I'm Now A Full-Time Steemian!
That's it! I've quit my job. Words can hardly describe how good I feel so I made a Steem dance video to help me with this.
I have been working at my other job for more than 10 years, so quitting it was a pretty huge move for me.
I plan on living on my crypto investments for a while and not necessarily on what Steem could potentially pay me. It just didn't felt right to work at my other job anymore. I was ready for something else.
The Video!
I created the dance video for a blog I wrote yesterday but I've talked myself into publishing this video mostly on its own.
The lyrics of the song somewhat make sense for the situation but that's mostly a coincidence.
In Your Hands!
CHARLIE WINSTON - In Your Hands (Official Video)
Thanks to @papa-pepper for the awesome t-shirt.
Becoming A Better Person!
Steem has clearly been the biggest financial push in regard to helping me quit my day job but really the whole cryptocurrency space as been a real boon for me.
I want to use Steem and other cryptocurrencies as leverage to become a better person and help in the creation of a better world.
I'll let you guys know more about how I feel in my next post as well as continuing to help out create the world we all long for.
I'll use this post and the next one as well as the video to announce to my Facebook friends that I've quit my job. The vast majority of them don't know it yet. (My other dance video mentioning I made more than 100,000$ on Steemit has now 900+ Facebook views.)
Because the idea behind this post was mostly sharing this news, that's mostly it for this post.
Favorite Post
The post below is one of my favorite and most useful post. Give it its chance.
What Will You Be Steeming When Billions Are Watching?
Fun Facts
How popular is steemit.com?
26 days ago, 10 days ago, today.
- I've sign up on Steem on May 5, 2016 (Account #9,265)
- #199 on the rich list
- #79 best paid author of all time (37,274 SP)
- #53 best paid curator of all-time
- #62 most followers (People that follows me)
- #41 most following (People I follow)
- Steem witness since September 2016
- My most viewed post has 4300+ views
- I work more than 10 hours on most of my posts
- I've been paid $100,000 US since May 2016 working on Steem.
- I had ~$6,000-10,000 worth of Steem in mid-March 2017 when Steem reach its lowest price of 7 cents.
- The Steem price has gone up +18 times since then.
- ~$308M (The current value in US Dollars of all the Steem)
Thank you!
Thank you for reading and for commenting! I read them all! Vote for my witness here if you consider I'm Steeming the world you want to be living in.
I use Markdown Pad to create my posts and I recommend it to everyone.
Get on the chats. Not in private messages but in the chat rooms. These are some of the best places to makes some Steem friends.
- Official Steemit.chat
- SteemSpeak.com (24h/7 Voice chat)
- Peace, Abundance, Liberty (Minnow Support Project)
Find Out More!
- #1 "Stand for What Feels Best!" (Money in the world today is created out of thin air by a small elite group at the expense of everyone else.)
- #2 "Steem: An In-Depth Overview!" (The most in-depth and clearest guide to understand what Steem is and what it can do for you!) (Reached top #1)
- #3 "The Ultimate Steem Guide!" (How to Use Steem: The revamped edition.) (Reached top #1)
- #4 "Steem: The Most Enjoyable Governance Tool Ever Devised!"(Everything we ever did was an act of governance.)
- #5 "Make More Steem: Verify Your Introduction Posts!"
- #6 "Some Steem Stats" (The most empowering cryptocurrencies stats you'll read all day.)
- #7 "What Are Steem Witnesses And Why You Should Support Them!" (The clearest guide to understand what are "Witnesses" and why you should vote for them.)
- #8 "Some Steem Tips For Some Steem Success!" (Who to follow and many more Steem fundamentals every serious Steemians should know!)
- #9 "What Will You Be Steeming When Billions Are Watching!" (Soon millions of Steemians will be Steeming us to a much better world!)
- #10 "I Saw Your Dance Video And Now I Know You're Rich!" (Cool post pack with goodies as usual.)
- #11 "Never Lose Sight Of Why You’re Posting!" (Wealth is just a tool and not an end in itself. )
- #12 "Cooperation Is Humanity's Greatest Asset!"
- "Thank you Dan Larimer! You are a great mentor!" (Dan is the Ex-CTO of Steemit)
- "Steemit.com Set To Become The World's Most Popular Website" (Part of The Ultimate Steembook)
- "The most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard" (My best paid post at 8,000$)
Very hard to see the novel content in this post, You've quit your job to do what exactly ? Posting on Steem ? There should be no expectation of income from the blockchain itself.
I'm sure there are countless things you can do for steem that I'd even be willing to contribute fund to but honestly this first post isn't very encouraging and I believe it give bad example.
Saw a post that was made for money,
The comments were the things most funny,
Transisto hit the nail on the head,
The content inside was mostly dead.
I hear your words
and see your anger
the lyrics are bad
just like mine
I heed you concern @transisto. I think your advice is a wise one.
I enjoy being part of Steem with you and I look forward to help each other achieve our mutual goals whenever possible.
I'm thinking of quitting my job to run a Ponzi scheme...
As long as the ponzi ponzes, no worries... ;-)
According to his post he made 100,000 off his first dance video whether he expected to or not. That is enough to live off of for a while even if he doesn't make anymore money off the blockchain...
Do the things you love and love the thing you do.Steemit on.
That's right. I was totally unable to ignore Steem's calling anymore. I say Steem but the situation is much more complex obviously. It's a mix of a lot of thing but surely I feel like love what at the center of my decision so that's why this decision feels like the right decision not matter what happen next.
Yes, absolutely! It's so liberating to quit your job...
But you can do even better :)
I have been a "perpetual traveler" (read: technically homeless living in hotels and such) for a while now and it is even more fun than just not having a job.
You don't have to take my word for it.
You can read the stories from my life on my blog @traveladdict
I am in the middle of posting my epic 1200 kilometer hitchhiking story... a LOT of stunning photos... what it's like to spend a week in a rural Nepali village where no foreigner has ever been... and that's just what I can remember off the top of my head. :)
Congratulations! I've been thinking of making steemit my retirement work later.
like this simple words.
My posts haven't started making money yet and I want to quit my job! :)
Make money by giving us nice content :)
Very interesting, good luck going full time crypto. Thanks for sharing all the helpful links.
This post received a 4.1% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @mmatrics! For more information, click here!
This is really inspiring. Congrats on reaching some big goals of yours and continuing to set new ones. I love seeing people take steps of courage to create the life they really want. Well done
thats mega man well done and keep on steeming bro excellent ps what was the track in the video
Awesome man! Congrats! I swear, I keep kicking myself for not committing to the platform last August when I first heard about it. With all the time, effort, energy, and hard work you've put in, you've earned it man.
I can identify with you talking about quitting your day job. For about 6 months, I worked a solid job in the car importing business, and did ALL THINGS crypto after. It was crazy. I was recently afforded the opportunity to take a few months off to focus on being a better trader, and that's when I joined Steemit.
So, I can only imagine how busy you were while you were working a 9-5! I have a feeling your decision is going to pay off in spades. woot woot! Congrats again!
this is a terrbile gif

WTF is up with the sick kiddie GIFs?
agree. thats why I posted the parody for this bs from 'bad grandpa' movie
ahaha one of my favorites!
HAHA! That dance move!
WTF is up with the sick kiddie GIFs?
Its funny spam that just made .20
That pretty much sums up a lot of many people situation in regard to Steem and their other jobs as well a crypto trading.
I'm so fascinated by your story.The main reason why this crypto world are so good that they are helping people not to just focus on career and living life in auto-mode but opens their mind to explore and become more conscious about themselves and about the life overall.
I'm in my early 20's , i'm working my ass off everyday and investing every single penny in crypto currencies coz i truly believe that investing in future is more important than having a short time income and living a miserable life. I'm trying to take care of myself and loved ones and one day i will reach that point where i'm gonna be able to open my full potential on giving and helping others through this amazing platform.
Sincerely, thanks for being here and sharing with us your journey.
Dreams must become reality...with hard work @mirage
It's not about working hard it's about working smart :-D
That is great. I wish this had been around in my twenties. I am in my forties, though I am trying to live life as if age doesn't matter anymore. I don't have enough to show for the last 17 years since I've been in the corporate world. I have something, but nowhere near what I should based on all the stress and time and agitation. I wish I could go back to a younger age and start again. Instead I am trying to start again now and live the independent life. Good luck to all of us.
Well said!
Make sure to look at cryptocurrencies market and how they perform in the last months and years and try to evaluate the risk vs reward potential. They might do very good for you.
Thank you, I will!
You're on the right track, young man. But may I, a somewhat older man, offer a small bit of unsolicited advice? Putting all your eggs into a crypto basket at this moment in history may turn out to be the most amazing speculation ever. Then again, it could ruin you. If there is a black swan event that crashes the crypto market for a period of time or if some government control entity like the G20 decides to limit or ban cryptos, we could all be crying. My advice would be to put up to one half your savings into hard money that is being almost thrown away for a pittance in the market right now. That would be physical silver and gold. Goldmoney.com is an easy way to start. Some people don't like GM for various, shall we say, political reasons which are, in this case, irrelevant. I find it to be useful and sound. All the best to you.
You right. I'm not sure I'll buy some hard money. I could buy a business or diversify into other assets.
Your story is a powerful one @mirage
Make sure to consider Steem pretty much as just another cryptocurrency. They all have forces and weaknesses and Steem is no different. That being said I've been pretty bullish on Steem and it served me good up to now.
Well said young man. No amount of investment in crypto is too small. Even a $5 investment can turn into serious money.
thanks mate.. my idole.. haha. nice dance. the face is really telling joyful.
It must feel really good to cut the cord on having a job @teamsteem. Just thinking about it makes me want to dance!
Hey bud, we don't typically like to see posts get spammed in the comments section unless they are relevant to the topic at hand. It might get you flagged, and I'd hate to see that happen to you.
Here are a couple articles written on that subject.
noone told me about this platform last August :( I m sure I would have joined :(
Well I guess we are still part of the early members , If the platform will grow as I expect it to grow.
wow amazing. good luck
sounds pretty nice, hope you will be now able to post more frequently, cant wait to see you posting more now.
I sure will.