The System is Rigged, not STEEMIT, that is the total opposite, I mean the Global Financial System.!!

in #steemit8 years ago


A couple of days ago I published a Blog and Video talking why I believe STEEMIT and the STEEM ECOSYSTEM will grow into a $500 billion Powerhouse and today I wanted to share with you a video I did which came as a result of a number of emails and phone calls I received over the last couple days asking me explain things in a little more detail.

Inspired by these enquires and questions I wanted to share with you the video.

In the video I talk about how; The System is a Rigged System, Mainstream Media, Fractional Banking, Debt, Derivatives, Cryptography, Blockchain Technology and how the future is already beginning to play out.

In the video I mention the interview I did with Max Keiser last year and for the ones that missed the interview where I talked to Max about DERIVATIVES and BLOCKCHAIN here is the interview...

Once again thanks for reading and watching.



Shared on LinkedIn. Stephen

Shared on twitter. Stephen

The debt-based monetary system we operate in is pure evil.

The world has known this in the past, but now it has taken over the world.

It's coming to an end though...

I'm looking forward for that day.

I try my best to hold as close to zero amounts of fiat money, just enough to pay the rent and buy daily groceries. Never more than that!

I don't want to be a part of it. No more!

"I don't want to be a part of it. No more!" This is EXACTLY the PROBLEM. Could you imagine if everyone decided that. Thanks for the support. Stephen

I think that will be the final outcome.

What is the final outcome you have in mind?

The final outcome: people will realize this paper-based fiat currency is a Ponzi scheme created by the Federal Reserve and the dollar is only worth the paper it's printed on. I think people are already starting to realize, and that is why crypto-currencies are taking off. If gold and silver weren't manipulated they would be at all time highs as well. Of course that's just a matter of time...

Agreed! It's time to move on...

With more 'stable coins' coming to the blockchain, like Steem Dollars. With more years, showing robustness of the protocol...

Why would you like to be a part of a debt-based monetary system?

Not me!

Very interesting and insightful comments @stephenkendal. I'm learning so much from you- for free! But you of course in turn are being rewarded for sharing your knowledge! What a deal!! I'm beginning to love Steemit! I eagerly await your every post! Quick question- which would be your top cryptos to invest in long term? What about your thoughts on those penny cryptos out there? Thanks again for sharing! Adam

This is EXACTLY how STEEMIT was meant to be. I share my knowledge and if the Community agrees with my knowledge they vote on it. You get educated and I get rewarded. A win-win situation and STEEMIT gains more value..!! Unfortunately I cannot give any specific Investment advice accept that STEEM is undervalued. Stephen

You hit the spot, absolutely it's a rigged system and you get your point across very well. But i wonder ( referring to your comment early in the video) that, if indeed,very few actually know that it's a rigged system. My feeling is that there are more people out there than we realise, but they are afraid to "come out". They are afraid of being attacked, ridiculed, made fun of or demonised, even afraid that the lapdog ( of the elite) authorities may somehow "get even" one day.

In my opinion,what we are waiting for or need is to find a way to give the "believers" confidence to come out and act in unison with all the others, so that we can all act more effectively on this. After all, as they say "many hands make light work". Large, well organised groups can act more effectively. Individuals or small groups can be more easily targeted by the powers that be a la Snowden and Assange. I'm not being impatient , as Steemit et al may infact get the job done, and may in fact be the "catalyst" to amalgamate, unite and bring out the believers. It's not a criticism either, i'm just saying we need to keep evolving. I'm 100 percent sure we will, because we all want to make our world a better place. Cheers :)

Great comment and thank you for your support. Stephen

There is a great financial Armageddon on the horizon and most people are asleep. People like yourself have been talking about it for years, but it seems we are very close now. Central banks inflating everything into massive bubbles with no regard for the future, or is that the plan??

"Central banks inflating everything into massive bubbles with no regard for the future, or is that the plan??" This is exactly the point and you have nailed it in one. Thanks for the support. Stephen

Watched the videos
Thanks for sharing
I agree fully with you
we have the best social sistem

Few days ago I was asked here and in particular "Is STEEM making real money? "

Here was my answer

I hope I did good

Excellent video Stephen... learnt very much about financial market...Definitely steem will reach $500 Billion .....

You are very welcome. Thank you. Stephen

I'm in agreement with you Stephen. I've been watching cryptocurrencies since the very beginning and STEEM is something that looks like a killer app for the industry, along with Ethereum.

We have to have a system where the time we spend communicating with each other results in tangible assets that can be leveraged into a tradeable commodity. Steemit does that.

This drives the opportunity cost for sharing ideas down. In our current monetary system access to physical capital is divorced from social capital and worse, it charges you for the access to that capital that they didn't earn.

It's a system designed from the ground up to roll wealth through coercion and debt to siphon off our energy into their hands.

Steemit and STEEM fundamentally reverses that process. There are still tweaks to be made to the system to more evenly distribute the capital but that's on the way.

Thanks for the post. Upvoted/Resteemed.

AWESOME..!! Thank you for the support. I really appreciate it. Stephen

Cool video @stephenkendal. I do not have such in depth knowledge of these topics yet but will want to know more about it in the future. Therefore i am looking forward to your future posts!

Thank you. I am happy to share with you what I know and will be putting out more of these videos in the coming days/weeks. Thanks for the support. Stephen