts and recipes.

Tschüß don't forget, it it's up to you


Nice well researched Post! keep it up ;)

Really great info! :) Thanks so much for sharing...