
Your 100% Correct :)

Who has time to write 4-5 'quality' posts per day? I prefer reading inspired or well investigaded posts. Once day I think is enough.


No one can really write 4-5 high-quality articles without burning themselves out...

Heck, my last article took me a week. Ugh.

And it's not even my best.

It takes effort and time to write good articles.

With the idea that "quality" in this context means something that brings value to the community in the form of education, entertainment, artistic-value, scientific-value, or engagement, plenty of people have time to write more.

Is Steem just a forum for the best and most original content related to crypto-currency and blockchain? Is it even just for the most well thought out topics by experts and masters of any given subject?

I don't believe so. I think the most value that can be brought to the Steem community is to make it accessible and valuable to the widest possible audience, and therefore to post content that is engaging and valuable (in one of the ways above) so that we create a diverse and amazing platform for discussion.