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RE: [Map Out Your Next Moves] Week 2 of 4 - YOUR "WHY"

in #steemit6 years ago

Oeh, I just discovered you and this post, and I absolutely love love love it <3 Thank you so much for sharing.

Searching for my WHY has been my core activity for the last few years. And it has been such a rewarding journey! So I can only cheer at posts like this, that inspire even more people to search for their WHY :D

I really enjoy the way you write and explain the concept. It's like I can here a very positive and clear relaxed voice guide me through the theory. I can't wait to read your other posts!

As for how I use the question of WHY, I try to use it as much as possible. Also and maybe even for making my posts here on Steemit. Although I've only just started, I want my posts and profile to be as clear as possible. I find that asking myself with every posts I'm writing WHY, it helps to clear my head and shine a light on the concept I really want to write about.

When writing my introductory post it made my blog transform from a blabla I'm Tim blabla, to a story about the constructs of identities. And in doing, also told people a lot more about my own WHY ;)

So yes, I totally agree with you, asking yourself the question of WHY is something everybody should do! :D


That is the key, clarity for yourself + "Although I've only just started, I want my posts and profile to be as clear as possible." You're on the right track in my opinion, I think this mindset goes a long way!

Determining "why" or our life purpose can be really challenging. It's easier said than done.

I will check you out and your intro post. Thanks so much for stopping by :)

Oh thank you so much. Both for your kind words as for your warm welcome <3 much appreciated!

"Determining "why" or our life purpose can be really challenging. It's easier said than done."

Yes, this is so true. It's a loooot of hard work, more hard work, confusion, getting lost, getting back on track again, getting lost, finding your inspiration again. But that's also part of the process/fun!! I've enjoyed, and still enjoy, doing this so much! [and sometimes can stress the fuck out of myself because I think I'm off track again :')]

It can be quite frustrating though. Especially since it's so often viewed as a failure if you can't articulate your WHY yet. But like you said, it's easier said than done. So it doesn't mean you're failing if you don't have the answer yet. Or that you wouldn't be on the right track. Or that there wouldn't be any value in getting lost. I'm discovering how much treasure I've gathered along the way. In the forms of friends, lovers, skills, insights and wisdom <3

Life is such a magical place!