in #steemit7 years ago


I have come to realize and would love to point out to everyone on the steemit community that this community is gradually becoming a genuine source of content rather than just focusing on the block chain process alone which was the foundation it was built upon. Of a truth steemit community has several branches and its currently beating off the competition that other reliable websites that users of internet do visit to source their respective contents poses earlier. It has a lot of interesting API and still possesses more tendencies to have increaments in its API . With the cheetah it ,makes it so hard for any steemit user to plagiarize hence making the contents found on steemit authentic after which if content had been brought from any source it must also be referenced or cited properly. The fact that rewards comes for anyone who posted anything on steemit also brought up the motivation that prompt the users to bombard the community with large content. If I wanted to see a true charity being carried out i will only have to come to steemit and watch how fund was being raised for charity purposes with relevant pictures or video file attached to it. If steemit continues its development at this pace it will surely become the only platform to source for legit content. Currently when contents are been sourced on popular search engines such as Google and the likes they will not just bring up links to steemit accounts that relates to the searched contents but to user blogs(i.e steemit community members page) who have posted one or two thing about related contents.

Below is a snapshot of a content that I was trying to get on Google at a point in time

Currently not all internet users are fully aware of the community called steemit but as time goes on everyone in the world will be fully aware and this is due to the tireless promo being done by different groups on steemit and also steemit users,

Despite the steemit community being an content bay there is still a difficulty that Is being faced by prospective new member of the steemit community which is the longer hours or days it takes for the prospective new member of the community to receive their password to their new accounts hence most people are always tired of waiting as most websites or community on the internet who offer services as close to that of steemit don’t take such days before their new users will gain full access to their accounts. But of a truth I fully understand and support the delay about validating new members of the community below is a screen shot of the mail that was sent to me from the steemit C.E.O Ned Scott explaining the reason behind the delay in sending my login password to me.

I do hope that in coming years more solution to the challenge of late password sending wil be provided and also there would have been more security measures that will be put in place so that once prospective new users sign up for steemit they will be able to get their login password almost immediately nevertheless anyone reading this post should note that because it’s a block chain community password has to be generated so as to ensure that each users have a secure password.
Several Thesis or research being carried out in various institutions since the advent of internet always require citations from different sources on the internet and most of this sources have no way of proving to anyone who wants to read their contents for their research or Thesis that it’s an authentic content without plagiarism. There is a common sayings I am used to Google has answers to every question you ask it be it reasonable or none reasonable answers you can try it also just type any word or combination of words be it reasonable or not it will surely bring up links of websites for you in which take it or leave a new user of the internet will always find it hard to search words or contents on search engines because everything you type on the search field will always bring something back in return, I am so sure that this is a bug that the search engines developers have really tried to fix but no matter how hard they strive to put a correction to this shameful scenario little can only be done to it as of now with the current technological advancement. This was one major factor I originally discovered with other popular search engines and trust me the reverse is the case with steemit, once what you are searching for has not yet been posted on steemit or the sentence constructed within the search field were not quite reasonable enough or let me say meaningful as in a form of a word or sentence then steemit will not return anything.
In this present world of ours the role that authentic content plays cannot be under estimated this is because every group of people, organizations or community cannot thrive properly with the current trend of technological, social and mental advancement without strict rules of acquiring its content. There is also a common saying that if you are not informed you will be deformed This means that you are already lost in this world if you are outdated as per contents about everything going around in the world.
There have been several scenarios of people getting fake news from mass media such as that of bomb threats in the middle east or threat of war in which after the masses have been swayed away with the threat another counter news will now be received that the earlier news was a fluke which will also come from the so called sources that the news threat was claimed to have originated from. This type of scenario still has earlier corrections in which with time such claimed sources will come out to correct the news so as to avoid spoilt reputation.
As we all know that the internet is a free world where every bit of content both good and bad can be uploaded anyone can just come online to post any wrong category of content on his or her website and if the persons knows his or her way the website Google ranking will gradually be increasing hence this shows that on the internet not all content sources are authentic some of them are fake contents.
If we were to study the growth of steemit since 2016 when it was founded we will realize that there has been scarcely any social media community either built on block chain or not which has gained popularity like that of steemit up till now at least to the best of my knowledge hence, this shows that after the block chain advantage that it possesses, internet users are beginning to realize that steemit is a source of authentic content for anyone who comes on the internet to source for content. Though steemit has not yet gotten to that stage of attaining the ability to provide all the categories of content that anyone who is looking for can find yet though it already posses a large content bank but the community is growing and I am optimistic about steemit that in a short while it will attain such level. Don’t forget that one of the best way to ensure authentic content is to always make rewards on such post to be opened to comment and upvote from fellow members of the same community hence anyone who will post any content on steemit has to be very conscious of the fact that the community members can not be in any way persuaded to upvote or even give a credible comment on a plagiarized content or on a content that was dev eloped on the basis of fallacy. This quality has made the steemit community be an honest and open community which does not give room for complacency from its community member thereby condoling contents that are not geniune
I will use this medium to implore every users or members of the steemit community to use every means they have to invite people to join this community that has a decentralized governance void of content, reward greed but a community that give equal chance to every community members to post their content on the platform regardless of one’s reputation within the community thereby being a beacon of hope to those sourcing for authentic content on the internet.
I believe that the real motive of steemit can not be over emphasize as it’s a community that really puts a lot into promoting people that are less previledge in all areas of life, no one will be able to know more about steemit if we the members of the community did not contribute our quota to announce it to the world.