Nudity(Naked Soul)

in #steemit7 years ago

According to Wikipedia,Nudity, or nakedness, is the state of wearing no clothing.

The deliberate and conscious wearing of clothing is a behavioural adaptation, which among all known extant and extinct animals is a uniquely human characteristic arising from functional needs such as protection from the elements. Protection from the elements includes the sun (for depigmented human populations) and cold temperatures after the loss of body hair and the migration of humans to colder regions (around 100,000 years ago) in which they had not evolved and thus lacked the necessary physical adaptations.

Any form of Nudity in West Africa is frowned upon heavily,the human body is seen as something to be covered up and you're shamed for letting skin show. This whole shaming culture has led to a huge percentage of west africans having insecurities about their naked body even within the walls of their homes with their sexual partners.

The typical west african is very conscious of their appearance, they hope to portray a front of decency whereas they're the opposite of the very word. To stand out by wearing less clothing, even at the beach will only lead to the tag of prostitute or gigolo being put on you.

This act of shaming people for their liberal approach to clothing extends beyond the physical. To be naked with your feelings will also attract similar scorn on your person. To show any form of vulnerability outside the confines of the four walls of your home is characterized as weakness. West africans expect you to be strong even when your life is falling apart.

Some of my countrymen and her sister countries will argue that the human body(especially that of a woman) is valuable and as such should be covered up to protect it's value but I call rubbish on that because that only likens us to property that can be batered for money or other items of value.

I believe that if we let go of all these unnecessary prudishness then we can move forward as a society. Imagine a West Africa where everyone is allowed the freedom to express themselves how they wish, wear what they want or don't want, and speak up about their problems rather than suppress it all and lead miserable lives. Productivity would increase in every sector, people would lead more fulfilling lives no longer weighed down by the negative opinions of others or the confines of religion and the government would be more focused on making lives better for it's citizens rather than spending half the year passing bills that aim to control human behavior into law.