Exposing the Secrets of the 33rd Degree Freemasons , Illuminati, The Brotherhood pt 2

in #steemit9 years ago (edited)

Were are going to start off with the fundamentals , please do not over look these basic concepts that is were 90% of you will fail because you already think you know this but you do not.

The 8 Basic Concepts to Achieving Success & learning the ways of enlightenment.

Who do you listen to?

How Teachable are you? 

All is Mind, The Principle of Mentalism

The Four Steps to Processing New Information

The art of believing


How to develop a perfect memory

Last is to master this list

Lets Start of with Who do you listen to? You should only listen to people how have what you want and have proven it. Most people go around and watch TV or read pure fiction books and then go and emulate there lives that why, which is why they never accomplish anything because they are learning a completely useless skill .

On the other end of the scale is the people how only listen to very successful people like Donald Trump, Arnold Schwarzenegger just to name two people. This is also a very bad thing to do as very rich and successful people will lie to your face about how they did it they will purposely give you the wrong information so that you can achieve a little bit of success, but not “that much.”  because ....

1. They don’t write their own books and

2. They don’t want you to know their secrets because they don’t want competition.


 the elite class that have “this knowledge” wanted to keep it to themselves, therefore limiting competition.

So again only emulate some one that has proven it, listen to people who have done it in real life—real examples—because it is proven to work; it’s not just theory. 

How teachable are you really?

1. What is your willingness to learn?

2. How willing are you to accept change?

if your willingness to learn is a 10, but your willingness to accept change is 0. 10

times 0 is 0, you have a 0 teach ability the reverse is true as well. 

 “if you aren't teachable, if you aren't growing, then you’re dying. You never stay at the place your at; you’re actually going backwards.” kevin trudeau

I'm Going to quote a lot of bible verses later on and that is when some of you will fail because you going to say i'm not listening to him he's a bible thumper , and then i will switch to Buddhist tradition and the Christians are going to say thats is devil worship .

I'm going to completely challenge most of your preconceived notions about to this world really works and you guys might fail because its already an ingrained habit , "all in all your just another brick in the wall" thats what the song means that your brains is no longer plastic "malleable" "changeable" this happens to most people at the age of 30, this is why they say if you have not made by the age of thirty your not going to, because you are already have well established synopsis in your brain that are hard wired that way. 

Later on i will show you that you really can learn anything at any point and how to reprogram your brain that will be later.

First you have to determine where your teach-ability index is right now. If they aren't both 10’s, then you just have to acknowledge that you don’t have ahigh willingness to learn. Kevin then says that everyone’s goal is always the first thing in front of them. “Some of you think your goal is to manifest your desires. Some of you think your goal is to learn this information. Some of you think your goal is to make a million dollars.”

But Kevin says that isn't so; everyone’s goal or first objective is different, but it is always the first thing in front of you. For example, Kevin says if you have both 10’s on the teach-ability index, then your goal is the next step (training balance scale). But if you aren't at 10’s in both categories of the teach-ability index, then your goal is to get both up to 10. Kevin says a key point here is that your goal or object is always the first thing in front of you. (From your wish is your command)

 Lets talk about the all is mind : "THE ALL IS MIND; The Universe is Mental."--The Kybalion.

"Mind (as well as metals and elements) may be transmuted, from state to state; degree to degree; condition to condition; pole to pole; vibration to vibration. True Hermetic Transmutation is a Mental Art."--The Kybalion.

If the Universe is Mental in its nature, then Mental Transmutation must be the art of CHANGING THE CONDITIONS OF THE UNIVERSE, along the lines of Matter, Force and mind. So you see, therefore, that Mental Transmutation is really the "Magic" of which the ancient; writers had so much to say in their mystical works, and about which they gave so few practical instructions. If All be Mental, then the art which enables one to transmute mental conditions must render the Master the controller of material conditions as well as those ordinarily called "mental."--The Kybalion

When we are talking about Transmutation we are only talking about the mind NOT copper to gold that was taught to outsiders to keep them away from the "real meat" so to speak  Later on i will go into using the principle of Polarity to transmute a lower vibration "fear" into "courage" or "hate" into "love" as they are on the same plane.

 “The truth is that the thought part of the training balance scale, the thinking, is 99.9% of it.” Thinking and your thoughts are ultimately more important than “the how” or the skills. When you are making your desires come true before your eyes, the most important part is your thoughts. "Your wish is your command"

Just be clear action is important but only if its "right action" if you coming at you problem from a wrong perspective nothing good will come out of it. That's why the mind is above action.

Most people fail because they are always concerned about “the how.” They focus on how it can happen when they don’t have the skill, knowledge, techniques, etc. Kevin continues saying “when your thoughts are right, the facts don’t matter.” Because again i telling you what you think are facts are not they are just other peoples opinion. 

The art of believing As just pointed out above what you think are facts are only opinions so we have to use believe to fill in the gap, This can be boiled down to the placebo effect. If you think something works it does and the real reason it does is because as shown all is mental.  You can read The Magic of Believing  − Claude M. Bristol for more detail 

But also i would like to point out a new "scientific" discover proving this The Biology of Belief & The Wisdom of Your Cells by Bruce Lipton he proves without a shadow of a doubt that you are fully in control of your Biology it's called epigenetics and it proves that your are genetic engineers. Completely destroying Darwinism once and for all and showing that we using are consciousness determine what genes get activated.   

 The secret is that you become what you think about most of the time.

-The Kybalion-


"THE ALL is MIND; The Universe is Mental."This Principle embodies the truth that "All is Mind."It explains that THE ALL (which is the Substantial Reality underlying all the outward manifestations and appearances which we know under the terms of "The Material Universe"; the "Phenomena of Life"; "Matter"; "Energy"; and, in short, all that is apparent to our material senses) is SPIRIT...


"As above, so below; as below so above."This Principle embodies the truth that there is always a Correspondence between the laws and phenomena of the various planes of Being and Life.


"Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates."This Principle embodies the truth that "everything is in motion"; "everything vibrates"; "nothing is at rest"; facts which Modern Science endorses, and which each new scientific discovery tends to verify.


"Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet...”It explains that in everything there are two poles, or opposite aspects, and that "opposites" are really only the two extremes of the same thing, with many varying degrees between them.


“Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.”This Principle embodies the truth that in everything there is manifested a measured motion, to and fro; a flow and inflow; a swing backward and forward; a pendulum-like movement; a tide-like ebb and flow; a high-tide and low-tide.


"Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law."It explains that: "Everything Happens according to Law"; that nothing ever "merely happens"; that there is no such thing as Chance... only law unseen.


"Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles Gender; manifests on all planes."This Principle embodies the truth that there is GENDER manifested in everything — the Masculine and Feminine Principles ever at work. This is true not only of the Physical Plane, but of the Mental and even the Spiritual Planes.

-The Kybalion- this was copied from http://www.sacred-texts.com/eso/kyb/index.htm

I will not go futher into this i suggest you buy a first edition of this book . 

This one is pretty simple only read 1st edition books, the Freemasons control all of the publishing places so they can censure anything out there , they mainly reserve the 1st edition for them and remove any of the truth before they pass down the watered down information to you guys. I read think and grow rich and remember thinking that was the most informative book ever. 

Only know to realize  that he made a previous book called napoleon hill success in 16 lessons which was the way better version if you can find a first edition that was not pulled from the shelfs. 

This also applies to the book " The secret"  which as none only because it was all removed before you ever bought it.

The Four Steps to Processing New Information

The first is called unconscious incompetence-when you don’t know that you don’t know. Second is conscious incompetence-you know that you don’t know. The third step is called conscious competence-you know that you know. And lastly is unconscious competence- you know and it happens automatically (autopilot). Kevin says these four areas are very important because your objective is to get to unconscious competence.

When all of these concepts become part of your knowledge bank, that is when the magic will start. Kevin says this is so because without even doing anything, all of these things will begin to work (manifesting all your desires), and things will happen quickly and easily “by magic.”

RIGHT HERE is where most of you will fail because you will not take the time to REALLY learn this most of this people will get to Conscious competence and STOP! You must read all of this AT LEAST 100 times before it really sinks in to become unconscious competence. 

 “The fourth reason people fail is they don’t spend enough time at the conscious competence level—to develop new neuro-pathways—so that they get to unconscious competence level where new patterns have been established, new habits, new neuro-pathways. (This is where) the information becomes automatic and it happens

instinctively, instantaneously, effortlessly, easily; thus creating the results as if by magic, and as if by doing nothing.”

You become unconscious competence By 

1. doing it over and over again at the conscious competence level

2. By observing someone else do it—like a mentor (you will activate mirror neurons doing this)

Later on i will show you how to use theta waves , zox and hypnosis to download this information straight to your brain with ease . 

How to develop a perfect memory , It's kinda pointless learning all these things if you cant remember any of it , I will defer you guy to two people , if you guessed the first one congratulations you are already ahead of the game his name is of course Dominic O'Brien's & tony buzan mind mapping

The key to developing a perfect memory is IMAGINATION. The more outlandish the tale you weave the easier it is to remember because you have activated he whole mind and not just one side or the other. 

 if you want to be a Master, you must have to learn to master the basics.

I'm not afraid of the man the knows 10,000 strikes but i'm very afraid of the man that has practices 1 move 10,000 times . That is a main key to make this work.

I know what some of you are think when are we going to get into secrets of the Illuminati . Well first you have to learn how to absorb the new information otherwise this will be in vain . That is why this had to be shown to you, plus this is how the elite really learn kevin trudeau your wish is your command was correct in most of it I will show you where he went wrong as well so THIS IS NOT A COPY of his book, I have only shown the parts where he is correct. 

kevin trudeau your wish is your command is just the the kybalion but with simple language That is why i showed so much of the kybalion as its the same concept there is nothing new under the sun . 

Next we will get into how to use ONE law to overcome all the laws beneath it There will finally be pictures of real freemasonry books to show you that they know all of this but they just don't tell you. 


funky article.

i loved the memes. are we really become brainless?

I took the time to read and I enjoy your article.
There are many people confused by these topics.

In truth there is only one mind, multiplicity is only apparent. The founding fathers of quantum mechanics realised that everything is entangled. Buddist also realised that mind is everything. They do not believe in god or spirit. I will explain why :

Other monotheist religions believe that there is a god somewhere out there in the 7th sky. This leads us to believe that we have severed that connection with the source. That somehow we are punished. And when we try to figure out why does GOD allow all this suffering in the world it gets even more confusing. Because you start to think that god is a sadist or that Lucifer is right to be angry. But this is all the play of archetypes and energies of mind.

Scientist say we only know the function of only 4% of our DNA , related to protein synthesis. We say we are conscious about the info we process only 4% of the time, meanwhile a lot is going on on our subconscious minds. We say we know that only 5% of the universe is composed of matter, the rest being DARK matter & energy.

So I reach a conclusion. The whole cosmos or universe is our mind. The mind, but we are aware of only a tiny fraction of the fractal. We are evolving to become more conscious of our nature. What we call visible light is only a very, very, very tiny part of the known electromagnetic spectrum. (If you were to lay it out (from radio waves to gamma waves ) across east coast usa, to west coast, the visible light covers only 1cm of that length. think about it.) what we call darkness is light we do not see yet, because we know that there are radio waves, wifi waves and infrared (heat) waves in our room but we can not see them. We are not aware of them.

So my point is all these demons, reptilians, AI, are part of our mind. It is us. We also have violent thoughts, we wish harm to others unconsciously, we would abuse if we were given power. It is not demons causing these thoughts, they are just quantum fluctuations in the infinite field of possible probabilities. So if we constantly speak bad about others, we are speaking bad about our self. We are focusing our attention and energy on these unnecessary things, thereby feeding them even more.

I agree that the planetary condition is not that great. But it is a collective manifestation of our minds. When you get rid of all the war and conflict within you then you can try to also help others. Otherwise you speak out of confusion. This world wouldn't exist without duality. It within all of us .
If you truly want to understand start to study dharma. I think that Budhha means to become quantum and go beyond duality. He was the highest scientist