Whatever Dood #1 - Ramblings Of A Crypto Madman

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Welcome to Whatever Dood #1 - The ramblings of a crypto madman. This is going to be my weekly ramble about all things Dood related and whatever else I feel like talking about. I'll try not to make one long, continuous, run on sentence and try to keep it somewhat coherent. I'll try!

So there's a snowstorm coming where I am. The temperatures about 10° and were expecting about 3 - 4 inches an hour. Sorry rest of the world but I'm in the U.S. and we're sticking with inches and degrees. Some day we'll conform to the rest of the world and go metric, till then The Dood's sticking with the inch. Anyway, I digress... The storms rolling in, snow's currently blowing past my shop window, and I'm sitting behind my desk blogging to you guys.

The idea for Whatever Dood came from an old Blogger project I started about 2 years ago. It was only shared with a few friends and for the most part never really took off. It was a blog I started to post whatever I was interested in at the time that wasn't bitcoin or cryptocurrency related. I completeley stopped working on the project after I started using Steemit, and today I made my final post to the blog, telling the few followers that I had, that Whatever Dood has officially moved to Steemit.


For the most part I used the site to post recipes, graphics, and more personal information about The Dood for anyone that was interested in such things. I've decided to port that over to Steemit, and I'll be posting more personal stuff about my personal life, along with the other stuff I used to post to Whatever Dood. Hope you all enjoy.

Another change I've made recently is a new image hosting service called Supload. It's an image hosting site like Imgur that pays you a little bitcoin for using their service. I'll be hosting all my images from now on over there along with different graphics to use for sprucing up my Steemit posts. (Sooner or later I'll get the formating of these posts down. It may be a project for this weekend. I have to admit, I've had a difficult time formatting text and graphics the way I'd like. It's the OCD in me;) For the most part, unless otherwise stated in the post, I create most of my own artwork using clipart, public domain images, and stuff I create from scratch. You can find my graphics here:


If anyone want's to use my graphics in their posts, feel free. For the most part I've been adding a couple a day to my Supload, and I'll be adding much more as time permits. If you use the images, The Dood would certainly appreciate a link back to his Supload page as a source, but it's not required.

So lets talk STEEM! It's great to see the price holding! I have to admit, I was expecting the worst with this new "power down" timing thingy. I have to admit The Dood doesn't really understand the inner workings of the Steemit platform. Honestly though, I expected the worst as far as a market crash in price. It just seems like there's going to be a lot of STEEM liquidity hitting the market soon. Who know's maybe I'm wrong. I expected the price to be much lower already by this time. I'll be really impressed if the price stays above .00020000 and a bottom forms around it. That would be fabulous. Looking at the Bittrex order books the other day it looks like more support around .00016000 and if the price falls below .00012000 you all better duck because the shit may hit the fan unless someone puts up some serious buy walls. Either way, I'm watching closely and looking for a nice entry point to buy some cheap STEEM!

As far as the Steemit platform is concerned I don't know if it has anything to do with the hardfork or it's just a coincidence but things have been acting a little glitchy from time to time. I got a couple "bad gateway" messages trying to get onto Steemit one day, and my follower count is all kinds of screwed up. Which really sucks because I try to follow back everyone and I'm having a really hard time trying to figure out who I've followed and who I need to be following. I click on follow to people I've been following from day one, and new people I've followed show up as unfollowed! Ugh! I'm sure it's just a minor glitch in the Steemit matrix and it will get worked out shortly!

Speaking of followers, my follow count is growing, now that I'm actually posting on here almost regularly. I jumped from a little over 100 followers accumulated over 4 months, to another 50 followers in the last week or so. Thanks for following and putting up with my feed. The Dood, totally appreciates your support man!

Incredibly The Dood's Twitter followers have grown to almost 5000 followers. LOL, I can't believe it. Thanks so much for the support. I'd also like to shout out to @fullertronic who I know from Twitter. He just got started on Steemit so if you get a chance stop by his feed and introduce yourself.


What, you're still reading the ramblings of this madman. Thanks for making it this far. I've just got a few more thoughts left...

I've seen a lot of people being "Negative Nancy's" when it comes to the price of STEEM, and how much money, they're making on their posts. Yeah, I get it, everyone want's to earn huge amounts of STEEM and get their posts noticed. This doesn't always happen. Sometimes you earn, other times, not so much. There's really no reason to be negative about it. Look a Steem Dollar will always be a Steem Dollar, and the price of STEEM will always rise and fall according to the market. One thing I know for sure is that platforms like Blogger, Wordpress, Reddit, and eeeee gad, Facebook have never given any of us a dime. My biggest suggestion to these people is to just have fun with it. You shouldn't be blogging on here strictly for the money. Share your knowledge with everyone, learn and grow from each other and just have fun. If you earn a little STEEM in the meantime all the better! Keep a positive attitude.

With that said, some tempers have begun to flare. I don't know what it is lately, the holidays, President elect Trump, the price of STEEM, but a lot of people have been acting like someone just discovered a turd in the punch bowl. Relax people, spark em if you got em and chill out man. It's all good, there's no need to be mean to one another. One of the things I love about this platform is my fellow, friendly Steemians. Lets all continue to be good to one another and grow! Turn that frown upside down.

Be good to one another my fellow Steemians!

0n a final note, I'm working on a bunch of interviews and should have some interesting crypto related content to post soon. If you made it all the way to the end of this long rambling post, thanks for reading, hope you're following, and thanks for allowing The Dood to pollute your feed with his ramblings. Peace, love, and bowling!

The Dood

Images Source


Enjoyed yr post - espec. the part about us being decent to our fellow man [tis the season to be jolly, after all ]. Or at least not mean or self-serving.

I have a QUESTION - with respect to the image-hosting svc, Supload - do they provide pay merely for LINKING to them? Or does a visitor have to click on my image link that is hosted by Supload?

Thank you.

Tis the season!

I believe they have to click on the image link. But there is also a whole community of people on there that are looking at other peoples uploads. So either way your images will be getting looked at. I look at it this way. Sometimes I need an image host for Steemit, so if I make a couple satoshi, using them for something I need to do anyway, all the better. I do occasionally promote my links in tweets and in my posts though.

Hope this helps, and happy holidays to you and yours!

Hey thanks for the shout out! It's nice to feel so welcome :)

My pleasure. Welcome to Steemit :)

Thanks so much. Hope you enjoyed it :)

spark em if you got em and chill out man

With all the snow here, that's about all I will be able to do. Thanks for commenting :)

Thats why the big holidays are deep in wintertime, so the old-time folks had a reason to get plastered while huddled against the cold, LOL

Yeah, snow days really are the perfect excuse for mid afternoon drinks :) Giving new meaning to holiday cheer.

Coherent, Dood! Also Resteemed etc etc. Look forward to reading more.

Thanks, much appreciated. Glad you enjoyed it.