
Ummmm cos "we're in Beta" that's why. Haha, jutt busting on ya a bit. I've been having the same problem today. And last night. And yesterday...
What I'm seeing tho is that I think I keep Firefox browser open way too long and with too many tabs (VERY easy to do here, huh?) and I just have to close everything out more periodically than I'm used to doing. Hope that helps.'s working now...I keep forgetting this is beta!...I'll be following upvote today...I'm about to go into Net Blackout for about 30 days...It sucks! But I am hoping during the time that I can shake off the 'trolls' I've acquired!

Well thanks for following, I'm doing more researching than writing at the moment. Let me know hw that goes, I might have enough by then to need the advice from your experience.

If you dig around at secondary sites that show more data from the blockchain, you will discover it is because you have used up your voting power. I noticed this as well and considered posting about it but let it go when I figured out that was what was going on.

I don't know what your personal pet economics faith is, or politics for that matter, though I have a clue because we had some discussions about it, but Steem is a corporation, and we are the shareholders. We have thus based on our stake, some limited amount of ability to vote, based on our stake and how much voting we have done.

Just lay off the 'upvote' button for a little while. Your voting power will regenerate and then you can do this again.

In case you didn't spot it in your feed, since you follow my blog, I have made a big win in votes and scored votes from people with big voting power, and I think you would benefit or at least enjoy reading this:

Wow great article, I'm saving to read in depth later. Good answer too.. Yes Terry, what he's referring too can be observed in real time at (for instance) Just change the "it" in steemIT to the letter d, and everybody's info is right out there to be seen. For good or bad... Your voting power is at 100% right now.

@l0k1 ...Really knows his 'steem'!... @ibringawareness are 'good' as well! I follow you both, and I advise you also follow each other...(if you haven't already done so)...I am definitely no expert on this platform! ...My first post drew a LOT of steem! ...but posts after it gather none?...I really feel that the d@mned 'trolls' here have stung my butt!...I don't want to have any contact with them...but yet HERE they ARE!...something really needs to be done about them...they are detrimenting this platform!

I ran into trouble with a particularly well heeled troll in my first week here. The fight that ensued hammered my reputation score very badly, I was up at around 50 and then BAM. 10. But I took this experience in, and it inspired me to the ideas I have had about creating the SteemHordes name/group system, and firstly, to get busy programming to build an interface that implemented a proper block function to disappear these kinds of sad people from my screen.

This also led to me thinking more and more about what led to me writing that article I posted last night that is doing so well with being upvoted. Because I am going to be paid for having received these ideas and put them down for others to read, I now can also continue to work on my programming project, which the promotion of is helping me advance my position here also.

Don't let the trolls get you down. This platform will eventually make it a thing of the past, even if for the time being the mechanisms are not in place to do much to mitigate the problem. They will be over time, because anyone who implements it, is going to win votes for posts about the solutions, and the ideas that lead to the solution, and the steps along the way.