Exposing the Secrets of the 33rd Degree Freemasons , Illuminati, The Brotherhood PT 1steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit9 years ago

We are at a crossroads with 2 choices, Complete freedom or Total control. We will all collectively choose this outcome of whats about to happen. I write this knowing that this will help you attain a higher level of conscience as i believe that is how we will win the coming war.

Because what i'm about to show you is exactly what "they" don't want you to know cuz when you do this you know exactly how the universe really works and that in FACT you are the one of the most powerful beings to have ever lived, however the entire system will designed to bring you down and hold you back. So that the powers that should not be stay were they are. 

I Don't know how many chapters this will have but its going to be somewhat long 

I will start by showing you how to use one law to overcome all the lower ones 

How to truly free your mind

A comprehensive troubleshooting guide showing you how to overcome any previous failure attempts at this

I will be using ALL RELIGIONS as they all contain truths in them and combine them to show you a bird's eye view 


I will show you how to reprogram your mind , AND how to really change involving zero will power on your part

I will show you how to break any mind control you have

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it, OR rejecting it.  I'm a certified genius since i was a child, i have spend years at 14 hrs a day everyday doing one thing studying and learning from everyone and it's about time i show you what the greats have been teaching from around the world in one place. 


without excellent words

When i was a child my father told me when speaking to the common man to never use big words , i promise you very few know this information and it will fundamentally change all of mankind

Dude. Where have you been? I don't think I've seen a peep from you in awhile.

I have been having a lot of miss fortune happen over the past weeks , it started with my mother almost having her foot amputated that lasted a week, than my grandmother couldn't get her blood pressure up , and recently my father collapse at work so i was in the hospital for around 3 weeks helping my family out.

Since i was the only one that was able to do anything i have been taking care of them and that took up all my time . But the good news is they are all fine now and everyone but my father is listening to me and is improving greatly in health.

It seems like "something" really doesn't want me posting this article because that when it started is when i begun typing this out.

Is everything good with you?

Sorry to hear that. Glad things are improving. Things are well. I've posted a lot of different things. I am into a lot of topics. Some have done well, others have not, but I do enjoy myself.

I forgot the mention my car as broken into , my PC crashed and erased everything i had in it , My identity was stolen , my credit cards were hacked, my phone broke, the water pipe broke leaving me without water for a week. I'm glad you are enjoying your self as that puts you on a high vibrational frequency , i was looking at your profile damn over 300 follows you have been busy , i'm happy for you . just be ready for some company in the high numbers :)

I'm glad that happened hopefully my karmic debit is all paid up :)

Fascinating! I have followed. And sorry to hear about that string of baaaaaaaad luck!!!! wow

Thanks for following , the bad part about my pc crashing is it wiped out all this articles i had saved and spent 2 months gathering all the pics from the Freemasonry books so now i will have to remember which of the 4,000 book i have to look through to get that pic proving what i'm saying.

And i'm going to have to type on the go instead of my professional presentation i was working on.

I honestly don't feel bad about the things happening around me but i'm not thrilled either .