RE: A little bit of ... and a little bit of ....
The commenting is how I test the waters with someone. No response...I don't go back. If I get one I pop in and out say hi and comment. If I can build some sort of rapport I visit them more frequently. Right now I have so many I'm following because I fell in to the stupid trap of following everyone that followed me. If I can stop anyone from doing that ....I would. It makes it so you can't see what is important to you in your feed. Keep the people you follow to an 'elite group' If you look at some of the dolphins and whales they don't have that many they follow. They follow what is important to them. And just following people doesn't help at all. Like @bengy posted the other day he hit 1000 followers yet almost none of them interact with him. I just hit 600 and the same thing. I would rather have 10 followers that talk to me than what I have now. I make a post and GINAbot goes crazy. In one posting 25 new follows in less than 5 mins. It's insane. Hang in there. We'll get you going and keep you motivated. If I can set my mind to do this, then just about anyone can.
You're very welcome and you too!!
Such a nice understanding with comments, number of followers etc. that really makes sense. I think same with may be my case too that I am following too much people that i am unsure what to do or how to.
The feed is important and as you said it is very difficult to come to know when and whether some of our favorite people are posting and missing those sometimes really frustrates too...
Lets grow together and I am ready to folllow if any good guidelines for the growth here..
have a nice day...