Time for Fun facts of the day with steemit steemanians
another daily dose of awesome and fun facts about everything in life
lets start with our daily facts:
Lions mate about 50 times a day

If you put a raisin in a glass of fresh champagne, it will go up and down forever.

Studies have found that it is harder for a person to lie to another person who is sexually attracted to him

Snails love beer

a jellyfish "Turritopsis nutricula" can live forever this amazing Creature when reaching adulthood, can transfer his cells back to childhood.

Honey is the only food that never spoils

The likelihood of a glass of water that you just drank to have a molecule that passed through the body of a dinosaur is 100%.

- yes not many people know that but dinosaurs had lasers!
For every 10 successful attempts to climb Mount Everest, there is one dead.

and now to our daily presenters
Fact presenter:@hanshotfirst
I made him a presenter after reading his amusing post about: "One Shining Moment."

by the way if you didn't know his name is actually a very clever "hanshotfirst"
referring to Han shot first from the movie star wars when a controversial change made to an original scene from the movie Han Solo confronted by the bounty hunter Greedo after Lucas did some changes to the movie
in the original scene, Han shot first at Greedo than in later in newer version Greedo shoots at Han and misses and than Han, so hardcore star wars fans that know the original saying "Han shot first"
source WIKI:
The 1997 "Special Edition" of Star Wars depicts Greedo firing a shot at Han Solo shortly before Han responds in kind. In the original 1977 release, Han is the only one to fire. This slow-motion clip shows the 2004 version.
Fact presenter:@aziz96 I Have no idea if she or he I only know the name aziz and a hot girl as avatar
one thing I can say for sure truly a meme good.
Fact presenter: @paolajane I found her photo really interesting she did a self-photo in new york at night time the photo looks amazing


if you didn't yet make sure to check the last episode of Fan facts
and if you still looking your place what to write and success at steemit I suggest looking at this post
and you more than welcome to leave a comment tell about your blog or drop me an image challenge to make fun animation from it

As always, good stuff brother. Keep being amazing. The guy who face plants on the ramp trying to climb Mount Everest is funny. Which reminds me, yesterday my boy(who is 7) was trying to show off to two girls on some playground equipment and nailed his private parts when he fell. Not funny at the time, but as I tell you this I'm laughing. All my love to you and all of yours.
Thank you, I had a much more of animation but computer crashed I menage to recover only few any way nice to hear from you