RE: What's Going Wrong With Steemit
Yeah, I totally feel your motives and I understand you are not yet another complainer who complains just because he hasn't become a millionaire from shitposting memes on steemit. After all, the fact that you haven't cashed out a single dime speaks for itself. But as you said I too have seen a ton of posts complaining lately about the current situation, and I guess the more the steem price falls the more complaining comments we will get.
But...BUT! It gets tiring after a point seeing people complaining. People complaining about the whales.. complaining why steem hadn't reached 100$, complains about this and that.. As a curator for a group that I used to be in (and as you know the curators for that group were actually making less money than the people that received the votes) people complaining why out of their 10 posts we missed one, blatant plagiarizers crying for not getting a vote or why we reported them to steemcleaners or whatever..
You know what I rarely see here? (I am not talking about you) People offering to help instead of just take. People delegating some of their steem power to the groups that vote them. Or even a simple a thank you. Heck, I was called an asshole in a comment here for making a thank you post today. Wtf ?
"The only issue i have and that is personal is that when i see something which i believe it has full potential of being way bigger and it still isn't because of many factors, in this case the once i mentioned, it makes me sad."
That's true to an extent by it applies to the rest of the world. There are tons of talented people on other platforms that will never be discovered. Meanwhile mediocre people get rich because they know a guy or have the connections or have big boobs and a tight ass... well until the communist utopia becomes a reality (probably never, thank god) the same applies to steemit although to a bigger extent. All you can do is work hard and if you do chances are you will be rewarded, sooner or later.
"Finally, ( i ended up writing a big one too :P ) i don't consider you the average joey and you know too that you aren't."
Oh yes I am! I have no special talents, although I d like to think I am a jack of all trades :D I am sure most people here can write as good if not better "quality posts" if they put the time I put on my "good" posts.
if we get organized a bit"
Dont wait for the we. Most people as you said are greedy. Ask yourself what can I do? Go to a group you like and offer your help. Tell them I can do xx do you want me in your team?. Delegate some steempower to a group or person you think are good for the platform (@acidyo @ steemstem and @curie are the top 3 that come to my mind). What else.. I don't know... Even something simple like sharing all your posts and posts by others you like on other social media like Facebook! Imagine, if everybody did that steemit's traffic (and price) would explode. But almost nobody does even that simple thing.. most people just complain and expect money to rain..
Rant off :*
I hope I didn't forget something too 😂
I guess this comment counts as complaining. Shit!
hahaha in the meantime yesterday after some comments in the post i checked the price of steem
and in general other cryptos :P. i literally had no clue, i expected something like 2$ in both steem and sbd but well living in the era of 0.07 everything that is more than this sounds good to me :p
I have given it a lot of though concerning the organization and the communities. The delegation is sure a great idea but it's a bit far for me as i don't have too much ( now i think at 100% it's worth around 15-17 cent) and i want to spent it to the people i regularly do. if i had 4xtimes what i have probably i would delegate some.
I am glad you understand my logic and i totally get what you are saying with the complainers :P Still i want to try and change this platform and bring it to an Utopian lvl (not communist :P fuck them :p ) something different and way way better than the generic rule of life isn't fair and beyond greed to the extend i can. Once again now that i have a lot of free time :p i will sit my ass down and think of something that might help the community and the platform and when i accomplish that i will let you know ( i hope i will think of something :P )