Thank You Everyone! I just broke 1,000 Followers on Steemit!

in #steemit7 years ago

Massive Thank You to all My Followers on Steemit!

I am super thankful to everyone who has decided to follow me on steemit. You all are the best. I never ever thought I would gain such a large following on this platform and I am very grateful to all of you who care enough to give me a follow. I will try to do my best to keep bringing you the relevant and important information that you need to hear which is hopefully why you follow this account.

Cheers to all the Free Thinkers

If you follow me go ahead and give yourself a pat on the back. I cover some of the darkest and worst things about our society and the powers that should not be running our world. If you can stomache that and spread awareness for it, you are a free thinker and you are the light of this world. Thank you so much for hearing what I had to say out and being open minded.

Obviously the whole point of me being on any social media platform is to bring important and relevant information to bear to help other people. If there is ever a story that you feel needs to be heard, then please by all means send that information to me and I will do my best to accurately portray the information and to raise awareness for it.

With the following I have no built on various social media platforms I feel more responsibility to be accurate with my information. People follow me because I am willing to admit my mistakes and correct the evidence to be factual and I will always do that. I will never let my followers, subscriptions or patreon supporters influence how I present information, I will always try to present it as accurately as I can. I will never tell you things because you want to hear them, I will present the information that you need to hear.

(My Horde of Minion Followers Lulz, Image Source)

I have tried my best to bring other social media influencers, and people to steemit as possible. I believe I have helped recruit a bunch of people from YouTube and twitter to join this platform. I was just talking with Mark Anderson @truthhound today about how Steemit works on the phone as he just joined because of our discussion when we met at Bilderberg. I think that word of mouth is spreading the migration to the steemit platform and will continue to do so. If you decided to join steemit because of something I created please let me know in the comments. Also let me know how you feel about this platform as well?

Steemit Memes I have Made:

SuckerBerg v.s. Mr. Robot:

Follow Me to Steemit Paradise:

Welcome to Paradise Steemit Island:

Here Lies Facebook, Reddit and Twitter:

So thanks again everyone! I really do appreciate the overwhelming support I have received on this platform. I will continue to do my best to promote Steemit and tell others my experience with this platform. I have said it before and I will say it again, the Steemit community is the best community of any social media platform I have been on, the people are very intelligent, they do great research, and it has been a really fun time interacting with the other users on this platform. I hope before not too long I can be making another one of these milestone posts about having over 9,000 followers on Steemit!

Have an awesome long Fourth of July Weekend Everyone!

P.S. I will likely be doing a "Spitting Truth with Titus Show" on my YouTube Channel Tomorrow Night at 9 pm.

Help me out by up-voting and re-steeming this and or by making me an Independent Journalist by funding me on Patreon with monthly support. My Patreon

Don't forget to follow me @TitusFrost for more of my work coming in the near future...

You can also connect with me on:

  1. My Patreon
  2. Titus Frost YouTube
  3. Lulz Machine YouTube
  4. Twitter: @ImperatorTruth (When I am not suspended)
  5. FedBook: "The Lost Truth"
  6. "TitusFrost"
  7. My Vid.Me Channel
  8. My Published Book: "The Lost Truth"
  9. TitusFrost
  10. BitChute
  11. Check out my book on OpenLibrary
  12. Read my Book The Lost Truth for Free online

Congratulations mate! It's a very exciting time to be gaining followers on Steemit right now... arguably more so than any other social media platform!

Yeah for sure, a lot of new people are joining finally, it's like they finally realized steemit existed or something.

congrats. I was one oh them yesterday when I saw you post first !

Nice, hopefully you will enjoy some of the political work I do as well to the post from yesterday. Peace!

sure, I will congrats 2000 follower soon :)

Congrats, you deserve it.

Thank you very much, I appreciate the kind remarks.

Congrats on all the followers brother!
Keep spreading awareness on whats really happening in the world we live in.
Hope the follower count will keep climbing :).

I will for sure, thanks for the comment. Exposing the evil is what i do best and I will keep at it no matter who it offends. Peace!

great work 10 X awesome


congratz brosef! Keep up the good work and im sure 1k will eventually be 100k as steemit grows! Cant wait till platforms which us the users do not own go the way of myspace!

Edit: btw I was following your pizza gate vidoes on the tube, good work on that

Thanks I appreciate it, more to come on PizzaGate, that situation is far from over. We now know that Alefantis was conducting all his transactions via Bitcoin, which means if we can figure out Alefantis's Bitcoin address we can pull up every transaction he ever made on the block chain. Peace.

Good, we all know the fake news will NEVER cover it.

Yeah, unless we force them too.

Please see my latest article, an In depth look at the Manchester Arena False Flag In the UK.

Congrats brother I am almost to 100 LOL. I can't wait for our upcoming interview I am excited enjoy your fourth of July weekend!

Yep, you convinced me to join! Congrats on 1k ^0^

Congratulations to you for reaching 1000 followers. I became 1001.
You will continue to grow into a big fish.