Steem on Forbes! The Momentum Continues
After a lot of expectation, the 2017 roadmap was finally released yesterday, and naturally, it created a lot of excitement.
First you start receiving messages about it, then your friends start writing about it, then everybody you respect start explaining the exciting parts about it, and then before the day is over…
Forbes writes about it.
At first, I didn’t know wether I should post about or not, but since nobody did, I thought the community would love to see this:
Obviously, this is great news.
For instance, one of the most immediate questions that journalists receive from their editors and producers is apparently this one:
Who else has covered that start-up or who else has featured product?
Once you start getting media attention, it becomes easier to get more.
The Attention is on Steem
Just a two weeks ago, Rolling Stone Australia published a story where they named steemit the Hottest Social Media of 2017.
Fred Wilson of Union Square Ventures wrote an amazing post in his website when he recommended Medium to look at steem.
And yesterday, hours before the Roadmap was released, Forbes published an amazing story about steemit and the steem blockchain.
The Momentum is Building Up.
Plus, it’s always great to celebrate these wins when we get them.
More importantly, I would like to take the occasion to thank and acknowledge Roger Aitken for the fantastic article he wrote in Forbes.
Ask any writer and they’ll tell you that the most important thing about the first line is to make the reader want to get to the second line.
In that sense, Roger Aitken did an amazing job opening with “Steemit, creators of the world’s fastest growing decentralized social media platform”
I’m an average reader who has never heard of steemit and I’m already hooked.
The entire first paragraph describes the potential and ambition of steemit doing so by migrating the servers to the largest hosting provider in the world, Amazon Web Services (AWS).
The second paragraph gives a short yet concise description about the steem Blockchain. (since many people may not be familiar with STEEM)
Then follows with an eloquent description about the achievements, the great user-base, the ambitions, the goals ahead and of course a backstory of @ned and @dantheman and how they started with a team of only seven people and made this beautiful thing happen.
Oh, and this is just the beginning.
The entire article was excellent, you might not notice it at first, but it conveys a perfect mix of a savoir-faire and diligent planning (even detailing targets by quarters) and at the same time the ambition and possibilities of the steem blockchain.
Many of the important of upgrades in the roadmap explained were highlighted as well, from the new steemit Mobile Apps to the cutting-edge parallel blockchain.
This was clearly a diligent and insightful article, and I personally want to thank Roger Aitken, and I'm sure that many fellow steemians share the sentiment as well.
Without further ado, here’s a link the article in question:
Hope you read it, enjoy it, and if at all possible, share this Forbes story with your friends.
And more importantly:
Thanks for posting this, this is great news!

I know! It's awesome news!
Very funny - I C&P'd this article and elected a zero payout as I could not justify it - I should have done as you have but ... spilt milk etc
Pffffff! This is HUGE again... So much momentum is being built, it is in itself blowing my mind, especially considering where the platform itself is at so far, in its infancy! That is simply incredible, thank you so much for sharing.
All for one and one for all! Namaste :)
This is very huge for the platform and the beginning of a trend I believe, thanks for posting! Not only do we need new members but we must work to keep the ones we have.
We absolutely need to keep those we have of course! No doubt about that.
Who else has goosebumps
Haha Exciting times :)
For sure! I'm glad I caught this post, definitely.
Fantastic! This is exactly what the platform needs to grow.
Thanks for sharing, I had no idea.
Thank you Marly! :)
Great work on breaking the bad boy down ;) It was indeed a well written piece without any misinformation..
Yeah he did an amazing job if you look closely. It was great!
This is a big step forward! This is great! And I am pleased to hear from you!
It is a great step forward, you're right.
Great points! Forbes gets a lot of readers! Plus it gets a lot of investor type readers... now those would be some welcome additions ;)
Yeah and great points in your comment! Haha That's a great audience!
someone else on here posted about this earlier
so awesome
Yeah @dwinblood told me, I upvoted them, there were 4 in fact. But I'm glad the community knows about this :)
the more posts on it the merrier! :D
Forbes huh. That's kind of good.
Kidding. This is awesome news!
Amazing news! :)