The Task Manager (15.01.2017) - Steemit Posts That Pay You!

The steemit portion of the last 3 Task Manager special task payments was handled by @bidnat, if you were owed a Task Complete bonus you should have received it from him. Those of you waiting for the bitshares portion of payments will get them later today from me with a BONUS. Sorry for the delay, unfortunately this laptop is pretty much dead. Fortunately I have ordered a decent tablet online to replace this for mobile purposes.
Tonight's Paying Posts!
@sirlunchthehost - Steemit Chronicles: Prologue Challenge! - Download this game and beat all the bosses before anyone else to win 100 Steem and $5.00 SD! Also, the first 5 people who reach level 10 and leave a review of the game can earn 10 Steem.
@dylanhobalart - Steemit PostCard Art Giveaway! - Want a free Steemit Postcard? Get on Discord or Steem Chat and comment with your mailing address to @dylanhobalart.
@englishtchrivy - Steemit Culinary Challenge 11 - Cheeseless Burgers - Get ready to cook a cheeseless burger for a top prize of 25 SBD! There are very specific instructions on how to enter, including video documentation of you cooking it, so be sure to check out the Must do list.
@bola - Guess How Many? #107 - Be the first person to guess how many gummy bears are in the wine glass to win some Steem!
@riosparada - STEEMIT WORLD LOTTERY # 32 - Comment with 4 numbers between 1-52 for a chance to win "40% of the pot or $100 Steem dollars if the pot is less".
@steemit-health - What Are You Thankful For Today? (Jan 14) - Comment with something you are thankful for to earn some Steem.
@steemit-health - What's Your Resolution for Today (Jan 14) - Comment with something you can do today to improve your life for a chance to win some Steem.
@steemit-health - Enter Your Daily Health Score for Friday Jan 14 - Give yourself a score out of 5 for how healthy you were for a chance to win all Steem dollars earned by the post!
@riosparada - STEEMIT TUG-OF-WAR #4 - Upvote the post and comment with whether or not you think 10 will be a drawn number in the next Texas lottery to win som Steem!
About The Author
@bidnat spends most of his free time doing coin related things, playing video games, and playing guitar. He's a wise cracking Metal Head who will one day leave Eastern Canada.

Special Task
Upvote and resteem this post, then comment {(Optional) Bitshares_Username "Task Complete"}. This special task pays 0.05 Steem Power and 0.1 TASKMANAGER. BitShares account needed to claim TASKMANAGER asset bonus.
task-manager Task Complete
Task Complete
All SBD from this post will go through the 3.5 day conversion.
TASKMANAGER is an asset hosted on the bitshares blockchain, a % of the liquid STEEM (currently 50%) from all @taskmanager posts is placed in savings, to be used to buyback TASKMANAGER for OPEN.STEEM on a regular basis. Holders of 50(1) or more TASKMANAGER qualify for the @taskmanager autovote.
(1) - The amount of TASKMANAGER required to qualify for autovote may change over time
Special Task payments sent and task closed.
Task Complete
Task Complete
Task Complete
Task Complete
Task Complete
dolov76 Task Complete
Hey @taskmanager please help me here am trying to trade my coins at
But I cannot place any order.I receive this error massage Failed to broadcast the transaction:
Transaction was not signed. Do you have a private key? [no_signers]
What might be the problem?
Your bin file may have been cleared from your browser, go to settings, then restore/import and restore your bin file. Settings can be found under the drop down menu where your name is on the top right.
Thank you.. I will follow your instructions when I have a laptop with me. For now am using a smartphone and I can't restore or download backup files
vvv753 Task Complete
Task Complete