Durian - Nutrition and Benefits for Health

in #steemit8 years ago


               Benefits and Durian Benefits for Health

Like other fruit, durian has various health benefits thanks to the nutrients contained in the fruit. Among others:

Energy sources
A total of 100 g of durian fruit flesh contains 147 calories including high depending on other fruit. Natural durian sugars like fructose and sucrose are easily digested by the body so they can add energy quickly. This fruit is also rich in potassium so it can help reduce fatigue.

This condition makes the durian fit consumed athletes or people who need high power. But if you do not belong to the group, limit the consumption of durian because it can make your weight surge.

Fine digestion
Durian is rich in dietary fiber that can protect the intestinal mucous membranes from exposure to toxins. Dietary fiber is also useful to stimulate intestinal peristaltic movement and gastric secretion so that it can induce digestion.

Controlling blood pressure
Durian menganddng high amounts of potassium and sodium to taste. Potassium is responsible for the movement of muscles throughout the body including the heart. Potassium regulates heart rate and ensures fluency. Potassium is also needed to control the levels of sodium in the blood.

Sodium that is too high can cause high pressure. With sufficient potassium demand, the pressure on the blood vessels is reduced so that the risk of heart attack, stroke, and atherosclerosis can be lowered.

               However, some nutritionists recommend to choose a durian that is not too mature. The reason, carbohydrates in the durian is too ripe has turned into alkhol and can increase blood pressure. In addition, patients with kidney problems also need to suppress potassium levels so that durian consumption is not recommended.

A healthy cardiovascular system
You may often consume a durian that is suspected to contain lots of cholesterol. In fact, durian did not contain cholesterol. Durian is full of unsaturated mono fat that is healthy for the heart and can lower bad cholesterol levels.

Durian's dietary fiber also helps to reduce and remove LDL cholesterol from the body before the plaque builds up in the arteries.

                Overcoming insomnia 

Durian contains tryptophan, an amino acid compound that can naturally cause drowsiness. Tryptophan that enters the brain is converted into serotonin by the body and gives a sense of relaxation and happiness. Excess serotonin then releases melatonin into the bloodstream and makes the body feel sleepy. Many studies have found that tryptophan is effective in treating stress, depression, and anxiety problems, as well as insomnia.

Related: Insomnia and how to overcome it

Prevent cancer
Durian is rich in vitamin C that serves as an antioxidant compound. These antioxidants are important for reducing oxidative stress that can damage DNA and cause cancer. Vitamin C is also needed to increase endurance. In addition, there are other phytonutrients at different durians at each stage of fruit ripening. For example, quercetin, caffeine, and anthocyanin are high when the fruit is ripe. Meanwhile, polyphenols and flavonoids are high in the too mature stage too mature (overripe)

Maintain bone health
Important minerals such as magnesium, potassium, manganese, and copper are available in durian. All these minerals play an important role in maintaining strength and bone resilience. Although durians have only a small amount of calcium, these minerals are already present in large quantities in our bones. However, its distribution and deposition are governed by potassium. Potassium deficiency can actually cause excessive loss and release of calcium in the blood.

Prevents anemia
Durian contains high folic acid required for hemoglobin production. Durian folic acid even includes the highest among tropical fruits with avocado and guava. Folic acid will stimulate blood production that increases the body's ability and effectiveness of oxygen distribution.

Iron and copper are also present in durian. Although small in number, but can help the production and formation of hemoglobin and prevent anemia.

Lose weight
High in dietary fiber, zero cholesterol, rich in vitamins and minerals with complete composition, as well as high water content make durians suitable for you who want to lose weight. Like avocado and coconut, durian is also rich in healthy fats that are good for the body. Durian also is an instant energy source that can keep you active throughout the day and always energized during exercise.

However, you should remain cautious in limiting consumption because high calories in durian can actually increase your weigh

Tips to lose weight

Warm the body
In Indian herbal science, durian is believed to have a hyperthermic effect and includes foods that can warm the body. Not yet known what compounds that trigger it. A study in Malaysia alone did show that the body temperature of experimental mice has increased although not significant after consuming durian. Although this effect can be quiet in the short term, when eaten in excess, durian can cause stomach cramps and nausea.

Relieves cough
Not only meat, durian skin is also believed to have health benefits. One study, published in the Journal of Southern Medical University, 2010, revealed that durian skin extracts can relieve cough in mice.

This extract also shows the effects of antiobiotics and analgesics, which shows its potential as an alternative to natural painkillers. Unfortunately, the mechanism behind this effect is unknown, so further research is needed.

Natural aphrodisiac
The traditional Javanese believe in the durian as one of the natural aphrodisiacs. One study published in the Journal of Pharmacy Research 2009 and then try to observe its effect on mice.

As a result, mice given durian extract for several periods of time have increased libido and sperm count compared with control mice. The researchers suspect this effect is caused by high concentrations of glycos, saponins, flavanoids, and sterols in durian.

Durian fruit, with delicious flavor and abundant nutritional content, certainly has benefits and benefits for our health. However, durian fruit should be consumed enough and not excessive.