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RE: Why I Support Zer0hedge Even Though He Steals Content And Is A Plagiarist!!!! Or Does He????

in #steemit7 years ago

Thanks for explaining that @belluth.

Based upon what you wrote, he most likely isnt helping out zerohedge at all since google might actually penalize duplicate content.

I never really understood what @jerrybanfield was talking about in one of his videos that posting on steemit helps peoples blogs until I started seeing how highly ranked this site is.

I would image blogger and wordpress are up there also but I could be wrong.


No worries. SEO is like Dark Wizardry, it's hard to know exactly what google is doing and you ask one guy and he'll give you one answer and you ask another specialist and he'll give you another. They both only want to work 3 days a fortnight and take home 160K too!

I don't think google would penalise either site as such, but the "link juice" would go to one or the other. I imagine google is smart enough to work out where the article appeared first, but you never know.

I'm not familiar with blogger, but if it's like wordpress, it's hard to compare to Steemit. Steemit is more like medium. Here's a good article on SEO value of Medium vs the very limited value of social platforms like Linkedin, Twitter etc.

I think depending on how much text was changed most of the article would show to have appeared elsewhere than on ZeroHedge. About half of Zerohedge content is 1:1 repost.

I think sometime It's better to do 1:1 repost than to add very little commentary as it could confuse the source of the commentary for the author or the main article.

Yeah lots of their stuff is just blockquotes from bloomberg or reuters with spin added