Reputation System - feathers telling a fact that made me sad.

in #steemit9 years ago (edited)

 - I have a friend who made a self introduction and has been marked as negative just because they do not put a picture holding a sign written steemit. I say To hell who scored it for beginners who have just arrived in steemit community are not seers to know how the picture has to be to please the eyes of some. In her words (I lost the will to post on steemit as already started with a negative reputation in my first post show) ....

answer me one thing, who was who hired these people as moderators and posting controllers?

The whole idea of building a social network on top of the blockchain is to Prevent censorship

(It's almost like saying get out of here we do not want anyone else in this social network, this closed group and Steems are only ours!)

I tried to encourage my friend to her continue to post but she told me it was like taking a slap in the face and was very sad with the markings

thank you to you guys who are owners of reason, you guys made us lose a great writer.


I'm pretty new here myself and I like the concept of steemit, but just from my initial observations some of the community seems to be a bit in the wrong mindset and are more worried about making STEEM than writing anything worth reading or watching. They go hand and hand of course and a lot of the articles and stories here are very insightful depending on what you like to read.
Unfortunately there are a few members who still don't care about that and just taint the waters for everyone else :/