This Is Exactly How The Steem Blockchain & Steemit Brings About World Adjustment. Plus, An #untalented Contest Again. (No Losers!!!)

in #steemit7 years ago

We want to end the year strong. I have been depressed lately because i have been behind schedule with the start of the Steemgigs Interface but we will end 2017 very strong. We will do a simple Untalented Contest to continue the Untalented Curriculum and details will be at the end of this post but please read this entire post because the essence of this post is for us to finish 2017 strong!

This contest will be under #untalented-adjustments and the title will be:

Amazing adjustments that have happened to my life since i found steemit. 

I will start 2018 with a spark. I will do a post highlighting these beautiful intentions starting 2018. In the meantime, i will like to join all the steemian whatsapp groups available. I can manage to spark some more fire, so, please add me using +639210779436. My Facebook URL is on my profile, you can also add me to every group chat. You can also join the SteemGigs community on discord as you can easily reach me there too!

The Substance Of The Human

We may not fully know where we have reached since we joined steemit with regards to our "substance as human". 

"The substance of the human" is a very important part of human that the world still very much misses out on and an aspect where steemit really helps. 

The world is painted. It's curriculum hypes the superficial and weighs substance by it. 

How many fancy cats do you have etc

Steemit helps us tap back into our "human". Many have left us and are in outer-space and this is not exactly a bad thing. I do it too! I go into the minds of aliens to see what's in there. I let the mind span spanlessly. I let my imagination soar limitlessly but i am still very much here on Earth; down-to-earth! 

My "human" is still very much intact.

I want to touch and be touched. I want to forgive. I want flaws. I do want a pretty face but i want one that's link to a heart; that can turn "ugly", when the heart's gloomy; that can have stretches when the heart feels empathy etc I do want those other facets of human e.g presence, aura, soul, charisma, swag etc

If you create a space shuttle, you do it for humans. Don't lose your "human".
If you read all the books, these are human books, don't become "too elite" for fellow man.

The world is learning these things and needs to learn more of these things. I hope to use the untalented curriculum to teach more of these things. 

This is the best aspect of beauty that blockchain (in this case the steem blockchain) will accomplish....

It will restore the painted state of the world into its real true state. It will seamlessly help the masses of the world re-tap into their "human".

Steemit (Steem Blockchain): It will restore people to empathy and sympathy and they will give, first because they now can but later, because they start to feel that their "human" side(in its true unadulterated/unpainted state) does have that innate longing to put smiles on people's faces. 

The steemit effect is becoming powerful! 

Attending a steemit-meetup and you will feel the very presence of human. 

The incentive to maintain reputation and tap into your deeper aspects, obviously grows us into more of humans, moreso than outer-spacers or glass-made celebs. It plays out the true state of the world before us and the intense suffering in it, so that we value our luxuries. 

It incessantly gives us human stimuli to react to, re-tapping us into aspects of us e.g self-control, long-suffering, patience, love etc that grows "the human"

We now walk into places, with a bit more presence and the "steemit effect" is written all over us. We learn from the sad testimonies of others daily. 

It tames us and reminds us of humility, for just when you are egoing-up and feeling that you are the greatest mind, you come here and you have to queue up and climb the ladders and on this journey, you pick up on way that there are indeed greater minds than yours. You start to understand teamwork and the interaction, humility and comprise that makes teamwork attainable. 

You are curbed upon setting foot off-track and brought back to your senses! 

You explore more of the 5 senses daily, "365 becomes a more tangible number as each day in 2017", you have had to apply your sense of vision (mind's eye) to reading between lines (and your sense of vision starts to graduate from simple "sight" to "foresight" as you now start to do way more incessant envisioning). Then you exert your sense of hearing in newer ways daily as you start to eavesdrop on the whispers of great minds e.g eavesdrop on github to know when the next hardfork is coming etc 

Then you sniff (sense of smell) too as you nasally follow steem wallet trail to see if there is any new substantial power up. 

You taste way more awesomeness. 

You apply your sense of touch as you are touched ever-constantly, with the re-display of "human" in humanity

Within the presence of reputable great minds on steemit, who are in an incessant art of displaying "human" you tap into more awesomeness; more substance and you start to shine and draw others in because in the reality, though the world is painted, the human race has always longed the real deal; "human"!

Not Chihuahuas, not luxury spiders, not polar bears; "human"!

In truth, Leonardo DiCaprio always wanted that rough-looking look "with the beard".

And Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston, wanted something more than the red carpets and makeup artists and paparazzi but they just could grasp fully what it is that they really wanted because the world stayed painted.

They did want true influence. They wanted to be appreciated and valued for their "human"

There are testimonies on Steemit to this effect and in an untalented contest just below, we will create more testimonies!

The world can't place it and steemians, when they start feeling it, may not be able to place it. They got on steemit and unlike anywhere on the web, they felt something and subconsciously, "all they were missing". They found soul. They found more human. They found more realness; more substance! 

They start to be drawn in and connect more than usual and they can't place it just yet but they so will and it is happening; it is showing!

This is a most beautiful aspect of the world adjustment that steemit will help a bit in adjusting! 

(Note: Paradise is the only solution to true world change)

There is more giving, more empathy, more selflessness, more flaws. "a not-so-painted world!"

There are beautiful testimonies to this on steemit:


Look at this simplest of comments on one of my recent posts:

In the words of @engrbrain1:

Wooow great boss mentor @surpassinggoogle, i love reading all your post because your always talking directly to my soul, steemit need mentors like you thank you for the information

"Engineer Brain" felt something! He didn't just speak. He dug, fully-felt and he spoke! He is a brain engineer but the words of an illiterate, spoke to his very soul.

Then @umais is a beautiful young steemian boy! He got on steemit on this account @umais1209 (his first account) and he started out with some plagiarism and so-called spam but didn't he adjust? 

His account got flagged to a negative but with the love and "human" that he felt on steemit, he resolved anew. 

He did these amazing untalented contest posts below, which wasn't visible because the account had a negative rep and a flag kept following him:

Then with more love and direction from @artaddict and some encouraging upvotes, he decided to open a new account, sent the steem from his old account to the new one, to create an illusion of changed resolution and draw inspiration from it, then he started again "refreshed" and today this boy curates/moderates for @utopian-io:

You will notice his wonderful evolution and resolution in these posts:

1. He resolved anew in this amazing simple yet really touching post (We are talking of a really young boy):

Wait! See the sweetness of this boys words (incase you can't visit the post)

 I've been doing very random post lately and Look's like my blog isn't organized enough. Yesterday I got chosen by the @curie gods and my reputation went to 49 (After Some Time It Will Be 50!) But still there's something that doesn't feel right.
What's That?
That's with  great reputation comes great responsibility and my unorganized blog will not make it if it's not gonna change! It doesn't look nice...
Gonna Change And Make My Schedule Consistent!
I'm gonna change make consistent posts! 2 Posts daily I think good...I'm also gonna post every Saturday new songs of that week and top songs of that week, This will start from this Saturday. So Music Lovers Be There!I'm also gonna post covers after every 1 day. (I will do cover of top comment's song on previous 'cover' post) So Don't Forget To Comment!I will try to improve on my way, Wish Me Good Luck : ) 

2. As he started to feel more confident about his aspirations to become musician, he started to attempt Open Mic Challenge. He tried rap!:

3. We assured him that "everyone has something to offer" and he did his first SteemGigs post:

So why say "humans" can't adjust. If you really understand steemit and its model, you will understand more vividly why we so can. 

"We are re-tapping into our human" and steemit is modelled to accomplish this!

See also "@bikalsiwakoti" from Nepal (He is also a teenager)!

I saw his effort in improving his content etc. Even though, he struggles with English (which can easily be the case, among "many" here hurriedly perceived as being outright spammers or plagiarist), i noticed his effort and sent him some SBD recently. 

He got happy and asked if he should power it up but i told him to have his first spending and to do a post of the experience, since he lives in Nepal and there aren't many resourcing on the topic, so that he can have some post rank in google to help steemians and aspiring steemians. Too, he could share his post with friends, to grow steemit further in Nepal etc 

So, he attempted a conversion to see if he can hold his first 100 US dollars from steemit but he lost it upon trying to exchange it. He said he used EXMO, expecting to receive western union remittance and till date he never received it. However, see the last message, he left me on Facebook Messenger:

Then see @alxgraham, a very learned man!

He met with my post here:

And see how he expressed his first feelings:


My goodness, that's actually the most "personal" thing i think i've ever read in the comments in my month plus on steemit. I like it. I almost wish that steemit would make all chat public and in the blockchain. I've always hoped that a way would appear, through which people would end up expressing their most genuine selves.
I believe that the World will change in our lifetimes, drastically even, but in the worst case,
i think we should be placing all out conversations into a time capsule of sorts. 
At least later generations will "Know" TONS about what we talked about,
at least publicly.
What is the greatest "HISTORY" blockchain?
Enjoyed this all - ALX.

Then he was move into doing an eleven-minute response video to me, where he gave way to tears. 

See his full post here!

He didn't know me before that post and we can have been from very different worlds; regardless, he felt something! In the comment section of my post, he felt the "humans behind the steemians"; he felt change; he felt something different from the painted state of the world; "he saw human and he re-tapped into his "human".

There are tons more testimonies but i will stop here! 

The essence of this post is for us to end 2017 strong. Thus, let's do a simple untalented contest. We will place this one under #untalented-adjustments and the title will be:

Amazing Adjustments That Have Happened To My Life Since I Found Steemit.

Simply do a full-blown post and in this post, reflect on the amazing adjustments that you have made since you found steemit or since steemit found you. 

Let's reflect on how much we have evolve in the substance of our human and record this in our post entry e.g

  • Do i still respond to every stimuli
  • Do i still give slap for slap or do i sometimes turn the other cheek
  • Do i now sometimes take the high road
  • I am in control of my impulses
  • I am i so so so predictable
  • What new things have i learned since i joined steemit
  • Have i grown more since my last errors
  • Have i stood up again and resolved anew since my last fall
  • I am now more forgiving, more uncondemning, more understanding
  • I am still so under-estimating of others
  • Do i still eat myself so much over my flaws or do i put even my flaws to good use
  • Am i now more selfless, more empathetic, more patient etc
  • How is my decision-making
  • How is are my conversation skills
  • Do i still so much compare myself with others
  • Do i jump queues because i am the best
  • Do i listen more
  • Have i learned more things than i used to know
  • Do i see more or do i only look
  • Has my foresight-ability increased
  • Do i now have more goals, more self-belief, more self-worth
  • Am i more deeply-rooted in my vision or i am still shaken my events
  • Do i still measure people by their wallets
  • Are people more drawn in to me for real?
  • Am i more loving
  • Did my wealth improve
  • etc
Remember, with untalented contests, "flaws are allowed", so please let go! In my space, relegate reservations for their is sense even in nonsense!

Plus, every participant in this contest will win something. No losers!

Please add the word "untalented" as the first word of your headline and please make sure to use #untalented-adjustments for this one, so that these entries are easier to locate!

 @tojukaka @purepinay @eurogee @ejemai @sunnylife @artaddict@samic @sunnylife @antonette @themanualbot @jaderpogi@ankarlie @jon24jon24 @deveerei @nairadaddy @destinysaid@ogochukwu @ewuoso @samstickkz @daudimitch @ehiboss@oluwoleolaide @ogoowinner @iwrite @gbenga @julstamban@ceepee @fisteganos @steemitph @rahulstan @ugetfunded etc kindly share this post with your massively growing steemit groups 

Your Boy Terry



My community effort and steemit growth is a major part of my effort as "steemgigs" witness, thus, the use also of #witness-category

I do need strength

Dedicating My Entire Steem/Steemit Journey To My Mum

If you want to support an extra witness and you support mine "steemgigs", it will be really helpful, especially in terms of giving me the direly needed extra drive & strength. Overall, there is no doubt, that i have been here on steemit, proven, solid and i will keep on being here! Steemit is in my books and my heart has a soft spot for it and this will keep on because upon it, i kept my legacies and even my sad stories and most utmostly, i get to have awesome YOU. 

For humans and steemians, i am all in, for you all

To vote my witness, simply visit and type in "steemgigs" into the first search box for witnesses or simply click Here to do it on one click!

If you want me to make witness voting decisions on your behalf, simply visit and type in "surpassinggoogle" in the second box for proxy. 

For the tech people on steem, like developers etc you can certainly now use this full RPC 256GB public node: 


Let's Go!!!

Offer a service under hashtag "steemgigs". Attempt out-of-the-boxness on hashtag (untalented).

Join the Steemgigs Community on discord:

"Everyone has something to offer!"


Please the comments as well as with the #untalented curriculum we are creating a new breed of tears. We will get to a stage where proof of tears is rewarded. We are going old-school; a new breed of "old-school". Please read. I know how many tears i have teared and i know how many tears you have teared and just how many tears humanity has teared and good or not-so-good tears should value because in reality they do, for Jehovah keeps these tears in a skin bottle at the very least. We never know but perhaps, there are real life solutions in those tears if we just attempt the first simplest obvious solution and restore value to them tears. Perhaps, if we gather them into oceans, these tears can wash away some sorrow. Well, we never know. We will evolve something though. Roadmap in process. One more thing, in the equation, we will add more "tears of joy". As for proof, proof of tears, we will find untalented ways to attain proof. Let's go brothers and swities

Sir ,

One reason I'm drawn to you is your sincere heart, your passion, your untalentedness and love.

I spot in you a different breed of "human" a human shaped and reshaped.

I was almost in tears when I typed my first #untalented post who am I but it was a blessing for thereafter I found a large burden withdrawn from my chest.

You're an apostle of value and you've infected a lot with same. You incentivize people not only with Steem but with hope, not just for now but for future.

I'm lucky I met you in 2017. Thanks for being awesome @surpassinggoogle

You really have this way of inspiring people. Embracing flaws. Growing. Relating. You look at flaws and you see awesome. It’s just so human. You don't just encourage people to be perfect and do all perfect things but you let them, us, grow with those imperfections and live and evolve. Thank you!

Hello @surpassinggoogle
We have given you our still tinnie-winnie upvote!
You have been determined by a human @buterdaniel to be possessing of special gem. Do join the #untalented family!

Abolishing the conditioning attached to IQ tests e.g smart, dull, bum, average and you suddenly give every human a chance to shine!

So e.g if Bill Gates did Microsoft and i can do Macro-hard, arent we both genius? Oh, we both are! Showcase your talents regardless of its nature freely with us in #untalented. Relegate all reservations as flaws are allowed and we sift even the so-called nonsense to find sense therein.

#untalented is an ongoing historical curriculum with initiatives/contests, where each participant wins something. No losers! It is also a core branch of #steemgigs, so please join the SteemGigs community on discord already containing around 700 gifted steemian family members. See this URL for more info

and also this URL for the discord community

If you want to vote a witness, you can vote steemgigs too. Simply go to

and type steemgigs into the first search box. Stay awesome!

Just incase you find any level or form of gifts, talents, attempts at out-of-the-boxness, or any steemian low in confidence about their abilities, worth, etc; please don't let it slip emptily by.

Kindly call on me! Simply reply to any such post and add @steem-untalented or #untalented to your reply and i will be there to upvote, acknowledge, strengthen and encourage them.

Kuya is brother I know. :)

I got emotional reading through your post @surpassinggoogle really, you are human, a different human, so unique.. Keep on dear and stay strong for us much love
I will send you my link soon
Here is my entry

:)! Thanks again my friend. It's great to know you and to think that we can truly impact here and the world, as "Men of the People".

I did a little more work on the "readings", but not sure yet if you like it this way or not. I figured that the "Hannah Moji™" aspect [animoji from apple translated into my daughters name], might be best for reading anyone others posts.

I never participated in an #untalented contest but I'm happy to hear this exciting news at the verge of ending year 2017:

This Is Exactly How The Steem Blockchain & Steemit Brings About World Adjustment. Plus, An #untalented Contest Again. (No Losers!!!)

So this is the tag for this contest: #untalented-adjustments, right?

Thank you for your WhatsApp number. Also big thanks for this:

> Join the Steemgigs Community on discord:

You're a great inspiration @surpassinggoogle.

Then with more love and direction from @artaddict and some encouraging upvotes, he decided to open a new account, sent the steem from his old account to the new one, to create an illusion of changed resolution and draw inspiration from it, then he started again "refreshed" and today this boy.

In my country, a successful entrepreneur said "if my wealth is taken away from me today, in few years time, I will be wealthy again. Truth, I have never heard of such resolution before. So much that it defies human psychology and ideology.
@artaddict testimony to me, is extraordinary and defines bravery. The thought of losing my steemit account sends shocks to my spine. But here is someone who has been awesomely resilient!

I think the untalented dominate the talented, when we pull our minds together, we'd be awesome. Surely, I cannot miss this contest for a thing.

I have a story to tell, my story.

You are steemian regardless of your account.

Just like this :

You're a Nigerian or American inspite of whether you have a passport or not.

Hence, you can be taken out of steemit but steeemit cannot be taken away from you.


Did I just see a trade mark on your daughters name. That so sweet. Your daughter has a very lovely name. I like the combination so much. Nice.

lol not on her whole name. And ™ is really just my favorite emoji. I use it much more than just for things that have been ™'d.

Wow, really awesome name i must say. You mght not understand the meaning of that name, but we treasure it over here. Your daughter sure deserved such a pretty name. May the real meanimg meaning from where i come from meaning wealth be her portion. Send our greetings to Hannah Moji :)

No knowledge is a waste no matter how little it is.....Thanks for your own contribution.

Hannah Moji?? As in Mojisola?? Thats my mother's name if so....

No, it’s just my daughters first name, blended with the Apple name for the animated emoji’s. Which are super cute, and they’re gonna use for a show of their own, but which it seems no one on steem likes yet.

Oh dear! Thats cute! Well, my mother's "Mojisola" means, 'I wake up to wealth'...

OMG, when I first saw this, I was thinking it was Mojisolaoluwa. Your mum has a really beautiful name. Hope you have invited her to join steemit?

Wow. We should form a community of Moji here. :)
Its seems to be a familiar name among steemians.
@surpassinggoogle, we need to bring all moji's to steemit. @aderonkemi, hope your mum is doing well. Send regardsfrom #untalented

Hello @aderonkemi
We have given you our still tinnie-winnie upvote!
You have been determined by a human @lorreta to be possessing of special gem. Do join the #untalented family!

Abolishing the conditioning attached to IQ tests e.g smart, dull, bum, average and you suddenly give every human a chance to shine!

So e.g if Bill Gates did Microsoft and i can do Macro-hard, arent we both genius? Oh, we both are! Showcase your talents regardless of its nature freely with us in #untalented. Relegate all reservations as flaws are allowed and we sift even the so-called nonsense to find sense therein.

#untalented is an ongoing historical curriculum with initiatives/contests, where each participant wins something. No losers! It is also a core branch of #steemgigs, so please join the SteemGigs community on discord already containing around 700 gifted steemian family members. See this URL for more info

and also this URL for the discord community

If you want to vote a witness, you can vote steemgigs too. Simply go to

and type steemgigs into the first search box. Stay awesome!

Just incase you find any level or form of gifts, talents, attempts at out-of-the-boxness, or any steemian low in confidence about their abilities, worth, etc; please don't let it slip emptily by.

Kindly call on me! Simply reply to any such post and add @steem-untalented or #untalented to your reply and i will be there to upvote, acknowledge, strengthen and encourage them.

Mojisola, that is my grandma's name. She's late now though. I plan to name my daughter after her

Okay, Mojisola is a very special name in the western part of Nigeria. It is one of the beautiful names here in Nigeria. But your daughters name is super cute, and I wish her a wonderful time in her show.

Thats a cute name @alxgraham. I love the story behing the name. Really super cute like you said. All the Moji's i know are really good people. I cant wait for her to join steemit. :)
I really like the blend of your daughter's name. Have a great year with Moji

Great post Sir, we all learned some lessons in Steemit. Recently, my wife's new account lost her password and it's my fault and we kind of ended up having an argument. But then we moved on and she created an account and just waiting for the email response of Steemit. We learned our lesson and our bonds got stronger and will save our passwords on different places from now on to make sure it will never get lost again. Thank you for your great post, happy New Year.

Its a pity that she lost the password. Its so encouraging that you and your wife are closer. Thats the most important thing. I know how much i treasure those that are close to me. They are motivations to us every day we wake up. She will get back to where she stopped trust me. All i need for her is to keep on letting her light shine and nothing can stop her. That she is blessing lives would be enough fuel to achieve more on steemit. #untalented gave me fuel to keep aspiring for greater heights. Wish her more speed. Goodluck to your family friend

Thank you, wish you guys all the best and happy new year ;-)

The good thing about the whole scenerio is that you guys learn some lessons from what happen and it made you to be stronger and more compassionate about one another. That is the beauty of this platform.
It helps people to forgive and move on. For example, The guy that wrote something about @surpassinggoogle some time ago was given and everybody moved on. Thank God you both moved on it is a testimony today. That is the most important thing. Happy for you both.@rye05 you are such a lucky man to have a woman like that.Keep steeming

Wow, am sorry to hear about you quarrel with you wife, but am glad it has turned out well, that's what steemit does, making relationships better. This brings to mind the time I and my younger brother had our quarrel settled through steemit. Wishing your wife a lovely stay here on steemit.

That's great to hear the bond between you and your wife are stronger, and also glad your wife has a new account, but I just have one request. Make sure to invite her to join #untalented, and read some posts there, she sure will be encouraged alot. All the best.

Really sorry about your wife's account. The most important thing about steemit is the people there. Great minds that want to make changes to various aspects of the world. If i loose my password today, i will just create another account knowing that i have been in a great place called #untalented. I will juwt resume from where i stopped and reach out to more people occasionally emphasising that people should store passwords well and carefully. Really sorry about that.

Your testimony got to me really. Thank God you could create another account and here you hot are again to live on your human nature and make impact. We hope to read from her soonest.

that is the attitude of a great steemian. A true steemian does not give up even when the chips are down. We aim to try again until we scale through. Attitutde of a champion. I know a lot of guys that has been in that kind of mess. But they bounced back because they've learnt form steemit that " when the going get tough the tough gets going.

It's nice to know that you guys have learned. Experience they say, is the best teacher.

Hello @rye05
We have given you our still tinnie-winnie upvote!
You have been spotted by @eveokonma to possess rare gem!

So what can we do than to seal the deal, give you our tiny upvote and celebrate you, for everyone has something to offer.

We welcome you to the #untalented family. Feel free to come around for its a home with us. Flaws allowed, so relegate reservations and play with that beautiful mind of yours, let's tap into more hidden aspects of you. No average, no bum, just awesome you and the best version of YOU is a gift to humanity everytime. Stay awesome!

Join the steemgigs community on discord

#untalented is a branch of @steemgigs. If you would like to offer your service in building the dreams of other steemians, you can do so under #steemgigs.

However, if you want to experience full blown freedom and grow in confidence about your gifts and talents, share under #untalented.

We aim to create historical moments in the genre of touching lives and you can support us if you desire, by voting on steemgigs for witness. Simply click here

and type steemgigs in the first search box.

Just incase you find any level or form of gifts, talents, attempts at out-of-the-boxness, or any steemian low in confidence about their abilities, worth, etc; please don't let it slip emptily by.
Kindly call on me! Simply reply to any such post and add @steem-untalented or #untalented to your reply and i will be there to upvote, acknowledge, strengthen and encourage them.


Woah, giant thing to write about. That will make impact on others. Yes, it can be use as a medium also to make family bonds stronger. It can cause rifts too but then it teaches balance. Would love your post entry. Dont forget the tags

It's true when they say "the best things in life are free" Steemit has been the best thing that has happened to me this year..And the best thing that happened to steemit was approving your account, you've made a lot of us understand the basic and fundamentals of this great platform. What i've learnt here and from you for free here is far way more beyond what i learnt from the university with all the huge amount i paid. If you were to write books, then my shelve will be filled with your editions. tuale for you. i dey cut cap for you.

Honestly, steemit is the best thing to happen to me this year and meeting @surpassinggoogle is really a blessing.

Thank you very much. Hope to see your entry. Don't forget the tags too!

Tuale. Hope to see your entry and remember the tags

Steemit is a decentralised GOLD hosted somewhere in the world. First of its kind, in that you can mine it from any part of the world. If steemit has not empowered you, then you are not empowering someone.

Hahaha , you captured the situations of our hearts properly.

It was one time I said that @surpassinggoogle surpasses most of our University professors.

He's a guru in the school of life.

Nice post and very inspiring for me as a newbie, although im still in the stage of studying how steemit works and what totally platform is about..
Looking forward to know all the things step by step and to learn first . I know someday, somehow i will reap my rewards with steemit.
As of now I can say what amazing adjustment i made when steemit founds me/ found steemit, I learned a lot to communicate with others and to have interactions which can build my confidence to make my post to inspires also others/new member .. hoping i can make it .

Yah, that's very true @cheche016. Since my joining steemit, my communication level has really skyrocketed. Now I can comfortably make a good and well thought post and comment. It's really a big blessing to me, one am really grateful for.

@toofunnymemes. That is a good testimony too. I think i like this last contest. It will really help a lot of people to go into reminiscence and be able to know where they will pick it form in the coming year. Thanks to @surpassinggoogle for always thinking ahead.

Hahaha. Yes true. You know in my first time .. 1 st day rather the only idea I have for steemit is to post a picture and put a captions on it.
But i tried now to read some articles and post and promise i learned a lot from them :)
Now since your communication level is skyrocketed and we dont know someday you will be in universe level hahahaha. :)
Im grateful to have your comments . Thakyou @toofunnymemes

Awesome testimony. PLease express this fully in a full-blow post and use the appropriate tags for this contest so i can find it. Twud be awesome and somethinng you can share to others as well

Welcome to Steemit dear, you're gonna love it here. Yes, you'll make cos you're on the right track. Join us on discord @ #Air-clinic for more steem experience. We'll be waiting to receive you.

Hi @jeline :) thank you si much for the offer .. yes i will join with your discord and im excited to learn more and to have more esteem experience ;)

You're welcome dear, good to have you on board

I congratulate you for making it to Steemit but most importantly I celebrate you for making it here on this page. You wanna travel far and fast? You could read all the untalented posts by this great leader @surpassinggoogle. It not only shapes your mindset to how to think here but also shapes your actions to how to do good and make things happen for othe while it happens for you. You are in the best place in the world right now and I tell you, stay present. Live your Awesomeness and like you said, the reward is sure.

@phait yes! I will read all the post of @surpassinggoogle as of now only this post i reviewed :) as a new member i enjoyed this :)
Thanks for the comment

Hahaha so sweet! i was late again

I learned a lot to communicate with others and to have interactions which can build my confidence

You know, when you mentioned the above, I just remembered the first day I came in contact with #untalented. Through #untalented I was able to to get my confidence back, and easily interact with a lot of people. #untalented brought me out of my shell. Thanks #untalented

Thanks . Actually now i think its on level 2 now hahaha :) and hoping for more confidence and i see it will come and im hoping to make a inspiring post too :)

Awesome testimonies. I hope to see your post entry in this. Dont forget the tags.

:) thank you master ;)

Yeah someday you will get there my dear. Yeah communication is what we are here for. We are here for each other. #untalented was created for inspiration and giving more connecrion beteeen us hereby growing a community that uses evry gifts God has given us. Dont worry after sometime you will have more inspiration to move forward. Keep shining @cheche016

Hi @nedujianya God is great, right ! Evryone of us is amazing in his eyes :)
By reading inspiring articles like this is big help for me as a new member ;) and Im happy that I can communicate now herr unlike before 1st to 2nd day here I know only is when I post a picture and put a caption then thats it .hahaha.
Now I learned to read some articles then comment, as of now everything that reviewed are all good. :)

Very important for Ph

Thank you so much :)

The place of hardwork and discovering your talents on steemit is sure. I trust you are a hardworking person. Just have the mindset of giving back. Before you know what is happening, alot of people begin to appreciate your work. So hardwork pays. You have alot of gifts in you discover it my friend. Stay awesome.

@delighty thanks for the comment! Yes.everything you put hardwork later you will reap the prize ! Also dont forget be patient :) .. Happy new year..

@cheche016, you are highly welcome to the greatest community in the world-steemit. I bet you will not have any course to regret joining this community. Make the best use of it. Interact well with people and get a good mentor to mentor you.

@fatherfaith thank you for the advice. Youre right communication is the best key for this community and i review some good/inspiring post then i know someday i can make one that can touch mind and heart of readers :)


Hello @cheche016
We have given you our still tinnie-winnie upvote!
You have been spotted by @michael11 to possess rare gem!

So what can we do than to seal the deal, give you our tiny upvote and celebrate you, for everyone has something to offer.

We welcome you to the #untalented family. Feel free to come around for its a home with us. Flaws allowed, so relegate reservations and play with that beautiful mind of yours, let's tap into more hidden aspects of you. No average, no bum, just awesome you and the best version of YOU is a gift to humanity everytime. Stay awesome!

Join the steemgigs community on discord

#untalented is a branch of @steemgigs. If you would like to offer your service in building the dreams of other steemians, you can do so under #steemgigs.

However, if you want to experience full blown freedom and grow in confidence about your gifts and talents, share under #untalented.

We aim to create historical moments in the genre of touching lives and you can support us if you desire, by voting on steemgigs for witness. Simply click here

and type steemgigs in the first search box.

Just incase you find any level or form of gifts, talents, attempts at out-of-the-boxness, or any steemian low in confidence about their abilities, worth, etc; please don't let it slip emptily by.
Kindly call on me! Simply reply to any such post and add @steem-untalented or #untalented to your reply and i will be there to upvote, acknowledge, strengthen and encourage them.

You will make it. Start out with the contest. Express your adjustments out so far in post. Build on it in an entire post, use #untalented and #untalented-adjustments as two of your tags and i will be able to find it. Welcome on steemit

Yes i will :) im still working on it so that my post can touch the heart and mind of the readers :).. just now busy with the occassion .. HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!

Hello @cheche016
We have given you our still tinnie-winnie upvote!
You have been determined by a human @surpassinggoogle to be possessing of special gem. Do join the #untalented family!

Abolishing the conditioning attached to IQ tests e.g smart, dull, bum, average and you suddenly give every human a chance to shine!

So e.g if Bill Gates did Microsoft and i can do Macro-hard, arent we both genius? Oh, we both are! Showcase your talents regardless of its nature freely with us in #untalented. Relegate all reservations as flaws are allowed and we sift even the so-called nonsense to find sense therein.

#untalented is an ongoing historical curriculum with initiatives/contests, where each participant wins something. No losers! It is also a core branch of #steemgigs, so please join the SteemGigs community on discord already containing around 700 gifted steemian family members. See this URL for more info

and also this URL for the discord community

If you want to vote a witness, you can vote steemgigs too. Simply go to

and type steemgigs into the first search box. Stay awesome!

Just incase you find any level or form of gifts, talents, attempts at out-of-the-boxness, or any steemian low in confidence about their abilities, worth, etc; please don't let it slip emptily by.

Kindly call on me! Simply reply to any such post and add @steem-untalented or #untalented to your reply and i will be there to upvote, acknowledge, strengthen and encourage them.

that is why you are the best mentor we have your words know how to touch people and despite your own sorrow and problems you still are with us and steemit. Show you care for everyone and I know your Momma is proud of you and watching over you. I will be in this 3rd untalented contest - #untalented-adjustments because in my 3 months I have changed an improved. Have a great 2018 dear @surpassinggoogle - Terryboy fromall of us esp at #Steemitdiversify team

Hahaha yes, you have made many amazing adjustments. It is obvious and i am sure there is fulfillment from establishing that in one's mind as there is more push for the upcoming journey

Yes there is fulfillment and disappointment too. What would life be without some variety but honestly being here on steemit has made my mind more active and aware. Makes me want to keep going and to keep pushing like you did, I want to be someday like you and the others who have been helping us so I can help others. Happy New Year Terry aka @surpassinggoogle! Love ya!

Thanks @surpassinggoogle for this interesting post and a very AWESOME videos.


As usual once again wonderful article you wrote. I know many ups and downs came in your life in 2017, very shocking and depressing loss is your Mother's Death, May GOD shower his Blessings on her. (Ameen). But I see in every condition you touch with steemit and your passion and feelings for this plateform and for community's promotion and support you leave no stone unturned in their ways. i really appreciate and much impressed with you. your all ideas and plans are for Steemians . your new contest which you started again with new version #untalented-adjustments, where everone is winner and rewarded, no one is looser here.It seems to be that often i think Steemit is your motherland to see your passion. I hope New year brings too much happiness joy and prosperity for you. SOON I WROTE AND SUBMITT MY POST WITH THE TAG #untalented-adjustments UNDER YOUR SUPERVISION.
Thanks for your always support.

Stay Blessed For Ever.

"Happy New Year" in advance.

Thank you bro. Let's end the year strong

Thanks @surpassinggoogle, for your continuous support and guideline.

thank you dear friend Terry for this post... I'm going to participate in this contest and this is my first time because you gave strong energy to do that you always encourages me to do something new and I hope to be a talented this time ....I will try to stay awesome as you always tell me ....I will exactly write a post by all my human senses to show my positive feelings towards steemit nowadays specially after meeting you in it ....thanks my dear proxy....all my respects and regards to your respectable person sir @surpassinggoogle and please tell me the deadline of the contest

Very nice post there. Pls do participate. I love your drive to impact more lives here on steemit. Keep reaching out to people. I cant wait for that post. You will be of immense importance to #untalented.
Keep being you. Our gifts or talents are purposely created not just for ourselves but to help those around us.
We benefit from other people’s talents. We benefit from Jobs’ Apple creations, Edison’s light bulb, Ford’s automotive ideas or our mom’s cooking. Almost everyone around us contribute to our welfare in one way or another. Thats what #untalented does in our lives.

I really have a great spirit i must say. Keep staying awesome.
Joining the #untalented will really be the best thing to happen to you on steemit. I was inspired to see my inner talent and use it. Our talents are ours but they are not just there for us. They are given to be shared with others. Just imagine the world if nobody shared a talent.
What a gloomy world it would be!
There’s no sense of delight when we only want to serve ourselves. Sharing our talents with other people can create more lasting fulfillment.
It is actually a win-win situation. We get to exercise our talent and other people on the other end receives a benefit from it.and #untalented keeps booming and expanding. You are really awesome.

Hello @ghadaelsawy
We have given you our still tinnie-winnie upvote!
You have been determined by a human @eveokonma to be possessing of special gem. Do join the #untalented family!

Abolishing the conditioning attached to IQ tests e.g smart, dull, bum, average and you suddenly give every human a chance to shine!

So e.g if Bill Gates did Microsoft and i can do Macro-hard, arent we both genius? Oh, we both are! Showcase your talents regardless of its nature freely with us in #untalented. Relegate all reservations as flaws are allowed and we sift even the so-called nonsense to find sense therein.

#untalented is an ongoing historical curriculum with initiatives/contests, where each participant wins something. No losers! It is also a core branch of #steemgigs, so please join the SteemGigs community on discord already containing around 700 gifted steemian family members. See this URL for more info

and also this URL for the discord community

If you want to vote a witness, you can vote steemgigs too. Simply go to

and type steemgigs into the first search box. Stay awesome!

Just incase you find any level or form of gifts, talents, attempts at out-of-the-boxness, or any steemian low in confidence about their abilities, worth, etc; please don't let it slip emptily by.

Kindly call on me! Simply reply to any such post and add @steem-untalented or #untalented to your reply and i will be there to upvote, acknowledge, strengthen and encourage them.

Hello @ghadaelsawy
We have given you our still tinnie-winnie upvote!
You have been spotted by @princesson to possess rare gem!

So what can we do than to seal the deal, give you our tiny upvote and celebrate you, for everyone has something to offer.

We welcome you to the #untalented family. Feel free to come around for its a home with us. Flaws allowed, so relegate reservations and play with that beautiful mind of yours, let's tap into more hidden aspects of you. No average, no bum, just awesome you and the best version of YOU is a gift to humanity everytime. Stay awesome!

Join the steemgigs community on discord

#untalented is a branch of @steemgigs. If you would like to offer your service in building the dreams of other steemians, you can do so under #steemgigs.

However, if you want to experience full blown freedom and grow in confidence about your gifts and talents, share under #untalented.

We aim to create historical moments in the genre of touching lives and you can support us if you desire, by voting on steemgigs for witness. Simply click here

and type steemgigs in the first search box.

Just incase you find any level or form of gifts, talents, attempts at out-of-the-boxness, or any steemian low in confidence about their abilities, worth, etc; please don't let it slip emptily by.
Kindly call on me! Simply reply to any such post and add @steem-untalented or #untalented to your reply and i will be there to upvote, acknowledge, strengthen and encourage them.

No deadline but since the essence is to finish 2017 strong, faster is better. Just feel free and let go in one post. Don't forget the tags. Stay awesome.

2017 is going to end and it is now Game of hours to get in 2018!

At the end of 2017 I want to give a big Thanks to steemit. I was zero when I joined it but now after 4 months I have everything like:

  • Beautiful community.
  • Lovely people like @surpassinggoogle.
  • I have some investment in cryptocurrency.
  • I have written some blogs (1st time in my life only due to the steemit).
  • I learnt some real lessons from here and this practice is continue...
  • I also learnt that giving is most powerful thing ever (This lesson i have learnt from you TERRY).

You wrote these words, But I think there was no need:
I have been depressed lately because i have been behind schedule with the start of the Steemgigs Interface

In 2017 I felt that, Lots of awareness has been created in people regarding Cryptocurrency around the globe. Once again HATS OFF to our beloved platform steemit.

Here I must repeat the awesomeness of @purepinay.
She is also my inspiration and I must appreciate her positivity.

At The end, I want to thanks again and again for your great work specially for minnows, New comers, non skilled persons here, the people who have nothing to give in the returns:

Remember, with untalented contests, "flaws are allowed", so please let go! In my space, relegate reservations for their is sense even in nonsense!
Plus, every participant in this contest will win something. No losers!

These positive acts can only do a person which is named @surpassinggoogle. So a very big Hug and lots of love for you dearest TERRY - HAPPY NEW YEAR IN ADVANCE

Wow wow, this comment is the definition of completeness. There is no better way to end the year 2017 than this. Firstly, just a little correction, you meant to say at the end of 2017, but you said at the end of 2018. I have been so blessed by @surpassinggoogle and #untalented, so I understand what you are saying. When I joined steemit, I was just running around,i had no direction, no family. But with the help of @surpassinggoogle and #untalented, my 2017 was made a very memorable year. I faced a lot of challenges at the beginning of the year, but #untalented was really a succor to me.

Thanks for the correction. Its nice that you got #untalented and also get some superb time in 2017 with the help of @surpassinggoogle. Keep it up!


Sweet like sugar to hear this. I hope you do a post entry and dont forget the tags.

This is beautifully written and i must commend you. You truly are lucky for having an amazing steemian in the person of @purepinay back you up. Same cant be said of me tho. I had a rough, almost supportless steemit beginning until the Untalented family adopted me. Things started falling in place for me and dreams coming to reality! Through @surpassinggoogle and projects, i have been blessed severally and Jehovah in His infinite mercies and abundance would give back unsparingly to the life of Terry. He not only gave me hope but hundreds other steemians alike. Isnt it wonderful?

Thanks for beautifully appreciate me Miss @aderonkemi. Your words have really given me strength. And I must say this strength is only due to the continuous Support of our great man @surpassinggoogle. Keep it up!

hahaha @purepinay was the one girl keeping me busy in the chats while you didnt have much of me but your time will come. She is strong now, moving fast and she has the vibe and there are many like her out there now doing awesomeness and stronger women @artaddict @samic @sunnylife @ogoowinner @prettycynthia (i dont know where she is now) etc Women are powerful and you know it. You are so stuck in my mind.

Hey Boss @jawad09 & @surpassinggoogle
Its very excellent article you share and best wishes for 2018.

Thanks alot @nayyabsipra for every time your love and support here. And yes all the best wishes to you too on the very Happy New Year 2018. Definitely we will celebrate this year with our beloved man Terry The @surpassinggoogle.

Wow. I really am motivated by your post. #untalented did it all. It did it for me. I saw another side steeming.
I really learnt a lot this year. Getting the reward you deserve on steemit, you must do your best to impact on others lives. Ask question from who can guide you. Never copy and paste and always make friends. And your story will change. Make use of the gifts in you. God has made so much investement in me and i want to give returns to him for all his investments. I have to use it to serve others. God bless you and God bless #untalented.

So so sweet to hear. Consider doing a post entry too and dont forget the tags

Well said @jawad09.
We all have a lot to learn from this year on steemit.
One thing i learnt is to post quality content. Content inspired by your gifts and talents. #untalented was my inspiration.
Taking your time to compose and write meaningful content is one of the main key to been successful on steemit. You might not be getting huge reward as you want at first, but keep on doing what you have passion for never put your mind on the reward. Always set your mind on what you can do to improve the lives of others, by do that your reward will come naturally as you are doing what is right.

Hey @lucyogo thanks for your concern and write a few words for me. This is the power of steemit and after that the blog of our hero @surpassinggoogle where totally unknown people share loves for each other. Thanks!

What you have said here @jawad09 is totally true. @surpassinggoogle has been a blessing and mentor to alot of us. It would shock you to know that he is the only steemian known by my family members, cause my brother and I are on steemit, and we talk about him alot. He has been an inspiration to me and thousands more. He sure is setting the pace for the emergence of a new breed of steemians that will take his message to their generation.

Woah to sweet to hear. Its sweet. Thank you

Wow... This is serious gratitude and I am all full of this right now to inspirations like @surpassinggoogle, @tojukaka.. These people are amazing and have made 2017 the hit for me. I was out of job but not out of income. Thanks to Steemit. Steemit was almost in real except for these great people aforementioned. They make here habitable and I am most glad to be part of this great project this year.

Hey dear @phait few months back I was almost zero. I had nothing in had except a hope. Suddenly I entered in steemit and luckily soon I found the greatest @surpassinggoogle who really helped me like an elder brother. Every time he supported me with heavy upvotes on comments on blogs even on the comments of other's posts. This is why I love this man. His generosity is unbeatable and will remain!


Hello @jawad09
We have given you our still tinnie-winnie upvote!
You have been determined by a human @georgechuks to be possessing of special gem. Do join the #untalented family!

Abolishing the conditioning attached to IQ tests e.g smart, dull, bum, average and you suddenly give every human a chance to shine!

So e.g if Bill Gates did Microsoft and i can do Macro-hard, arent we both genius? Oh, we both are! Showcase your talents regardless of its nature freely with us in #untalented. Relegate all reservations as flaws are allowed and we sift even the so-called nonsense to find sense therein.

#untalented is an ongoing historical curriculum with initiatives/contests, where each participant wins something. No losers! It is also a core branch of #steemgigs, so please join the SteemGigs community on discord already containing around 700 gifted steemian family members. See this URL for more info

and also this URL for the discord community

If you want to vote a witness, you can vote steemgigs too. Simply go to

and type steemgigs into the first search box. Stay awesome!

Just incase you find any level or form of gifts, talents, attempts at out-of-the-boxness, or any steemian low in confidence about their abilities, worth, etc; please don't let it slip emptily by.

Kindly call on me! Simply reply to any such post and add @steem-untalented or #untalented to your reply and i will be there to upvote, acknowledge, strengthen and encourage them.

Please do a post entry. It would be awesome and you can share it with friends on social media. Don't forget the tags.