STEEMIT: Tuesday saw a Record Breaking 22,197 Blogs per day, 924.9 Blogs per hour, 15.41 Blogs per min ....or 1 Blog every 3.89 Seconds..!!

in #steemit8 years ago



The EXPLOSIVE SPIKE in the Number of Blogs that are now being published on STEEMIT is simply breath-taking to watch.

As this explosive growth in activity is being witnessed right in front of our eyes, records are being broken daily that sometimes it is difficult to keep on top off them.

It has felt that these last few weeks I have been constantly reporting things like: "Record Breaking", "Jaw Dropping", "Heading Spinning", "Breath-taking", "Breaking News", and today is no exception..!!

As this theme of Headline Grabbing News continues, it gives me absolute great pleasure to confirm that Tuesday saw a Record Breaking 22,197 Blogs Published on the day, that is..... 924.9 Blogs per hour, 15.41 Blogs per min ....or 1 Blog every 3.89 Seconds..!!


As Regular Readers of my Blog will know we are working round the clock rolling out the Crowdsourced Marketing Initiative in the U.K. which is part of the Global Strategic Marketing Initiative and it is these Headline Grabbing News Events that should be Shouted Out from the Rooftops DAILY..!!

There is no point in having a great product if nobody knows about it and it is this why I have taken on the challenge to distribute the 100,000 Promotional Flyers this summer as part of the #promo-uk Initiative.

Marketing a Product that is in development is one thing, but Marketing a Product that is in development AND showing signs of EXPLOSIVE GROWTH is a whole new ball game altogether..!!

As for the work that we have done so far in rolling out #promo-uk, we haven't even brought out the BIG GUNS yet..!!

Thanks again for reading.



Shared on LinkedIn. Stephen

Shared on twitter. Stephen

As always, awesome news @stephenkendal ! I get a big grin on my face every time I read one of your posts, especially when I see such incredible numbers!

Thank you for putting it together, I really appreciate it! I will feature it in my tomorrow's STEEM & SBD price report :) hope to see you there.

"I get a big grin on my face every time I read one of your posts". Glad I bring a smile. Good luck with your report tomorrow and thanks for the feature. Stephen

Thank you Stephen. I've been keeping a close eye on you and a couple other authors with great daily content similar to yours. I featured them already as they are more consistent and do a daily report, but I will also feature yours from now on :)

Thank you. That would be great. Stephen

It's so exciting! And I'm now personally making a living off of Steemit! Meanwhile, it's just the beginning! :)

Hi Josh. I am so glad that you are making a few $$$$$$'s. You deserve every cent. It is about time that you have credit and reward for the effort you have put in to get your message out. If anyone deserves it Josh it is you. Keep up the GREAT work..!! Stephen

Thank you Stephen! I appreciate it! Onwards and upwards!

The beginning of the S curve! :)

That's insane! We'll soon reach a point where there's multiple blogs per SECOND! Hey Stephen, how do you get access to these detailed stats?

I believe that with increasing amount of posts, there should be a better way to browse or search posts. At least some simple filter should be presented soon. Like choose: tag (or tags), author, date, etc

Don't you think?

A greater variety of categories and subsections would be excellent. I'm sure that will come in time as more users get on board there will be a large enough readership for more niche topics

wow that's really great :)
Hopefully it is and will stay mostly good content ;)
have a nice day! :)

This is amazing hope dont crash the system ...just kiddin..!!

Waw this is going crazy, I have like 3 friends waiting for an account confirmation, for more than 3 days, a lot of people is trying to enter Steeem