Sensation, scientific proof of God. Your opinion, Steemit?

in #steemit8 years ago

Hello, today we will talk on very serious subject - whether there is God?

We will examine her from purely scientific point of view, I have devoted many years to studying of this question, both with scientific, and from the mystical, religious points of view.
Let's look - and that we in general know about the World?

  • We know that it consists for 90% of dark matter which is unknown to mankind, it is a riddle! And scientists I can't solve her, he only know that she is.

    What it speaks about?
    That the Universe seen by us consists of 10% of "light matter", as well as all our scientific knowledge rests against these 10%, we have achieved huge results in physics, chemistry, genetics and biology, but it is a drop in the ocean if we speak about the real universe.
    We as if monkeys who have only just learned to extract fire.

  • Also we know that a visible range of electromagnetic radiations too small and poor, we don't see the objective World, we see only his small form which our brain is capable to master!
    And the fact that in certain conditions of consciousness the brain is capable to clean own restrictions and to perceive more electromagnetic ranges, than actually is - too is scientific.
    You knew that 2% of people see electromagnetic energy? See her also as we see fog or a pool under the legs?

    And now think that when these declared 2% in the Middle Ages what they see some "energy", they were recognized as heretics and burned on a fire, or just considered for mentally ill people.
    Even now, that they can see electromagnetic fields and it is proved by scientists, many I won't trust them, who studies science so deeply?
    Many limit themselves to school and academic knowledge which highly specialized and directed just on is mastered "bases", but not on understanding of the Universe in any way.

  • Also our DNA for 85% (approximately) is called "garbage", and you know why? Yes because scientists don't know her mission! Here also called her "garbage", but in the nature nothing is present casual or superfluous so a lot of things wait for us ahead.

  • Both sight is limited to our brain, and other sense organs (hearing, touch, etc.) which at lifting of restrictions allow to perceive to the person more real, objective World.

  • Why earlier the great number of great scientists was believers? Yes because they understood that they study a consequence, but not the reason! They can realize gravitation, but it is the law of this World, but cannot tell - why it is such? Who has registered this law? Whether there are Worlds with other conditions of gravitation, etc.?

  • And if we drip even more deeply, then we will come to the fact that all World perceived by us is created by our brain, and possibilities of a brain just shake! It is the most powerful bio-computer, and the whole world is just a set of electromagnetic ranges which the brain interprets in perceived "reality". All know that we use him for 2-3% of his potential, but it doesn't mean that the brain in 98% is inactive, isn't present - he is active! It is told about neural communications and their possible combinations, and here their more than one trillion types!

  • Ancient wise men claimed that our World a dream or illusion (Maya) why?
    All of us have dreams, in a dream you ate apple? It was same real on taste as well as the presents! And now I will tell you the interesting fact about a brain - for a brain there is no concept "is unreal", he perceives everything "real, real", and in a dream he completely believes in "reality" therefore also all feelings work there, but there is nothing except our consciousness! And having realized itself in a dream we can fly and not only.

    Or to follow one more good example - points of Oculus Rift if you at least once tried them on yourself, then you know as the head from "virtual attractions", etc. can begin to spin, it proves this scientific fact again - the brain trusts, the body reacts.

  • Also our brain works at different electromagnetic frequencies - a beta, an alpha, the delta and a theta, and during deep meditation people transfer to different frequencies, saving consciousness and perceive the World differently, normal people of 90% of life consciously live on a beta frequencies and for 10% on an alpha, only one vanity.

I can continue to tell you these scientific facts, language of science for a long time, but let's sum up the results what we have received?
We have received that the modern person lives in reality which is almost completely unknown to him, his sense organs are limited, he doesn't know the brain and its opportunities, constantly is on a beta rhythm, and uses the programmed set of knowledge and behavior which he can be interesting, but treat one neural communications (for example to a brain you all the same eat pizza at home or have departed to Italy to taste the best pizza in the world! For usefulness of your brain it is equivalent), here and we receive that the reality remains a riddle, and those who perceive other worlds, spirits and mystical revelations, receive it thanks to opportunities of the brain, but unfortunately a little that who studies it and practices who recognizes himself silly!

Around all clever, and all know about everything.
And even when the new point of view for 100% is reasonable scientifically, all of them can equally ignore it why? Because to live on basic instincts it is easier, and people unfortunately, choose convenient and simple models of outlook instead of recognizing the truth.

So, whether there is God? We were convinced that we even do not know ourselves, and we want to know already God, I consider that he has created our World and all its laws, and experience of communication with the Principal Reason can be worried and to describe it net language of science.

I thank for attention, I hope I have brought more understanding in your Life.


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