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RE: Steemit Update [ June 17th, 2024 ] : Community Curators for July - Applications Open

in #steemit9 months ago

Hi Steemit Team, first of all I would like to thank you for continuing running this Initiative of Community curators, that is something that united many people together and also many found the people with same interest, thinking and the Role of working in team made it possible to make friends between many of us.

I noticed the announcement of curators for June and new structure, what I like is that it was allowed users to create teams, that made the work to be more efficient, because the users knew each other and it is then easy to discuss or to advise without a concern if the other curator will be offended.

To carry out a good curating work it is a hard work that requires at least 2-3 hours of search and to check if all necessary requirements such as Plagiarism, AI content, club status all being check. While working in teams of four it already required working every forth day in teams for three is means one has only two days off. That is quite busy time. I enjoyed curation work because I was ale to highlight many interesting users but with such tight schedule it is not possible to combine for example my work, life and curation. Ideal number in my opinion is 5 users. I think there are some users who might share my opinion too. On other hand I am also pretty sure that there will be many who will be happy to try this new curation scheme for July.

I just wanted to share my thoughts and wishing everyone Success for their application in July!