steemit Opinions or steemit Education?

in #steemit7 years ago


With the changes that YouTube have implemented by the 20th of February 2018, I will have had plenty of time to mull things over on what I intend to do with my time while online.

Creating YouTube video's is just a fun thing I do, for my own amusement, and also I know it annoys some folk out there who would rather I would stop making the nonsense I create, and just vanish completely!

I have been running my own website for many years now, but have allowed that to become stale on my quest to try and integrate into other sites that will allow me to make a little money for any efforts I do. (

And now I have been attempting to get involved with Steemit, and watch what gets interest shown, and interestingly it seems to be anything that I'm giving an opinion of sorts, over anything that I might be opening or reviewing.

Now, I can sit here and write opinions on many things, heck, that's easy for me to do, but do people really just want to read another person's semi-rants all the time over possibly how-to material that requires a lot of time and effort to do?

Should go back to the old days of just dedicating time and energy to my own website again, as the traffic may actually be higher there over what I may initially post here and then see it vanish forever, swamped by the larger contributors​ on here who seem to be able​​ to get a higher return​n on their time and energy, or is it just a case that I do not really understand how the whole posting and creating value thing works on here?

What do​ you suggest? Stick with it and cross-promote​, or find out the correct way to get stuff on here and have it generate something​ of value?

Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash