Exposing the Secrets of the 33rd Degree Freemasons , Illuminati, The Kabbalist PT 3

in #steemit9 years ago

The one "RING" to rule them all will be talked about today & later on it will make more sense to some of you as when i say "ring" , I do not mean the physical object , you need to change your perspective (bruce lipton) what i really mean is to ring like a bell , that was word play to symbolize vibration, sound , frequency.

To continue the movie analogy this is why you had to bring the "ring" to the heart of enemy to win because what really took place was frodo brought a higher vibration and transmuted the enemies lower frequency into a higher one using the law of polarity. Exactly like Neo did in the matrix.

"So that according to the Teachings, the passage of this book to those ready for the instruction will attract the attention of such as are prepared to receive the Teaching. And, likewise, when the pupil is ready to receive the truth, then will this little book come to him, or her. Such is The Law. The Hermetic Principle of Cause and Effect, in its aspect of The Law of Attraction, will bring lips and ear together--pupil and book in company." The Kybalion

So this paragraph shows the highest law and that is THE LAW OF ATTRACTION, before i lose some of you we are not talking about the book "the secret by rhonda byrne" The only thing she did was give it a bad name and popularize the phrase.

The kybalion was written around 100 years ago , but they got that from the emerald tablet several thousand years ago so please delete what you think you know about this as it is wrong or at the very least a watered down version of it. 

The law of attraction we will be focusing on is from the books called " The Esoteric" A Magazine of Advanced & practical esoteric thought. Vol.1 though 10 printed July 1887 First edition 

Now the Freemasons have many names for the law of attraction they seem to dance around the name but for now we will focus on the law of persistent desire. 

Two paragraphs i would like to point out:

"The word generally will regard as absurd the assertion that anything desired of humanity can be had by persistently demanding it in mind, persistently insisting in mind on having it, & keeping always the mind fixed on such desire without wavering or indecision."  "The Esoteric"

"Do you mean that by simply desiring or demanding any temporal good that i shall bring or draw it toward me???" That is precisely what is meant! The desire, demand, prayer, ever impelled by the word ""MUST!!!"" Say " i MUST have what i have set my wish upon, and i WILL NOT (in mind) accept of anything inferior," and keep on ever saying it.  "The Esoteric"

"Because "must" and "will" so used are not words merely, or sounds BUT THOUGHTS. Thoughts are things, powers, substances, and of these must and will are the GREATEST of such powers, & of efficacy to each individual in proportion to his power of persistency and determination. "  "The Esoteric"

"Your persistent, secret demand in thought shapes your external act."  "The Esoteric"

" The thoughts of " I can't," " I shall fail," are just as much things and powers as are "will" and "must" they, too are demands, desires, prayers."  "The Esoteric"

" For the laws of the universe do not vary, be the intent of using them for good or ill. "  "The Esoteric"

"Ask, and ye shall receive ; seek, and ye shall find ; knock, and it shall be opened unto you," said the Christ ,  "The Esoteric" Abraham jerry and Esther hicks, The Bible Just to name a few

"but to ask, demand, desire,pray,wisely so that the thing brought by "must" and "will" prove not a curse instead of a blessing"  "The Esoteric"

"A million of dollars cannot give courage to a coward or decision to the wavering of the cure a hasty temper."  "The Esoteric" So be sure you are attracting the right thing in your life and not just petty materialistic goal. 

"Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added unto you." Demand for yourself this kingdom, and it will come.  "The Esoteric"

Mental healing or expression of the universal mind will be the next part showing more about the law of attraction:

"The Mind has an effect upon all animals and also the human body is a long established fact; and that one mind can affect another is one of the sacred mysteries of though when ""ATTUNED"" in the realm of Will, And it can act powerfully as it becomes united and remains identical with the Universal Will, of in other words , becomes in ""AT-ONE-MENT with the already existing Universal Spirit Power in Nature."  "The Esoteric"

I Need to take a moment and explain a little more about this word play Atonement , you think it means to make Amends or reparation made for an injury or wrong. NOPE what it really means is this ""AT-ONE-MENT  "one in harmony with the mind" Another hidden meaning of this word is "A-TONE-MENT" A mind of 1 vibration but that one i will save for later.

"There is a living force and saving energy in thought, and the true Meta-physician raises the magic wand of his ATUUNED WILL AND SOUL, and quiets the tempest raging about the patient's physical plane, and gives peace to the surging billows of discord and error between the physical house and the tenant soul. " "The Esoteric"

So can we buy this magic wand on ebay??? This is what some of you are thinking and NO again we are not talking about a real physical object this represents " A tuning fork" from now on whenever you see the word "wand" or "staff" "rod" just replace it with tunning fork as Humans can literally change and amplifying there vibration to transmit it.

like a tunning fork does when you hit it and i will show you later on how you can do this as well. And in case you missed it they are talking about reiki healing. 

"it is thought ideas which shapes & governs the world and moulds our future destiny and fate." "The Esoteric"

"Everything must exist in Spirit before it can take form in matter." "The Esoteric"

"become united with the higher principles of life and universal soul , Here it is where all thought and action become controlled by the higher impulses of the heart  and the key of this spiritual world is in that true religion which is nothing more or less than that faculty of a pure unselfish love. "  "The Esoteric"

"Through it the metaphysician may control the physical. on these principles is found the key where the combined action of Spirit and Will produces the third, which is "MANIFESTED" in every objective form. "The Esoteric"

"Then form a mental cable by focalized thought by which the fusion of Soul and Will action may vibrate with the correspondent of that which is affected, and the work will be accomplished.." "The Esoteric"

"The attunement of the Dominant note of being, then to establish a continuous identity of molecular vibration on the spiritual and correspondent part of the patient In Odylic vibrations between him and the great absolute infinite vibrating energy of nature. HERE LIES THE WHOLE KEY OF THE MYSTERY OF VIBRATION. There is but one law for all , namely, the law  which governs law , that of spirit, that of harmony and equity, the law of nature being simply the outer manifestation of occultation in matter. "The Esoteric"

"We Truly are, and possess or radiate the Divine Truth only when we hold the DOMINANT NOTE; there we find the world within us, and ourselves within the world.  "The Esoteric"

"He who is one with Spirit and himself is everything" "The Esoteric"

"Start by vibrating waves by emotion and Will and, being ready for whatever may happen, by maintaining an inviolable calmness directs the billows of action by emotional command AND IS OBEYED" "The Esoteric"

"spirit measure human soul by there capacity of radiating a PURE UNSELFISH LOVE; & that illumination and ripening of the soul is by works. "The Esoteric"

"Every occultist knows the power of the human will when an intense desire for higher good above all selfishness if FOCALIZED MENTALLY and bent upon any particular subject."The Esoteric"

"The secret of WILL is to drop all personal (EGO) and with the knowledge of the higher correspondences put them into practice , causing that fine subtle vibration of thought to play upon the body through its Spiritual correspondences, Of which the physical is but an objective occultaion of spirit idea in matter. Everything in this world of matter contains a certain deposit of this JEWEL OF SPIRIT LIGHT, WHICH CAN BE FOUND AND BROUGHT TO OBEY THE COMMAND OF MAN; that is when his emotions, loves, and will, are attuned above the personal (ego) and man's objective self. "The Esoteric"

"The whole secret of attaining these powers consists in driving out self-hood and becoming an instrument; otherwise you create a false self and know only the objective and outer material; thus our lives are made up of disappointments, with an unreal fantastic falsity, creating through our animal desires and ambitions vast tissues of self-deception. Thereby man loses consciousness of his one all powerful DOMINANT NOTE and Spiritual Truth."The Esoteric"

"The object of the higher love is to join itself with the universal Will, in order to INCREASE VIBRATION & POWER; Which means to live with and enjoy true life, being in at-1-ment with Spirit; to arise above the personal self and become universal, doing good for the mere sake of good." "The Esoteric"

" Guard well thy thoughts; thy thoughts are heard in heaven."

"The one thing which chains cannot bind, dungeon cannot hold, and inquisition cannot destroy, is human thought."

"Thoughts and ideas are entities, and exist independently of the perception of man; they do not need man for their existence, but man needs them to enable him to think. "

"Thoughts and ideas, set in motion by the will, move through space; a thought set in motion in the astral ether resembles the expanding ripples upon the set in motion in the astral ether resemble the expanding ripples upon a surface of a lake; a thought projected to a destination by the power of an adept may be compared to an electric current passing with lightning velocity through space."

"Thoughts directed towards an object are like a mountain-stream rushing towards that object, and if the wills of several persons combine to direct it, it grows in extension and force, provided their wills are single-minded and without any secondary designs. "

"If a thought-current cannot reach the sphere of mind of the individual towards whom it is directed, it rebounds upon the mind of the individual from the impulse came. A person who concentrates the full power of a malicious thought upon another may, if he fails to succeed , be killed by the energy which he has called into action."

"Very few persons ever realize the potential influence of thought, when directed towards another person, either near of far off in space.

"that one mind can impress its thoughts and feelings upon another mind, without the intervention of spoke words."

"It has been demonstrated beyond the possibility of doubt that, ideas in one mind can be produced in another mind, and oftentimes with perfect accuracy."

" There must be a harmonious vibration, no sound can be heard in a space from which the air has been exhausted. There being no vibration there can be no sound. It is well known that the tones produced by a musical instrument do not die within the instrument, but can be heard at distances ACCORDING TO PITCH AND POWER, and the condition of the air through which they vibrate." "The Esoteric"

I would like to point out a key point in this paragraph its say pitch and power explicitly for a reason. If you guys have a magnetic pull of 1 out of a 100 , you will not get what you want , it must be a 100 out of 100. Later on i will show you how to get that kind of power as Kevin did not go into enough detail about it.

"If an evil thought enters the soul and we do not IMMEDIATELY reject it , we harbour a devil in our heart."

"If we steadily concentrate our upon a person or a place, the highest thought energies, residing in the fifth principle of man, will actually visit that place, because thoughts is not bound by the laws of gross matter regarding time and space."



"To obtain magic power the 1st requirement is to learn how to control thought, to command our own moods of mind, and to allow only such ideas to enter the mind as we voluntarily choose to admit. Can you command a thought , and hold on to it for 5 minutes???"

"Without this first requirement no further progress will be made."

I would like to point out that Christ Powers ARE NOT the same a magic powers but that is a whole other topic i will be getting into and a step by step guide on achieving it :)

"It is important to bear in mind that as thought is the principle, and as everything exists in nature, as an objective reality, must pre-exist as an idea, so whatever is conceivable in thought, is possible."

"This law, that whatever is conceivable is possible, is expressed by Jesus in the way, "if thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. (Mark IX:23)  "The Esoteric"

OK hopefully by now you can see that his is real & how the elite use this against use to stay in power , later on i will get into how you can turbo charge your law of attraction manifesting powers, also there will be a troubleshooting guide / why this didn't work for you before with a later article. Also Explaining in great detail about all the barriers that have been place b4 you. 

The very next article is going to be a repeat of the law of attraction but in very simple basic English so that you can understand it better as this was written over 100 years ago with out of date language. 


Its about time someone wrote an illuminati aricle...Christ! Its all ancient sorcery and forms of hidden knowledge kept secret from the people.. I don't think it will ever be surfaced even if its destroy people or "muggles" are just to narrow minded. You earned yourself a follower! Please follow back! Nice work.

I did follow you back you have a similar mindset to me :)

Is that Obama's wedding ring?

No puppets can't weld this kind of power ;)

This is a collection of paragraphs from over 10 book that have at least 500 pages each, i was just focusing on the law of attraction but its a lot of content that was chosen to best represent that they know it is real and use it against you.

Also a weird thing happened when i was using a batch file reducer program it randomly mixed pages , so i lost the correct order and i have 1,000 pics that i had to sort through to post here, and i got sick of looking for a needle in haystack, so that's why some of the paragraphs don't have pics next to them. But hopefully i have proven that this is just from freemasonry books and not random quotes.

"How can ya be free, and a freemason?" - Me