One month! 50 Rep! My Opinion About Steemit!

One month and some days in and I’m finally at 50 rep, next stop 60 rep!
I couldn’t have done this without you my followers, without SteemStem or SteemSchool! You all have helped me so much!
My opinion about Steemit?

I was never much of a social network guy, I almost don’t use Facebook, I have no Instagram and I created a twitter and Reddit account in December just to watch the cryptomarket news, I never liked social networks, I can read some posts on them but I never actually made content for them, mainly because I don’t like all the fake people that Facebook and Instagram have, most of them show a happy life full of butterflies and rainbows and traveling and…and…and…unicorns, well, that is just fake, they put a front just to increase their followers, and don’t even get me started on clickbait titles!
On other platforms, if someone uses clickbait titles the worse that can happen to them is getting a downvote, well, they earn by view, not by upvote, but on steemit, it’s not like that! If someone uses clickbait title if someone is dishonest, or if someone is actually worsening the platform we can all join up and flag them, I haven’t flagged anyone in this last month, mainly because I follow good content and I mute the obvious spammers, this is why I like steemit. In facebook we have to follow the laws of facebook, on steemit we have to follow the laws of the community, we have to be smart, and we have to work hard.

I had an awesome start on this platform, but I worked my arse off, I’ve talked to whales, I’ve talked to dolphins, I’ve talked to minnows and planktons, I’ve talked to everyone, I’ve made friends, I’ve been adopted by a family! Now, I could name all the people that I’ve met thus far, but I would be here all day!! You guys definitely know who you are!
What I don't like about Steemit?
There are of course some things I don't like on steemit!

- First and foremost, spammers, especially spammers asking for upvotes, if you ask me for an upvote you are more likely to get a flag! If you read my content and leave a good comment I can take a few moments of my day to check your content out, I don’t promise to upvote, resteem, flag, comment or anything, but I do check it out.

- Second thing I hate about steemit is bot abusers, I think I never used a bot, unless you count minnowsupport as a bot, and even then I use it after 30 minutes and before 6 days, I would advise anyone starting out to use it too, just join their discord, they are cool people.
- The third thing I hate about steemit is people that don’t even answer to comments, I once commented on a post that made no other comments, I took the time out of my day to read for 5 minutes someone’s content, and he didn’t even take a few seconds to answer back… I would understand not commenting if he had hundreds of comments, but no, he only had mine, and I asked him something about his content… of course, I never went back to check his content again.
Now, I could keep going, but I think this is enough… my first month on steemit was really good, and I’m expecting more growth during the year, this platform is a great opportunity, what we are witnessing now is the start of a new Facebook, and we can get shares for free, if you went back would you not buy some Facebook shares? I would, I would also buy Google shares...
Question of the day: What about you guys, how was your start on the platform and what don't you like about it?!
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All images are either from Unsplash, Pixabay or Flickr
Well done man, pretty damn fast move up!
I know, the spammers in comments are a pain in the ass, but look passed that, and focus on the good things. Thanks for bringing SteemStem up.
I am quite interested in that too! I will definitely check it out!
Keep on steeming!
Thanks, yeah, i had huge success on this platform, everyone tells me that! next couple of months it's going to be a bumpy road, college is going to get in the way, but finishing my degree is my first priority...
Spammers bother me, but i know they will never get anywhere in their whole steemit career
Yes, join SteemStem discord! we are an awesome community!! the more the marrier!
Congratz man its really hard to reach 50 rep in such a small time!
Hard work, consistency, perseverance, and a lot of coffee xD Thanks for reading!! @fury123
Steemit made me love coffee.
And green tea! Green tea + lemon juice = great fat burner
You should tell that to Tino, he is currently doing a diet.
Great Job and Congratulations! I'm still getting used to the platform and other things keep me super busy. Thanks so much for your insight about what you don't like, it kinda puts things in perspective for me. What I don't like is that I don't have a lot of time to spend digging through how to get the most out of the platform. Your post actually helped with that! I'm patient though and I'm really happy that I have a good space here to get my thoughts written down.
Yes i know what you mean, the next couple of months ill have to diminish my activity by a lot, college exams are starting and so, life will get in the way...
If you need any help with anything you can always contact me, my discord is Teutonium#2700, first few tips are free :)
Wow! That's really awesome, thanks! Good luck on your exams. For me it's papers....So many papers to write!
i guess we are on the same train of thoughts
its not a right to get a vote, its a privilege
Couldn't have said it better than you did in your post, i wasn't around during the bot uprising, i only joined last month...
A privilege that only those who work hard deserve!
Thanks for reading my friend! I hope you come back to read some of my other stuff, with or without upvoting xD i like to answer comments such as yours, it's a nice change from the common spammers :P
Very good thought I like that.. Good job
Thanks! You making me blush!I Bet You Say That To All The Boys!
Good post man!
Thanks, i always try to write the best content for steemit!!! we are creating content for a online platform, this is going to be here for all eternity (or at least until humanity dies) so i should write the best content in order for me to not be ashamed at my own posts
That's always good to hear! I'm happy that you get the attention you desrve :) if you aren't ashamed to think it why would you be ashamed to say it right hehe keep it up @teutonium !
Hello, I agree Trump is the best. I am now following you. Follow me back for upvotes.
Just kidding of course. :P
I agree, spammers are annoying but they don't bother me much. I just flag them and move on. ;)
I also have the same view about social media. I don't even have a facebook account.
Admittedly I don't usually answer to "Great article" comments anymore. I of course feel humbled that you like my post, but just "Great article" is kind of spammy and answering with "Thanks" is too, so I avoid that. But not answering to a comment that poses a question is kind of rude. It may take a little while but I'll answer to any comment with a proper question in it.
Apart from those rather minor things I am totally happy with steemit and its community. It's not hard to find great content. And 95% of the interactions I had with other steemians were absolutely positive!
Good luck on your road to 60! :D
Thanks! I'm following you back for upvotes xD ahaha
I mainly mute spammers and move on. I have a facebook account because i need it for college and i also use the messanger app from facebook!
That's why i started this "question of the day" thing, at least now they won't have any excuses to not write a more serious answer to my post
That's a really great idea. I might have to steal that. ;)
Np... just send me 100SBD for it xD hahaha Just kidding
Hi. I have been here about the same amount of time as you and still getting my feet under me. Trying to learn all I can. Not easy though because my time gets spotty. I like the fact that we can come together and share our experiences and stories that are important to us and have a chance to build a following of friends and supporters. I passed 100 followers today that was good and now trying to build enough so I can gain some traction and revenue. I will not give up and I will take your advice and join minnow support. Any other advice is appreciated. Thanks and continued success here.
You can also join Steemfollowers , it makes it easy for you to be seen, and to get upvotes.
You can also check out SteemSchool they teach you a lot of stuff.
I checked some of your posts and they seem like good information, but i might be biased, i love fitness and some of your posts are about fitness, the thing is that you need to format them better, try using html it really makes your posts shine, if you want i can teach you some stuff via discord, first lesson is free xD just add me Teutonium#2700
Thank you for all of this and I was wondering how you get your posts looking so good. I do not know HTML. I will add you. I am traveling for the next six weeks but when I am back I will reach out. In the meantime thanks for Steemfolloers and Steemschool. All the best to you and keep up the great posts.
Great work in achieving this so fast! Keep up the content and efforts!
Thanks! I will! Hard work, consistency, perseverance, and a LOT of coffee are the keys to success xD also green tea, for when we run out of coffee :P
Haha I could not agree more. I have no idea where I would be without excessive amounts of caffeine.