My 100th Post! What Steemit Means For The Future Of TRUTH!

in #steemit7 years ago


There is a big war going on these days. The battle between Truth and Lies. The current system of government is the primary source of lies with the corporations that own it. The Banksters and the multilateral corporations. We live in an Oligarchy where truths have become lies as the public are unaware of what the truth is.


There are many lies that the government portrays to the public. How they start wars with false flag events, how they withhold technologies, they use intelligence apparatuses to spy on their populace and their enemies, force their devaluing currency onto an unknowing populace and many more false ideas.

Just watching politics today and how the politician has been corrupted by the system that was created centuries ago. The government care about using the collective to control a minority and continuously working them against each other to keep the populace from waking up. The left, right paradigm. That is how the Hegelian Dialectic works Probrem created by the government, reaction when people become scared they look to the leader "the government" to save them and the solution all ready to go when the problem the government created happens.


An example is the Debt problems we have today. The governments and banks worked together to force you into debt, so you become more dependent on the government showing you into a spiral where you become a slave obedient and dependent on the government. Then the government use Austerity to make you beg for the powerful government to give you more to survive. Then they implement Universal Basic Income to fulfil your enslavement where you have become an income slave of the government forcing you to give away any freedoms you might have had left. Implementing the last solution of the two steps a cashless society!


The government has created indoctrination camps where they manipulate and have stolen the kids from the parents they enslaved with the monetary system. They teach kids alternatives to the truth and prepare them for a future of their enslavement.

We are getting hit on all sides by what people call the NWO the New World Order, Illuminati or the Globalists. They are all the same thing. They are shadow governments operating without the populace's using the flawed system to vote them in. They have created a system that runs without the people's knowledge. The Organizations are many. There are many of these organizations around. They are political, financial, environmental and a whole array of issues where elites meet and greet and create our futures in their eyes. They want control and are willing to do whatever it takes to enslave us. From the G30, Bilderberg Group, Bohemian Grove, Financial Stability Board, The ESF, Trilateral Commission, ICLEI, The EEF and many more. These organizations create the world policy use tools like the United Nations the European or African Union to put forward their policies which will be implemented by our national and local governments.


Okay, enough of the rant and back to why I think Steemit is the solution.

The world that has been created around us is many times an illusion. It is almost like we live in a Matrix. The Red Pill is the Truth, and The Blue Pill is the lies portrayed to us by an elite that wants to enslave us just like the feudalistic systems of the past.

The Blue Pills are force fed to us through government propaganda, mainstream media, schools, social media and other institutions.

How can we get away from this? We need to be able to contribute Red Pills to society that is where @Steemit and @DTube come into place. They allow for the truth to come out. They enable alternative voice to the current paradigm above. It is a truly free platform compared to mainstream media and social media monopolies who sell all your information to government and big corporations.

Steemit has hit the jackpot! It is a platform that was constructed around how the world needs to be. We need to start telling the truth to each other! It needs to start with the individuals. You and me. We are the ones who can change the history that has been written before our time.


With the internet coming out the elite was not able to hold the truth away from the populace anymore. They are now desperately trying to censor those who speak the truth as they use the monopolies which have been left as governments have given them billions to erase the truth that has spread like a pandemic plague into people's minds. This is in a good way. The censorship stops now!


With the adoption of decentralized solutions which are meant to give the power of truth and real freedom back to the individuals of the world. Decentralized control of your ideas, money, life and many more things. Life is precious on this planet, and we could get wiped out in an instant from natural and cosmic sources. But humanity has decided to strive for survival.

We are only on this planet for a finite amount of time. How about fully unleashing the truth onto the world for every individual to see. Think where this could take us. To the stars and beyond! I don't understand why these elites want to control us so much. Well, I do understand it is one of the most profound feelings which can control a person. GREED!! If you let greed take over the world like we have seen lately say goodbye to your freedoms and your life.


The only feeling that is stronger is stronger is LOVE! If it is used right and if you know how to control your greed as every human have both you will win in this world and if we can educate the populace of the truths in this world we would create a world of the incredible strength of the human species.

It is time to take control back, and the number one way to do that is to join Steemit and DTube! The future is with the truth tellers as said in a Norway where I am from. The Truth Lasts The Longest!


Let's all join the decentralization of our future and put the individual first instead of having a collective controlled by others. Screw the banksters, the military-industrial complex and the government. Own yourself and give Freedom and individualism a chance to work with the truth to create a world that we can give away to our next generations where they would say. I never thought people could be so stupid, that they let anyone control them!!

We are winning, and the elites are losing!

Peace, Love and Voluntaryism,



I've pondered the same. Why do the elites want to control us so much? Why do they care? They have all the money in the world, they own everything important. Heck, if it was me, I'd stop at that and buy me a Caribbean Island and retreat from the rat race. But, back to the elite. Therefore, already owning everything and having unlimited access to money, it is not greed that motivates them. The only thing left , is power. The power to rule the world and everything on it. And the ways in which they are influencing society to accomplish that goal, is a clear sign that they are satanic. I know how crazy this sounds, but I think they have "sold their souls to the devil", with the end goal of a satanic worldwide dictatorship.
What do you think?
Have I spent too much time throwing steam in the sauna?

What a fantastic article John. Thank you so much. Truth is something so very essential to human existence, for without it society degrades unabatedly.

Very soon (hopefully starting today) I will be posting a multi-part series exposing the International Banking Cabal (BIS, IMF & World Bank, et al.); so for those interested in the true nature of these nefarious organizations, you will definitely want to check out my blog.

Also, in the next short while, my online school - the Liberty Academy will go live where all courses will be free and have a focus on liberty/freedom, self-sustainability, life & survival skills, and the like. Truth, Altruism, and Propaganda are but a few of the topics of interest which will be included in the courses and mini-courses. Stay tuned.

In my country, I get freedom of speech as a fundamental right given by the government of INDIA. But I feel more free on Steemit. I can express whatever I feel and get excited about. I meet great people and share thoughts - Beautiful!

Take money in the form of Digital Tokens and take the control.

Don't let them CONTROL you. Cheers to all and @theeconomictruth for the great honesty! 💯

@hungryhustle, what is your perspective on India's removal of 86% of the cash supply (500 and 1,000 rupee notes) since last year? How are people now adjusting to this? We have next to no information about the effects of this cashless push and it would be great to hear your thoughts. Thanks my friend.

@libertyacademy, Thanks for asking me this question. Last year when demonetization occurred, people were forced to use digital medium for transaction. In a single day, the most common notes i.e. 500 and 1000 Rupee Notes were discarded by the government of India. People were asked to deposit their old currency notes and get it converted into digital cash.

Thanks to our Prime Minister Modi Ji, Now I can pay through my digital wallets and even a roadside "Tea Maker" who was not accustomed to "PayTM", will accept the payments.
No need to put cash in you pocket. Just your mobile phone with an internet connection.

My mother did not know how to book cabs and pay through Debit Card or Mobile Wallet, now she has completed 200+ since then. I guess it was a great move at the right time when crypto space was gaining popularity worldwide.

I would love to see a day when we are going to use STEEM, ETH, BTC and other cryptos being used at various outlets to buy tea, burger, coffee, toffee, condoms, grocery or get services like head massage, foot spa, plumbing, car washing etc. Cheers mate.

Do you really think rights can be owned by someone else or an organization and can given, revoked and traded at will?

@oldman28 yes brother. In my country, politicians and greedy businessmen own the rights of the people. Although our constitution states that we have 6 fundamental rights listed as below -

1.Right to Equality
2.Right to Freedom
3.Right against Exploitation
4.Right to Freedom of Religion
5.Cultural and Educational Rights
6.Right to Constitutional Remedies

But Indians are racist and some political parties take the advantage and kill our right to equality. We judge people on their caste, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation and what not.

Even though constitution will say that we are free to visit any part of India yet in some temples, they don't allow women when they are on their periods. Stupid, eh?

I don't even want to get into other points because that would make me sad. But now the state is changing - broad minded people will improve our society and we will be able to fulfill our demands without any hindrance by the government or stupid self centered folks.

Probrem created by the government, reaction when people become scared they look to the leader "the government" to save them and the solution all ready to go when the problem the government created happens.

I agree my friend, we are all just indoctrinated, manipulated, slaved beings. I hope we will overcome this nonsens and create fucking world where we actually enjoy living.
Keep it up!

Hopefully big money doesn't come in and cause too much trouble.

Steemit is the government i need case close

Agreed. Please tell me again that Steemit and Dtube will never, can never, be corrupted like those other channels. Can it really be possible?